Grade 11: Modern World History - Howard County Public Schools

Grade 11: Modern World History - Howard County Public Schools

Grade 11: Modern World History - Howard County Public Schools


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HCPSS Curriculum Framework<strong>Modern</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>History</strong>Outside Reactionsto WesternEconomic, Political,and Military Powereconomic development, elitedomination, and the abolition ofslavery for peasants, Indianpopulations, and immigrant laborers inLatin America. (U4LF)17. Assess the effects of foreignintervention, liberal governmentpolicies, and nationalism on socialand economic changes in Mexico,including legal and political rights forwomen. (U4LF)18. Analyze the effects of Europeancommercial interventions andpopulation growth on Ottoman societyand government. (U4LG)19. Explain the defensive reformprograms of the Ottoman Empire andanalyze the challenges they faced inresolving political and economiccrises. (U4LG)20. Analyze the reasons for Russiansuccess in wars of expansion againstthe Ottoman and other Muslim states●DespotismDomestic PolicyForeign PolicyImperialismIsolationistTraditional Valueslargely economically dependenton European countries as marketsfor its agricultural products and assuppliers of manufactured goods.21. The United States was the mainimperial power in Latin America.22. Latin American politics wascharacterized by a series ofpolitical strongmen who usedprivate wealth and armies to takeover governments throughout theregion.23. Mexico saw great change aswomen, the poor, and minoritiespushed for greater rightsbeginning at the end of the 19thcentury.24. The Ottoman Empire declined dueto decreased trade, a bureaucracythat became less effective, andweak rulers.25. As the Ottoman Empire waned,European empires sought to gaineconomic and political advantagesat the Ottomans’ expense.26. Since the 17th century, Russiahad vacillated between a westernorientation and an internal focus,but the Russian monarchyHCPSS Secondary Social Studies Office, 2012 30

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