Graphic Design - Algonquin College

Graphic Design - Algonquin College Graphic Design - Algonquin College
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graphic designThis dynamic and challenging three-year Ontario CollegeAdvanced Diploma program is designed for individuals whoare interested in applying their creativity to communicatingideas and concepts in both print and digital media. Studentsdevelop the expertise required to become graphic designersthrough strong practical and theoretical training in typography,the basic fundamentals of creativity, design, image,form, colour, and production skills. The program includesextensive hands-on training in current software tools whichallows students to present their design solutions in a varietyof formats.Graphic designers are problem-solvers who research andmanage visual design projects. They establish a project’sgoals and objectives, analyze needs/problems, developvisual solutions, and prepare concept presentations forclient approval, which ranges from simple sketches to fullcolour layouts. Designers develop concepts in consultationwith clients and work with photographers, illustrators, webdevelopers, programmers and other creative professionals toproduce print, digital, and audio-visual communications.Traditionally, graphic designers focused primarily on printmedia including brochures, logos, corporate identity materials,annual reports, promotional posters, signage systems,packaging, film and video graphics, publication design forbooks and magazines, and flyers. However, with the emergenceof digital visual communication, graphic designershave become more involved in web design, motion andbroadcast graphics, and design for interactive media.Students study the design fundamentals for print andscreen in the first two years of the program. In the third year,students choose a print or electronic media specializationand take part in field placement for on-the-job training andexperience.Graduates produce a comprehensive design portfolio profilingtheir skills and abilities, and have the opportunity todisplay their best work at an annual Grad Show exhibition forgraphic design professionals and the public.SUCCESS FACTORSThis program is well-suited for students who:• Enjoy working with type and images to communicate theirideas.• Like to draw and use software tools to create images anddocuments.• Are detail-oriented, organized, and committed to achievingexcellence in their final products.• Think visually and creatively and are conceptual thinkers.Graduates of this program pursue careers through a varietyof entry-level positions in graphic design studios, advertisingagencies, web publications, multimedia production houses,magazines, newspapers, printing houses, retail stores, television/entertainmentindustries, and government agenciesor educational institutions. Graduates may also work asfreelancers providing print and/or digital design solutions toclients’ communication problems.For more information, please contact:David Bromley at 613-727-4723 ext. 5267 orbromled@algonquincollege.comAndrea Emery at 613-727-4723 ext. 5827 oremerya@algonquincollege.comor visit : design portfolio requirements 1

the graphic designerThe Graphic Design Industry is constantly changing with thetimes. Here are a few areas/job descriptions to where ourprogram can lead you.Creative DirectorCreative directors develop the concept and overall experienceof a project with the client and department directors.They provide the design team a creative framework to consider,and specific goals to achieve.Art DirectorArt directors are very detail oriented, and often work with ateam of designers or multiple marketing and design departmentsto establish and unify the visual communication of aproject.Graphic DesignerGraphic designers use form, colour and typography to visuallycommunicate to a specific target audience. They createthe look-and-feel of the graphics and content used in printand digital media.Brand DeveloperBrand developers leverage graphics, typography, messagingand the strategic use of various medias to establish thepublic persona, or character, of a company or organization.IllustratorIllustrators use visual communication to tell a story. They createartwork for 2D and 3D projects using a range of mediasand tools, from pencils and paper to tablets and modelingsoftware.Production ArtistProduction artists have a strong understanding of the technicalrequirements of a project. Efficient and fast-working,they’re good at taking designs and realizing them intopolished, market-ready products.Prepress TechnicianPrepress technicians have a variety of responsibilities includingmanaging type and photography assets of press-readyartwork, checking proofs for technical tolerances, and preparingfiles for offset printingInteraction DesignerInteraction designers conceptualize how humans will use aproduct or service. They design and develop user interfacesand interactive content for digital projects such as websitesand mobile apps.Motion Graphics DesignerMotion graphics designers layer moving graphics and audioto communicate a message. They often work in the entertainmentor advertising industry working on projects forfilm, television and games.To be successful, Graphic Designers must combine their strategic,artistic and technical skills to produce effective visualcommunication solutions for their client. Graphic Designersexecute projects based on client input, research, experienceand team collaboration. They create and develop designs forposters, brochures, advertisements, websites, mobile apps,and other printed and digital products and services.Good design will enhance the clients image and bottomline, meeting the clients objective.Graphic designers are hiredby their clients to visually communicateideas. The ultimate goal of agraphic designer is to meetthe expressed needs of the client.2 graphic design portfolio requirements

the graphic designerThe <strong>Graphic</strong> <strong>Design</strong> Industry is constantly changing with thetimes. Here are a few areas/job descriptions to where ourprogram can lead you.Creative DirectorCreative directors develop the concept and overall experienceof a project with the client and department directors.They provide the design team a creative framework to consider,and specific goals to achieve.Art DirectorArt directors are very detail oriented, and often work with ateam of designers or multiple marketing and design departmentsto establish and unify the visual communication of aproject.<strong>Graphic</strong> <strong>Design</strong>er<strong>Graphic</strong> designers use form, colour and typography to visuallycommunicate to a specific target audience. They createthe look-and-feel of the graphics and content used in printand digital media.Brand DeveloperBrand developers leverage graphics, typography, messagingand the strategic use of various medias to establish thepublic persona, or character, of a company or organization.IllustratorIllustrators use visual communication to tell a story. They createartwork for 2D and 3D projects using a range of mediasand tools, from pencils and paper to tablets and modelingsoftware.Production ArtistProduction artists have a strong understanding of the technicalrequirements of a project. Efficient and fast-working,they’re good at taking designs and realizing them intopolished, market-ready products.Prepress TechnicianPrepress technicians have a variety of responsibilities includingmanaging type and photography assets of press-readyartwork, checking proofs for technical tolerances, and preparingfiles for offset printingInteraction <strong>Design</strong>erInteraction designers conceptualize how humans will use aproduct or service. They design and develop user interfacesand interactive content for digital projects such as websitesand mobile apps.Motion <strong>Graphic</strong>s <strong>Design</strong>erMotion graphics designers layer moving graphics and audioto communicate a message. They often work in the entertainmentor advertising industry working on projects forfilm, television and games.To be successful, <strong>Graphic</strong> <strong>Design</strong>ers must combine their strategic,artistic and technical skills to produce effective visualcommunication solutions for their client. <strong>Graphic</strong> <strong>Design</strong>ersexecute projects based on client input, research, experienceand team collaboration. They create and develop designs forposters, brochures, advertisements, websites, mobile apps,and other printed and digital products and services.Good design will enhance the clients image and bottomline, meeting the clients objective.<strong>Graphic</strong> designers are hiredby their clients to visually communicateideas. The ultimate goal of agraphic designer is to meetthe expressed needs of the client.2 graphic design portfolio requirements

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