Soft Report - Dipartimento di Fisica - Sapienza

Soft Report - Dipartimento di Fisica - Sapienza

Soft Report - Dipartimento di Fisica - Sapienza


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A. Paciaroni, E. Cornicchi, A. De Francesco, M. Marconi, G. Onori.Con<strong>di</strong>tioning action of the environment on the proteindynamics stu<strong>di</strong>ed through elastic neutron scattering.European Biophysical Journal 35, 591 (2006).A. Paciaroni, M. Casciola, E. Cornicchi, M. Marconi,G. Onori, M. Pica, R. Narducci, A. De Francesco, A. Orecchini.Dynamics of water confined in fuel cell Nafion membranescontaining zirconium phosphate nanofiller.Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 18, S2029 (2006).A. Paciaroni, M. Casciola, E. Cornicchi, M. Marconi, G. Onori, M. Pica, R. Narducci.Temperature-dependent dynamics of water confined in Nafion membranes.Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110, 13769 (2006).G. Parisi, F. Zamponi.The ideal glass transition of Hard Spheres.Journal of Chemical Physics 123, 144501 (2005).C. Petrillo, F. Sacchetti, A. Orecchini, R. De Renzi, M. Ricco’.Electron-electron correlations in fullerene probed by incoherent scattering of x rays.Physical Review B 74, 085404 (2006).C. Pierleoni, C. Ad<strong>di</strong>son, J. P. Hansen, V. Krakoviack.Multi-scale coarse-graining of <strong>di</strong>block copolymer self-assembly:from monomers to ordered micelles.Physical Review Letters 96, 128302 (2006).M. Plazanet, M. Dean, M. Merlini, A. Huller, H. Emerich,C. Meneghini, M. R. Johnson, H. P. Trommsdorff.Crystallization on heating and complex phase behavior of alpha-cyclodextrin solutions.Journal of Chemical Physics 125, 154504 (2006).P. Porcari. S. Capuani. R. Campanella. A. La Bella, L. M. Migneco. B. Maraviglia.Multi-nuclear MRS and 19 F MRI of 19 F-labelled and 10 B-enriched p-boronophenylalaninefructosecomplex to optimize boron neutron capture therapy.Physical Me<strong>di</strong>cs Biology 51, 3141 (2006).D. Prevosto, S. Capaccioli, M. Lucchesi, P.A. Rolla, M. Paluch, S. Pawlus.Effect of the thermodynamic history of the glassy stateon secondary relaxation in phenolphthalein-<strong>di</strong>methyl-ether.Physical Review B 73, 104205 (p.5) (2006).D. Prevosto, S. Capaccioli, P.A. Rolla, M. Paluch,S. Pawlus, S. Hensel-Bielowka, E. Kaminska.Secondary <strong>di</strong>electric relaxation in Decahydroisoquinoline-Cyclohexane mixture.Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 352, 4685–4689 (2006).A. Ranfagni, P. Fabeni, G. P. Pazzi, A. Agresti, G. Viliani, R. Ruggeri.Relaxation dynamics, <strong>di</strong>ssipative tunneling, solitons, and anomalous decay.Physical Review B 74, 195107 (2006).139SOFT Scientific <strong>Report</strong> 2004-06

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