13. Monthly Performance Report - Southern Health and Social Care ...

13. Monthly Performance Report - Southern Health and Social Care ...

13. Monthly Performance Report - Southern Health and Social Care ...


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KPI : %DischargesCoded-cumulativecoding positionMarch2008/09- 98.4%Target100%April – 6Jan 1081.9%KPI Freedom ofInformation (FOI)% requestsresponded towithin 20 daysSHSCTBaseline200887.5%(Regionalrange 50% -95%)Target100%Dec 0978%(7/9requests –respondedto within 20day limit)To allow forthe 20 daytime lag thisposition isbeing report amonth inarrears.KPI Staff Accessto IntranetNumber of staffas a percentageof the total Truststaffingcomplement, whohave access tothe Trust IntranetSHSCTBaselineMarch200955.72%InternalTarget55%Jan 1069.9%This targethas beenachieved.KPI IT HelpdeskresponseCalls received byIT Service Deskresolved on firstcontact. This willbe measuredagainst thebaseline at March2009SHSCTBaselineMarch20096.61%Target33%Jan 1022.1% Temporarycapacity gapin trained staffavailable isimpacting onachievementof this target.<strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Performance</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 16 February 10 9

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