Soft Report - Dipartimento di Fisica - Sapienza

Soft Report - Dipartimento di Fisica - Sapienza

Soft Report - Dipartimento di Fisica - Sapienza


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Multi-point Holographic Optical micro-VelocimetryMicron-sized particles can be hold stuck by light in a fluidflow. If the lights are turned off for a short time, particleswill be set free to flow for a short <strong>di</strong>stance with the localfluid velocity. This is the core idea of Holographic Opticalmicro-Velocimetry [1], a newly developed technique whichis able to probe flow fields at those micro-scales which areso relevant for biology and micro-flui<strong>di</strong>cs. The idea ofprobing fluid flows following freely flowing tracers has beenlargely applied by Particle Image Velocimetry, formacroscopic flows, and by its more recent miniaturizedversion for micro-flui<strong>di</strong>cs. The main drawback of thisapproach consists in the need of continuously injecting ahigh concentration of tracers in the flowing fluid. This isrequired in order to cover all the interesting points inspace and to be able to average over the thermal noisealways affecting the trajectories of micron sized probes.This con<strong>di</strong>tion can be very restrictive in densely packedgeometries and heavily alter the function of theinvestigated micro-device. Holographic Optical micro-Velocimetry offers the possibility of choosing an arbitraryset of interesting points in the flow geometry and only usea small number of tracers, one for each measuring point.The tracers are held in place by the forces exerted by lighttraps. Light traps are submicron regions of high lightintensity whose <strong>di</strong>stribution in space is dynamicallygenerated by a computer controlled hologram [2]. Micronsized <strong>di</strong>electric particles are alternatively trapped andreleased from the trapping sites by chopping the trapbeam. Using <strong>di</strong>gital video microscopy we can detect theprobe particles' <strong>di</strong>splacements after a fixed delay timefrom release instant. The velocity field is thus mapped<strong>di</strong>rectly and simultaneously on the trap sites allowing toreconstruct the two <strong>di</strong>mensional projection of flow field onthe imaging plane in a three <strong>di</strong>mensional domain. Mostimportantly, the technique is independent of the trapcharacteristics, viscosity or temperature of the fluid.The vali<strong>di</strong>ty of the technique has been demonstrated byFig. 2:. Azimuthal components of measured flowvelocities versus the correspon<strong>di</strong>ng ra<strong>di</strong>al <strong>di</strong>stancefrom the centre of a spinning sphere. Solid linesrepresent the range of the expected velocityvalues for a sphere of ra<strong>di</strong>us R=3.7 µm spinning at5.2 Hz.Fig. 3: Measured flow field (arrows) at the outlet ofa 15 µm wide PDMS micro-channel.mapping out the fluid flow around a five microns spinningsphere (Fig.1,2) and at the outlet of a micro-channel(Fig.3). In the future tracers could be permanentlyembedded inside micro-flui<strong>di</strong>cs devices or biologicalsystems and used to probe micro-flows during normaldevice operation.Fig. 1: Measured flow field (arrows) around a 4 µmra<strong>di</strong>us vaterite particle spinning at 5.2 Hz(a) CRS SOFT-INFM-CNR, Roma, Italy.(b) <strong>Dipartimento</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Fisica</strong>, Universita’ <strong>di</strong> Roma, Italy.References[1] R. Di Leonardo, J. Leach, H. Mushfique, J. Cooper, G.Ruocco, M. Padgett, Phys. Rev. Lett., 96, 134502,(2006).[2]D.G. Grier, Nature, 424, 810, (2003).AuthorsR. Di Leonardo (a), G. Ruocco (b,a)69SOFT Scientific <strong>Report</strong> 2004-06

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