Argosy Magazine Advertisement - Airstream

Argosy Magazine Advertisement - Airstream

Argosy Magazine Advertisement - Airstream


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ARGOSY·AUGUSTeAUGUST 1-31,1973Every <strong>Argosy</strong> travel trailer especially priced so you and yourfamily can experience the joys of travel adventure this very summer!We want you to discover the joys of family <strong>Argosy</strong> is totally sell-contained for luxurytravel.We want you to experience the pleasure living far, far away from civilization. <strong>Argosy</strong>'sof lakes and streams and fun and laughter. exclusive Authorized Performance Check-OulAnd you can do it this very summer during program means that the performance of everythe <strong>Argosy</strong> August Super Sale! Every beautiful vilal part of an <strong>Argosy</strong> is checked oul and1973 <strong>Argosy</strong> is especially priced for imme- cerlified in writing before and alter purchase.diate sale. You will see the biggest bargains A national network of 152 Certified Serviceof the year l Today more than ever, Americans Centers provides competent, factory-trainedare beginning to demand higher quality and service for your <strong>Argosy</strong> and everything in it.sensible prices. The <strong>Argosy</strong> is here to meet Isn't this the kind of reliability you want? Ifthat demand. The all-new <strong>Argosy</strong> olfers every you're searching tor a travel trailer of highmajor feature that made <strong>Airstream</strong> famous. quality at a sensible price; if you demand realSuggested retail prices range from $4190 to engineering and a service program you can$5990, but during the August Super Sale you'll count on ... then the <strong>Argosy</strong> is meant for you.pay even less. <strong>Argosy</strong>.,. super strong, light Six luxury models from 20-feet to 26-feet. Noas a feather and thrifty to tow, Due to its aero- one knows where prices will go. But one thingdynamic shape, the <strong>Argosy</strong> uses substantially is sure. , .you'll never pay less than right nowless fuel than square type trailers, Every during the big <strong>Argosy</strong> August Super Sale!See your AIRSTREAMI ARGOSY dealer now!•~ii~eDepl 175, 60 Vista Road. Versailles. Ohio 45380T~AI"~~ ..'~~, Au,,"""73 JO'

the all-new trayel trailerwith the <strong>Airstream</strong> pedigree!<strong>Argosy</strong>.you'll like theluxuryyou'lllove theprice!Here comes <strong>Argosy</strong>! <strong>Argosy</strong> is here to meettoday's demand lor a higher quality traveltrailer at a moderate cost. Created by <strong>Airstream</strong>.the pioneers of the trailer industry.the <strong>Argosy</strong> brings the joy of travel adventurewithin the reach of nearly every fun-lovingfamily_ The all-new <strong>Argosy</strong> offers every majorfeature thai made <strong>Airstream</strong> famous yel suggestedretail prices range from $4190 10$5990, The <strong>Argosy</strong> features an all-rivetedghtwe'ght aluminum body with a true aerodynamicconhgurallOn moonle

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