ALKEST® L, E, O, TW - Oxiteno

ALKEST® L, E, O, TW - Oxiteno

ALKEST® L, E, O, TW - Oxiteno


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ALKEST ® L, E, O, <strong>TW</strong>Sorbitan Esters andEthoxylated Sorbitan EstersDESCRIPTIONThe ALKEST ® L, ALKEST ® E and ALKEST ® O lines are made up of sorbitan esters derived fromthe reaction of sorbitol with fatty acids. The ALKEST ® L, ALKEST ® E, ALKEST ® O line can berepresented by the general formula below:where: R = alkyl groupThe ALKEST ® <strong>TW</strong> line is made up of ethoxylated sorbitan esters. The ALKEST ® <strong>TW</strong> line can berepresented by the general formula below:where: R = alkyl groupw+x+y+z = average moles of ethoxylationDepending on the starting fatty acid and the degree of ethoxylation, products with a widerange of HLB (Hydrophilic-Lipophilic Balance) values are obtained, which provides theformulator with a versatile set of emulsifiers to choose from.The products that make up the ALKEST ® L, ALKEST ® E, ALKEST ® O and ALKEST ® <strong>TW</strong> lines are:Product Name Chemical Description Nº. CAS 1 % Renewable CarbonALKEST L 20 M Sorbitan Monolaurate 1338-39-2 100 (1)ALKEST E 60 M F Sorbitan Monostearate 1338-41-6 100 (2)ALKEST O 80 M Sorbitan Monooleate 1338-43-8 100 (2)ALKEST <strong>TW</strong> 20 Ethoxylated Sorbitan Monolaurate 20 EO 9005-64-5 38 (1)ALKEST <strong>TW</strong> 60 Ethoxylated Sorbitan Monostearate 20 EO 9005-67-8 75 (2)ALKEST <strong>TW</strong> 80 Ethoxylated Sorbitan Monooleate 20 EO 9005-65-6 70 (2)ALKEST <strong>TW</strong> 80 K Ethoxylated Sorbitan Monooleate 20 EO (Kosher) 9005-65-6 70 (1)ALKEST <strong>TW</strong> 327 Ethoxylated Sorbitan Monolaurate 80 EO 9005-64-5 11 (1)1. The starting fatty acid is derived from a vegetable source only.2. The starting fatty acid can be derived from either vegetable or animal sources.1 CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service1

ALKEST ® L, E, O, <strong>TW</strong>Sorbitan Esters andEthoxylated Sorbitan EstersAPPLICATIONSThe presence of both hydrophilic and lipophilic groups in these products reduces the interfacialtension between oil phases and aqueous phases, allowing the formulation of stable emulsions.The products from the ALKEST ® L, ALKEST ® E, ALKEST ® O line are lipophilic, having low HLBvalues. The lipophilic nature makes these products soluble or dispersible in oil, favoring theiruse in water-in-oil (W/O) emulsions and as low HLB emulsifiers used in combination with highHLB emulsifiers in oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions.The products in the ALKEST ® <strong>TW</strong> line are hydrophilic, having high HLB values. The presence ofthe polyoxyethylene chain makes the products in the ALKEST ® <strong>TW</strong> line soluble or dispersible inwater, which favors their application in oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions, asdispersants/solubilizers of oils and fragrances, and as co-surfactants and humectants inshampoos, hand soaps, and body washes.Because of the high degree of ethoxylation in the ALKEST ®function well as humectants and antistatic agents.<strong>TW</strong> line, these products alsoBelow are some applications of the ALKEST ® L, ALKEST ® E, ALKEST ® O and ALKEST ® <strong>TW</strong> linesper market segment:DetergentsProducts from the ALKEST ® L, ALKEST ® E, ALKEST ® O and ALKEST ® <strong>TW</strong> lines and theirmixtures are recommended as emulsifiers in liquid and paste wax formulas, and as a solventbase for floor and automotive polishing waxes and furniture polish. Tailored HLB emulsificationsystems are obtainable using ALKEST ® L, ALKEST ® E, ALKEST ® O and ALKEST ® <strong>TW</strong> mixtures.ALKEST ® E 60 M and ALKEST ® O 80 M, when used in combination with ALKEST ® <strong>TW</strong> 60 or 80,are excellent emulsifiers for beeswax, paraffin, carnauba and their mixtures, promotingstability and homogeneity of formulations.Recommended use levels for the ALKEST ® L, ALKEST ® E, ALKEST ® O products are at 2% to3% in furniture polish, floor wax, leather polishes, and at 4% to 6% in automobile polishes, incombination with the ALKEST ® <strong>TW</strong> products with higher HLB. As a general rule, use 25% byweight of the ALKEST ® L, ALKEST ® E, ALKEST ® O / ALKEST ® <strong>TW</strong> combination based on theamount of oil phase to emulsify.CosmeticsTo prepare cosmetic creams and lotions, the selection of fatty acids and degrees ofethoxylation allow many combinations between the ALKEST ® L, ALKEST ® E, ALKEST ® O andALKEST ® <strong>TW</strong> products to obtain the right balance of emulsifiers for optimum performance andstability.The high HLB of the ALKEST ® <strong>TW</strong> products, especially ALKEST ® <strong>TW</strong> 327, combined with their lowirritation potentials, makes them excellent choices as co-surfactants in formulations specificallydeveloped as mild products, such as baby shampoos.2

ALKEST ® L, E, O, <strong>TW</strong>Sorbitan Esters andEthoxylated Sorbitan EstersINFORMATIVE PROPERTIES 2Appearance@ 25°CSaponificationValue(mg KOH/g)AcidValue(mgKOH/g)HydroxylValue(mg KOH/g)Water,(%)ALKEST L 20 M Liquid 154 - 170 7.0 max. 330 - 358 1.0 max. 8.6ALKEST E 60 M F Solid 147 - 157 10.0 max. 235 - 260 1.5 max. 4.7ALKEST O 80 M Liquid 145 - 160 8.0 max. 193 - 210 0.5 max. 4.3ALKEST <strong>TW</strong> 20 Liquid 40 - 50 2.0 max. 96 - 108 3.0 max. 16.7ALKEST <strong>TW</strong> 60 Paste 45 - 55 2.0 max. 81 - 96 3.0 max. 14.9ALKEST <strong>TW</strong> 80 Liquid 45 - 55 2.0 max. 65 80 3.0 max. 15.0ALKEST <strong>TW</strong> 80 K Liquid 45 - 55 2.0 max. 65 - 80 3.0 max. 15.0ALKEST <strong>TW</strong> 327 Liquid 8 - 18 3.0 max. 22 35 - 17.8CalculatedHLBREGULATORY ASPECTSThe products from the ALKEST ® L, ALKEST ® E, ALKEST ® O and ALKEST ® <strong>TW</strong> lines have lowtoxicity and are considered readily biodegradable.The products from the ALKEST ® L, ALKEST ® E, ALKEST ® O and ALKEST ® <strong>TW</strong> lines can be usedin personal care and cosmetic formulations under their INCI names as established in theInternational Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary and Handbook developed by the Personal CareProducts Council (PCPC, formerly the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association - CTFA).The safety report of theCosmetic Ingredient Review concludes that these products are safe as used in cosmeticformulas. They also can be used in pharmaceutical products as per the US Pharmacopoeia(USP) and in U.S. food products as per 21 CFR of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)The INCI names and EINECS numbers are in the table below, as well as the referencenumbers for their application as food additives, according to Mercosur and the EuropeanEconomic Community:Product Name INCI Name 3 EINECS 4 E-Number 5 INS 6ALKEST L 20 M Sorbitan Laurate 215-663-3 E 493 493ALKEST E 60 M F Sorbitan Stearate 215-664-9 E 491 491ALKEST O 80 M Sorbitan Oleate 215-665-4 E 494 494ALKEST <strong>TW</strong> 20 Polysorbate 20 500-018-3 E 432 432ALKEST <strong>TW</strong> 60 Polysorbate 60 500-020-4 E 435 435ALKEST <strong>TW</strong> 80 Polysorbate 80 500-019-9 E 433 433ALKEST <strong>TW</strong> 80 K Polysorbate 80 500-019-9 E 433 433ALKEST <strong>TW</strong> 327 PEG-80 Sorbitan Laurate 500-018-3 - -2 The properties described above for information purposes only and may be altered without prior notice. If necessary, contact OXITENOto check the current specification in effect.3 International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients4 European Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances5 European Economic Community6 International System of Food Additive Numbering, adopted by Mercosur3

ALKEST ® L, E, O, <strong>TW</strong>Sorbitan Esters andEthoxylated Sorbitan EstersHANDLING AND STORAGEThe products in the ALKEST ® L, ALKEST ® E, ALKEST ® O and ALKEST ® <strong>TW</strong> lines are considerednon/low-irritating to the eyes and skin. However, when handling these products in theirconcentrated form, we recommend proper personal protective equipment (PPE) be used, e.g.PVC gloves, safety goggles, and coat.In case of accidental contact:• eyes: wash immediately with abundant water for at least 15 minutes;• skin: remove the contaminated clothing and wash the affected sites with abundant water;• ingestion: seek urgent medical care.The ALKEST ® L, ALKEST ® E, ALKEST ® O and ALKEST ® <strong>TW</strong> products should be stored sealed intheir original containers, in a sheltered and dry place away from sources of heat or ignition.The areas where chemical products are handled should be well-ventilated with ready access toemergency showers and eyewash stations. The products in the ALKEST ® SP and ALKEST ® <strong>TW</strong>lines are considered non-flammable. In case of fire, consult the appropriate MSDS.The following materials are recommended for storage of the ALKEST ® L, ALKEST ® E, ALKEST ®O and ALKEST ® <strong>TW</strong> products: stainless steel, coated carbon steel, with vinyl ester resin,fiberglass-reinforced polyester, polyethylene and polypropylene.Further information on handling ALKEST ® L, ALKEST ® E, ALKEST ® O and ALKEST ® <strong>TW</strong>products is available on the material safety datasheets (MSDS), obtainable upon request.® <strong>Oxiteno</strong>’s registered trademark.DISCLAIMERThis bulletin contains information given in good faith, based on <strong>Oxiteno</strong>’s current knowledgeon the subject, and is purely indicative. Any information, including suggestions for using theproducts, should not preclude experimental testing and verification, which are essential toensure the suitability of the products to each specific application. All users shall also abide bylocal laws and obtain all necessary permits. When handling the product, consult the safetydata sheet. In case of questions or additional needs, please contact <strong>Oxiteno</strong> through ourcustomer service channels.1220114

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