question - what does child abuse mean?

question - what does child abuse mean?

question - what does child abuse mean?


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QUESTION - WHAT DOES CHILD ABUSE MEAN?ANSWER - Child <strong>abuse</strong> is harm to <strong>child</strong>ren and young people up to18 years of age by physical injury and violence,sexual violence, neglect and emotional harmFOR EXAMPLE:• Physical <strong>abuse</strong>e.g. punched, thrown, shaken, beatenwith something, burnt on purpose• Emotional <strong>abuse</strong>e.g. living with domestic violence,constant criticism, threats and withholding love.• Sexual <strong>abuse</strong>e.g. unwelcome touching and fondling by another<strong>child</strong> or any sexual touching and fondling by an adultto a <strong>child</strong>, sex that is paid for with money or gifts• Neglecte.g. failure to provide for a <strong>child</strong>’s medical and mentalhealth or other basic needs such as proper food,shelter warmth and protectionCHILDABUSE ISNEVER THECHILD’S FAULT.CHILD ABUSEIS A CRIME.Child Abuse can and <strong>does</strong> happen to <strong>child</strong>ren of all ages, in any family whether rich orpoor and from any ethnic group. The <strong>abuse</strong>r is usually a parent, other family memberor carer, but could also be another adult or <strong>child</strong>.IN ONE YEAR ALONE OVER 23,000 CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE TALKED TOCHILDLINE ABOUT PHYSICAL AND SEXUAL ABUSE. (2000 / 2001)12

ChecklistIs <strong>child</strong><strong>abuse</strong>happeningin yourhome?Has a parent or someone elsehurt or injured you physically,or has tried to hurt or injure you?Are you constantly criticised andput down by a parent or other personand made to feel stupid or worthless?If any of these things are going on for youthen it would be good for you to talk to someoneabout it, for example, an adult you can trust,maybe a teacher, non-abusing parent, familyfriend, or a service set up to support <strong>child</strong>renand young people.Make a list of people you could talk to andof organisations, especially those near whereyou live, that can help. This list could includeSocial Services, Barnardos and NCH Actionfor Children.Do your parents or other carers ignoreyour needs and fail to take care of you?Has a parent or someone else touched youin a way that made you feel uncomfortableor has tricked you or pressured you into doingsexual things for them?Have you ever felt like the main carer of yourbrothers or sisters because your parents orcarers were not? This might have beenbecause the adults were dependent on alcoholor drugs or because one adult wasbeing violent and abusive to the other.12

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