Soft Report - Dipartimento di Fisica - Sapienza

Soft Report - Dipartimento di Fisica - Sapienza

Soft Report - Dipartimento di Fisica - Sapienza


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DisseminationOrganization of SchoolsA relevant training activity has been also carried out very successfully hosting post-docs andPhD students from various Italian groups at ILL. During their stage at the ILL, besidescarrying out their own research projects, they have been actively involved in thedevelopment and upgrade of IN13 at <strong>di</strong>fferent stages giving thus important contributions tothe commissioning of new instrument parts as well as developing software codes for theircontrol and for data reduction and analysis IN13 plays also an active role in formingstudents: stages have been organised for Italian students at the end of their undergraduatecareer (Laurea Triennale) provi<strong>di</strong>ng short training projects on both scientific an<strong>di</strong>nstrumental subjects. Stages for degree and PhD students at the ILL were similarlysuccessfully organized and carried out with the aim of introducing them to the new Brillouinspectrometer BRISP. Part of the participants was <strong>di</strong>rectly involved in the development andsetting up of instrument devices as important as the BRISP monochromators andhoneycomb collimators, and all of them took active part in real neutron experiments relatedeither to scientific topics investigated by neutron Brillouin scattering, or to neutron tests ofthe BRISP components.A second <strong>di</strong>ssemination activity regar<strong>di</strong>ng neutron scattering was successfully carried out bymeans of the initiative 'Giornate Didattiche', held in Sirolo (Ancona) at the end of June2005. This initiative is based on a short three days’ course which, in 2005, was devoted tothe presentation to young scientists of the perspectives of neutron scattering in magnetism,in connection with other techniques in the field. This course was reserved to Italian studentsand the lecturers were Italian scientists. A total of 22 students attended the course and 15speakers gave presentation of basic magnetic neutron scattering and of basic magnetism,inclu<strong>di</strong>ng new materials and technologies.SOFT Scientific <strong>Report</strong> 2004-06154

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