Soft Report - Dipartimento di Fisica - Sapienza

Soft Report - Dipartimento di Fisica - Sapienza

Soft Report - Dipartimento di Fisica - Sapienza


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The low-energy excess of vibrational states inv-SiO2: the role of transverse dynamicsInsulating <strong>di</strong>sordered solids exhibit some commonpeculiarities in their low-temperature and low-energydynamics, inclu<strong>di</strong>ng an excess of modes in thevibrational density of states, known as the bosonpeak (BP). An unambiguous understan<strong>di</strong>ng of theseextra modes, and of their possible relation with otheranomalies, is still lacking, In the case of v-SiO2, themost widely accepted explanation is that the BPoriginates from the piling up of modes near the firstvan Hove singularity of the transverse acousticvibrational branch. In ad<strong>di</strong>tion to the ambientpressure data, useful information is available for v-SiO2 at higher densities: densification results in ashift of the BP towards higher energies and in asimultaneous decrease of its intensity.a weak shoulder in the transverse spectra only at Q> 10 nm −1 . We assign this feature to the longitu<strong>di</strong>nalsound-like branch. The behaviour of the low energyexcitation is complementary: it is always present inthe transverse spectra, while it appears in thelongitu<strong>di</strong>nal currents only at Q > 8 nm−1. At smallQ, the low energy peak <strong>di</strong>sperses linearly with asound velocity of ≈3800 ms −1 (appropriate for thetransverse sound modes), and becomes almost non<strong>di</strong>spersingat Q > 8 nm−1. This feature —which isthe main one in the transverse spectra— is thetransverse acoustic mode. The presence of thesignature of transverse dynamics in the longitu<strong>di</strong>nalcurrent spectra, and vice versa, is due to the factthat the polarization character of the modes becomesill defined at short wavelengths. Spectra for thesample at the highest density stu<strong>di</strong>ed (ρ=4.0 gcm −3 ), are reported in the right panels of the figure.One can observe that no evidence of wronglypolarized modes is present; moreover, the T branchno longer shows a flattening.The conclusion that can be drawn is that the excessof states in the normal sample accumulates in aregion, which is almost coincident with the energyrange where the transverse branch flattens,in<strong>di</strong>cating that the BP arises from the high Q portionof the transverse branch. This assignment isconfirmed by the behaviour of the high-energytransverse dynamics upon densification.Fig. 1 - Longitu<strong>di</strong>nal (full) and transverse (dashed)current spectra at selected Q values (nm −1 ) for ρ =2.2 (left) and 4.0 rigt) g cm −3 .We present here simulation results on v- SiO 2 at<strong>di</strong>fferent densities which help in clarifying the originand the nature of the excess modes, as well as theintensity and shift effects on the BP as a function ofdensity.The systems investigated consist of 680 SiO 2 units(N=2040 ions), enclosed in cubic boxes of <strong>di</strong>fferentlengths (from L=3.1359 nm, ρ=2.2 g*cm −3 for theglass at room pressure, down to L=2.5693 nm,density ρ=4.0 g*cm −3 ), with perio<strong>di</strong>c boundarycon<strong>di</strong>tions. The ions interact through the BKS [31]two-body potential.We have computed the dynamic structure factorS(Q,ω) and the longitu<strong>di</strong>nal (L) and transverse (T)current spectra C L,T(Q,ω). In figure 1, left panel, wereport longitu<strong>di</strong>nal and transverse current spectra atselected Q values for the uncompressed sample (ρ =2.2 g cm−3). For Q larger than about 8 nm −1 , bothCL(Q,ω) and CT(Q,ω) show two <strong>di</strong>stinct maxima, andthis structure becomes more and more evident withincreasing Q. The excitation at higher energy<strong>di</strong>sperses with Q and is observed at all Q values inthe longitu<strong>di</strong>nal current spectra, while it shows up asExperimentally, it is observed that upon densification(i) the BP shifts to higher energy and (ii) its intensitystrongly decreases. From our simulations we observethat, by increasing the density, the T branch flattensat a higher energy and, upon further densification,no flattening is observed at all. A similar behaviour isobserved for the calculated density of states as afunction of density [1]: the low-energy part of theDOS shifts to higher energies and decreases inintensity. As a consequence, the BP stronglydecreases in intensity and shifts to high energies [1].References[1] O. Pilla et al., J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 16, 8519(2004).Authors:O. Pilla (1), S. Caponi (1,2), A. Fontana (1,2), J.R.Goncalves (1,3), M. Montagna (1), F. Rossi (1), G.Viliani (1,2), L. Angelani (4,5), G. Ruocco (2,4), G.Monaco (6), F. Sette (6) - (1) <strong>Dipartimento</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Fisica</strong>,Università <strong>di</strong> Trento, Italy; (2) INFM-CRS SOFT,Università <strong>di</strong> Roma La <strong>Sapienza</strong>, Italy; (3)Departamento de Fısica, Universidade do Cearà,Brazil; (4) <strong>Dipartimento</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Fisica</strong>, Universit`a <strong>di</strong>Roma La <strong>Sapienza</strong>, Italy(5) INFM-CRS SMC,Universit`a <strong>di</strong> Roma La <strong>Sapienza</strong>, Italy; (6) EuropeanSynchrotron Ra<strong>di</strong>ation Facility, Grenoble, France75SOFT Scientific <strong>Report</strong> 2004-06

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