Soft Report - Dipartimento di Fisica - Sapienza

Soft Report - Dipartimento di Fisica - Sapienza

Soft Report - Dipartimento di Fisica - Sapienza


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Scientific <strong>Report</strong> – Non Equilibrium Dynamics and ComplexityBrillouin ultraviolet light scattering on vitreous silicaSound absorption properties of amorphous solidshave been widely investigated in the last decades;these systems are characterized by a much largersound attenuation coefficient when compared to thecorrespon<strong>di</strong>ng crystals, and the mechanismsinvolved in sound absorption are still poorlyunderstood. Vitreous silica is a strong glass, andmany techniques have been used to investigate itsdynamics.Fig. 2 - DHO-deconvoluted signal obtained by fittingthe Stokes peak. Dashed: laser, T= 230 K, Q =0.078 nm -1 , peak position: 287.5 µeV, FWHM = 3.0µeV; continuous: synchrotron, room temperature, Q= 0.11 nm -1 , peak position: 438.5 µeV, FWHM = 5.3µeV.An example of experimental spectrum is reported inFig. 1, while examples of deconvoluted Brillouinspectra are shown in Fig. 1, at exchanged momentaQ = 0.078 (laser) and 0.11 (synchrotron) nm -1 .Fig. 1 - Experimental spectrum (circles) withsynchrotron excitation.Ultrasonic attenuation and Brillouin light scatteringshow that, in the respective ranges (kHz-GHz), thesound attenuation is temperature dependent and,thus, due to dynamical processes (typically,anharmonicity). More recently, the use of inelastic X-ray scattering (IXS) at much higher frequencies(THz) showed a T-independent attenuation inducedby the presence itself of structural <strong>di</strong>sorder.Theoretical models and numerical simulations havebeen proposed to describe the transition from thedynamical regime to the static one that dominates inthe region investigated by IXS.We have recently performed [1] measurements inthe interme<strong>di</strong>ate region; the measurements werecarried out at the new inelastic ultraviolet beam line(IUVS) of the Elettra synchrotron ra<strong>di</strong>ation facility inTrieste. The IUVS beam line operates usingsynchrotron ra<strong>di</strong>ation, with wavelength tunable inthe previously unexplored range 260-110 nm andwith a very high photon flux. A relative energyresolution of 1.1 * 10 -6 was achieved. Alternatively,the instrument can be used with an ultraviolet lasersource, i.e. a frequency-doubled 488 nm single modeAr laser. Backscattering geometry was used, with ascattering angle of about 176 degrees.The Brillouin spectrum <strong>di</strong>rectly provides the dynamicstructure factor, S(Q,E), whose width of is related tothe attenuation of the acoustic excitations. Thesound attenuation, C, measured with the laser (Q =0.078 nm -1 ) and with the synchrotron (Q = 0.11 nm -1 ) agree, within a relative error of 10%, with a Q 2law extrapolated from the BLS data; therefore, thedynamic regime persists at least up to Q= 0.11 nm -1 ,in<strong>di</strong>cating anharmonicity as a likely mechanism. Thelatter, should saturate around frequencies of theorder of 100 GHz. The sound absorption coefficientfor exchanged momenta Q > 0.11 nm_1 is expectedto depart from the Q2 dependence. Experiments in awider range of exchanged Q are in progress.References[1] G. Bal<strong>di</strong> et al., J. Non-Cryst. Sol. 351, 1919(2005).Authors:G. Bal<strong>di</strong>(a), S. Caponi (a), L. Comez (c), S. Di Fonzo(b), D. Fioretto (c), A. Fontana (a), A. Gessini (b), C.Masciovecchio (b), M. Montagna (a), G. Ruocco (d),S.C. Santucci (b), G. Viliani (a) - (a) <strong>Dipartimento</strong><strong>di</strong> <strong>Fisica</strong> and INFM-CRS <strong>Soft</strong>, Universita` <strong>di</strong> Trento,Trento, Italy; (b) Sincrotrone Trieste, Basovizza,Trieste, Italy; (c) <strong>Dipartimento</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Fisica</strong> and INFM-CRS <strong>Soft</strong>, Universita` <strong>di</strong> Perugia, Perugia, Italy; (d)<strong>Dipartimento</strong> <strong>di</strong> <strong>Fisica</strong> and INFM-CRS <strong>Soft</strong>,Universita` <strong>di</strong> Roma ‘La <strong>Sapienza</strong>’, Roma, Italy.SOFT Scientific <strong>Report</strong> 2004-0654

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