Grade 11: Modern World History - Howard County Public Schools

Grade 11: Modern World History - Howard County Public Schools

Grade 11: Modern World History - Howard County Public Schools


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HCPSS Curriculum Framework<strong>Modern</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>History</strong>Content Framework:Topic Learning Outcomes Vocabulary Key ConceptsEnlightenmentand Revolution1. Analyze the causes of the EuropeanEnlightenment including politicalinstability, scientific revolution, andeconomics. (U3LA)2. Describe Enlightenment ideas abouthuman rights and government,including democratic ideas, and howenlightenment thinkers used theprinting press to spread new ideas.(U3LA)3. Compare the causes, character, andconsequences of the American andFrench Revolutions, including ideasof social equality, democracy,human rights, liberty,constitutionalism, and nationalism.(U3LB)4. Explain how the French Revolutiontransitioned from constitutionalmonarchy to autocratic rule underNapoleon. (U3LC)5. Analyze how the Enlightenmentideas (liberty, equality, fraternity,and nationalism) spread throughoutNapoleon’s empire and how theideals of the revolution inspired●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●absolutemonarchdivine rightcolonialismconstitutionalmonarchylimitedgovernmentparliamentEnlightenmentphilosophiesscientific methodnatural lawsmercantilismlaissez fairesocial contractstate of naturereasonrevolutionsocial classbourgeoisietaxesconservativelibertynationalismreign of terror1. England and her American colonieswere the first societies to establishlimited government.2. The Bill of Rights guaranteed essentialrights to the people for the first timeand limited the power of thegovernment.3. Enlightenment thinkers applied thescientific method to try to uncover lawsabout society and government.4. Scientists, especially those focused onobservations and discoveriesassociated with the universe, wereamong the first to question theteachings of the Catholic Church.5. Some philosophers believed humanswould constantly fights amongthemselves in a “state of nature.”6. The social contract theory ofgovernment was based on the theorythat this was the best way to preservepeace and order in society.7. While both the American and FrenchRevolutions were based onEnlightenment ideals, the Frenchrevolution became a far more violentHCPSS Secondary Social Studies Office, 2012 21

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