in wrath remember mercy . . . the just shall live by faith - Free sermon ...

in wrath remember mercy . . . the just shall live by faith - Free sermon ...

in wrath remember mercy . . . the just shall live by faith - Free sermon ...


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1) Those who trust <strong>in</strong> God will be spared. 2:4B. His "<strong>in</strong>struments" of judgment will be judged <strong>the</strong>mselves. 2:161) The Ba<strong>by</strong>lonians thought <strong>the</strong>y were follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong>ir own agenda.2) They were wrong.C. God is still <strong>in</strong> charge. 2:201) Even when events seem out of control, God can be trusted.2) God is <strong>the</strong> ruler of history.a) Not everyth<strong>in</strong>g that happens is good.b) But God can take everyth<strong>in</strong>g that happens and turn itfor good.D. Faith is required on our part. 3:161) Sometimes we will see our v<strong>in</strong>dication, sometimes not.2) God often works <strong>in</strong> round-about ways. (Ba<strong>by</strong>lonians)V. Habakkuk never got to see <strong>the</strong> results of his prophecy.A. Israel kept on s<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g and Ba<strong>by</strong>lonians came.1) Only years later did <strong>the</strong> Ba<strong>by</strong>lonians got <strong>the</strong>irs.2) In <strong>the</strong> end, <strong>the</strong> Jews came out purer and more dedicated to God.B. Never<strong>the</strong>less, Habakkuk was at peace with God.1) Genu<strong>in</strong>e <strong>faith</strong> doesn't require loose ends to be tied up.2) Peace even <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> midst of trouble. 3:173) He was able to rejoice <strong>in</strong> God. 3:18C. Do we only believe when it "works"? 3:17-18D. With salvation, noth<strong>in</strong>g should be able to stop us from rejoic<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong> God.1) We don't thank God for hard times.2) We thank God that he can br<strong>in</strong>g good out of <strong>the</strong>m.a) Even if he hasn't done it yet!E. When God seems distant, he is often <strong>the</strong> closest.Keathley: Habakkuk now understands and offers a prayer of praise because God is <strong>in</strong>control.- He pleads for <strong>mercy</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> midst of <strong>the</strong> judgment (1-2).He is afraid of what is com<strong>in</strong>g. He knows it will be awful. UndoubtedlyHe will suffer too. Maybe personally, but at least through witness<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong>death and destruction of those around him.- He praises God's majesty and power (3-15).- He promises to wait on <strong>the</strong> Lord (16-19).

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