Dr Kilnam Chon, Chair, APTLD and APAN,Profile of ... - Connect-World

Dr Kilnam Chon, Chair, APTLD and APAN,Profile of ... - Connect-World

Dr Kilnam Chon, Chair, APTLD and APAN,Profile of ... - Connect-World


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company logo<strong>Pr<strong>of</strong>ile</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Asia Pacific Advanced Network (<strong>APAN</strong>)<strong>Dr</strong> <strong>Kilnam</strong> <strong>Chon</strong>, <strong>Chair</strong>, <strong>APTLD</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>APAN</strong>ArticleAbstractIntroduction The Internet started around thirty years ago as an experimentalnetwork project called Arpanet. It has been through the research <strong>and</strong> developmentexperiment phase, the research <strong>and</strong> development production phase, the transitionphase <strong>and</strong> is currently in its commercialisation phase.The second generation Internet development started with various experiments ongigabit testbeds around the world in the 1980s <strong>and</strong> 1990s but it is now moving intothe research <strong>and</strong> development production phase. The first generation with besteffort service does not guarantee the quality <strong>of</strong> service, whereas the secondgeneration guarantees the quality <strong>of</strong> service. The quality <strong>of</strong> the service isparticularly important to multimedia communications such as video <strong>and</strong> sound.Examples <strong>of</strong> the second generation Internet in North America are Internet 2 withvBNS <strong>and</strong> Abilene, <strong>and</strong> CA*net 2. TEN-155 was deployed to cover much <strong>of</strong>Europe, <strong>and</strong> various national high performance research networks have beendeployed. In Asia, various gigabit testbeds have been developed among manycountries <strong>and</strong> regions including Australia, China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia,Singapore, Taiwan, <strong>and</strong> Thail<strong>and</strong>.Asia-Pacific Advanced Network Consortium (<strong>APAN</strong>) was formed in 1997 tointerconnect national <strong>and</strong> regional testbeds as well as other high performancenetworks in order to <strong>of</strong>fer global interconnectivity to the production networkservice for the research <strong>and</strong> development community <strong>of</strong> the Asia -Pacific region.<strong>APAN</strong> will <strong>of</strong>fer the network environment for the Asia-Pacific research communityas well as the testbed needed to carry out research <strong>and</strong> development on highperformance networks. <strong>APAN</strong> operates various working groups <strong>and</strong> committees tomanage its mission. There are also a number <strong>of</strong> network operation centres,engineering teams <strong>and</strong> secretariats under <strong>APAN</strong> management. See Table 2 as well

as <strong>APAN</strong> web site for further information.The current <strong>APAN</strong> network topology can be found in Figure 1. It consists <strong>of</strong>various inter-continental links. The primary inter-continental link is between the<strong>APAN</strong> exchange points in Tokyo (XP-Tokyo) <strong>and</strong> STAR TAP in Chicago with anadditional inter-continental link between XP-Singapore <strong>and</strong> STAR TAP. Moreinter-continental links are coming up across the Pacific <strong>and</strong> Eurasia Continent.Their b<strong>and</strong>width ranges from between 14 <strong>and</strong> 73 Mbps <strong>and</strong> there are now plans todevelop an inter-continental b<strong>and</strong>width <strong>of</strong> 155 Mbps this year. The intracontinentallinks are typically between 2 Mbps <strong>and</strong> 8 Mbps.We originally planned the inter-continental backbone <strong>of</strong> 45 Mbps or more , but thishas to be postponed to the next phase due to lack <strong>of</strong> traffic <strong>and</strong> funding. Otherwise,we are covering all major countries <strong>and</strong> regions in Asia who need to be linked with1.5 Mbps or more for (high performance) research <strong>and</strong> education traffic.Global links are initially h<strong>and</strong>led in STAR TAP in Chicago, where Canadian highperformance research network, CA* net 2, <strong>and</strong> various European high performanceresearch networks such as TEN-155 could be reached. The direct link from Asia toEurope is now being planned . [27] Since there are no efficient broadb<strong>and</strong> linkssuch as the one through Siberia, it is very likely that we have to exchange packetswith Europe through North America for the time being.We have <strong>APAN</strong> hubs, called exchange points (XP) in Soul, Singapore <strong>and</strong> Toky<strong>of</strong>or packet exchange <strong>and</strong> other purposes. Its primary function is to exchange ATMcells through a permanent virtual path <strong>and</strong> circuit (PVP/PVC). In addition, XProutes IP packets, <strong>and</strong> converts the IP packets <strong>and</strong> the ATM cells. Each XP hasvarious servers for network operation <strong>and</strong> applications. Examples are the routeserver for network operation, <strong>and</strong> cache <strong>and</strong> Mbone servers for networkapplications.Interoperability with STAR TAP in Chicago <strong>and</strong> other exchange points <strong>of</strong> differentcontinents are very important to form globally interoperable research networks. Weexpect some <strong>of</strong> <strong>APAN</strong>s exchange points to be the continental exchange points forAsia to peer with other continental exchange points in America <strong>and</strong> Europe.In addition to XPs, each <strong>APAN</strong> member network operates various access points,called APs to h<strong>and</strong>le <strong>APAN</strong> access as well as domestic exchange. Some <strong>of</strong> the XPs<strong>and</strong> APS are exp<strong>and</strong>ed to evolve to become GigaPoPs.Network Operation<strong>APAN</strong> network operation consists <strong>of</strong> two levels. At <strong>APAN</strong> level, we have the<strong>APAN</strong> Network Operation Centres in Australia, Japan, Korea, <strong>and</strong> Singapore to run

its domestic network or co-ordinate its domestic networks in the case <strong>of</strong> Japan. The<strong>APAN</strong> Network Operation Center in Japan operates various international links.One <strong>of</strong> them is TransPac, the primary Trans-Pacific link, which is jointly operatedwith the USA counterpart. At the <strong>APAN</strong> member network level, <strong>APAN</strong> NetworkOperation Center co-ordinates various <strong>APAN</strong> member networks.All Network Operation Centres are operated for 7 days a week <strong>and</strong> 24 hours a day.We recently added Engineering Teams to enhance the Network Operation Centresin the areas <strong>of</strong> Ipv6, measurement, multicast <strong>and</strong> quality <strong>of</strong> service, called Qbone.Technology Area The following technology working groups (WGs) h<strong>and</strong>letechnology issues; CacheIpv6MulticastMeasurementMultimediaNetwork DesignQuality <strong>of</strong> ServiceSatellite InternetSecurityTelevisionCache WG is to co-ordinate cache systems among <strong>APAN</strong> member networks.<strong>APAN</strong> participates to the global cache hierarchy system development withcounterparts in North America, <strong>and</strong> Europe. [25] In addition the cache systems insome countries including Japan serves other member networks such as A13members as the parent cache. Ipv6 WG <strong>of</strong> <strong>APAN</strong> investigates to test its usabilityfor global high performance research networks. Initially, the Ipv6 test network wasdeveloped in <strong>APAN</strong> with interconnection to other similar networks including theIpv6 network <strong>of</strong> Internet 2. Measurement is one <strong>of</strong> the most important projects <strong>of</strong><strong>APAN</strong>. We need to measure on delay* throughput for long distance such as theTrans-Pacific link <strong>and</strong> the Asia-Europe link. We need to find out actual levels <strong>of</strong>performance on delay as well as throughput so that we can make an assessmentbased on real-time applications , broadb<strong>and</strong> applications <strong>and</strong> others. We plan tocollaborate with similar effort in other continents. Specifically, we are developingthe virtual measurement networks with 0C3MON, Skitter, <strong>and</strong> Surveyor. [33,34,35]Multicst with Mbone is one <strong>of</strong> the major utilities in <strong>APAN</strong> apart from the technicalinfrastructure. We provide high quality Mbone with minimal packet loss toguarantee high quality. In addition, we <strong>of</strong>fer multicast infrastructure in <strong>APAN</strong>,which is migrating toward MBGP-based multicast starting from Tokyo-XP.Multimedia WG is focusing on various multimedia support tools includingmultimedia conferencing systems <strong>and</strong> documentation tools at this moment. Virtualreality technology is also included here. The group is currently evaluating severalmultimedia conferencing systems to be used in <strong>APAN</strong> . Network Design WG

concentrated on <strong>APAN</strong> network design <strong>and</strong> analysis initially, <strong>and</strong> its major workhas now been completed Satellite Internet WG is looking into inclusion <strong>of</strong> satellitein <strong>APAN</strong> networks. A13 is the first effort with hubs in Japan <strong>and</strong> several sites inAsia. [36] It is exp<strong>and</strong>ing the coverage to include the Indian Ocean <strong>and</strong> number <strong>of</strong>other sites. Currently, the group is looking to add another hub in Singapore withlinks to Malaysia <strong>and</strong> Indonesia. Security is always an important issue in anynetwork. We plan to deploy necessary security measure on our network, <strong>and</strong> carryon our research into the area <strong>of</strong> security. A new group currently focussing ontelevision <strong>and</strong> video traffic in <strong>APAN</strong> such as Digital Video at 45 MPEG 2 at 6-8Mbps <strong>and</strong> MPEG 1 at 1.5-2 Mbps. The group is expected to collaborate with thecounterparts in Internet 2 in USA as well as CA* net 2 in Canada. User CommunityArea Network usage is co-ordinated with the following Working Group under UserCommunity Area;Agriculture WG BioInformatics WG Digital Library WG Education WG Grid WGMedical Informatics WG Monitoring WG Manufacturing WGMost <strong>of</strong> user communities <strong>of</strong> <strong>APAN</strong> are in science <strong>and</strong> engineering now.? We planto exp<strong>and</strong> to cover research activities in social science <strong>and</strong> humanity. Allapplications need to reserve the necessary b<strong>and</strong>width through a ResourceAllocation Committee. Some applications need to reserve the b<strong>and</strong>width inmultiple networks such as <strong>APAN</strong> <strong>and</strong> vBNS, or <strong>APAN</strong> <strong>and</strong> CA* net2. We will tryto arrange so that such reservations are easy to make. See <strong>APAN</strong> home page, http://www.apan.net for <strong>APAN</strong> applications in addition to other information. Inter-Continental Collaboration Inter-continental collaboration is one <strong>of</strong> the mainobjectives <strong>of</strong> <strong>APAN</strong> along intra-continental collaboration. <strong>APAN</strong> collaborates withvarious regional <strong>and</strong> national high performance research networks such as the onesin North America <strong>and</strong> Europe. At present many research networks around the worldhave links to STAR TAP in Chicago <strong>and</strong> other exchange points in North America .They provide either Layer 2 link (ATM cell) or Layer 3 link (IP packet). Theseengineered interconnections are particularly important to high performanceapplications, which tend to require high performance quality <strong>of</strong> serviceconnections. Various collaborations efforts are being made globally. Some <strong>of</strong>global policy collaborations are: Global Interoperability <strong>of</strong> Broadb<strong>and</strong> Networks(GIBN) Co-ordinated Committee for Intercontinental Research Networking(CCIRN) Some <strong>of</strong> the technologies are co-ordinated globally in the followingareas;CacheIpv6MeasurementsMulticast including MboneNetwork StorageQuality <strong>of</strong> Service

SecurityTelevisionApplications are usually co-ordinated by specific user communities; globally orregionally Concluding Remarks The idea to create <strong>APAN</strong> came about during theAPEC Symposium in Tsukuba, March 1996. Pr<strong>of</strong>essor M. McRobbie <strong>and</strong> theauthor proposed a high performance research network for the Asia-Pacific regionwith inter-continental links. During the evenings <strong>of</strong> the Symposium, thesymposium participants got together to polish up the idea. <strong>APAN</strong> was proposedduring a series <strong>of</strong> monthly meetings in the spring <strong>and</strong> summer <strong>of</strong> 1996. <strong>APAN</strong>Consortium was formed in June 1996 with four founding member countries;Australia, Japan, Korea, <strong>and</strong> Singapore, <strong>and</strong> two liaison member countries; Canada<strong>and</strong> USA. We originally planned the Asian Backbone with 45 Mbps or more aswell as the inter-continental link with 45 Mbps or more. The Asian backbone hasnot been realised due to lack <strong>of</strong> funding <strong>and</strong> problems related to the pricingstructure which favours direct links to USA. We need to develop the Asianbackbone in the next phases to promote intra-continental collaboration.ConclusionDomestic infrastructures, ie., domestic high performance research networks are notquite ready in many countries. Thus, we are being forced to develop the necessarydomestic infrastructure at the same time. This is a typical catch-up game in Asia.Industry participation is initially minimal, <strong>and</strong> we need to make an effort so that the<strong>APAN</strong> initiative is attractive to the industry including the service industry <strong>and</strong>manufacturing industry as well as the public sectors. We need to come up withmany attractive applications with intra-continental collaborations <strong>and</strong>/or intercontinentalcollaboration. This is also new to us, at least at this level <strong>of</strong> intensity.We believe that we have to go through much learning with trial <strong>and</strong> error before wecan come up with new attractive applications. Looking into future, the firstquestion is the same as the one the author raised in 1996 when <strong>APAN</strong> was initiallydiscussed. ; Why not gigabit We hope we can realise the gigabit Asian backbonewith the gigabit inter-continental link early in the next decade as soon as othercontinents are ready with their gigabit networks.HomeMagazine Contact UsCareers Tell a FriendSiteMap©Copyright <strong>World</strong> Info Comms Ltd.

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