Grade 11: Modern World History - Howard County Public Schools

Grade 11: Modern World History - Howard County Public Schools

Grade 11: Modern World History - Howard County Public Schools


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HCPSS Curriculum Framework<strong>Modern</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>History</strong>Economic, Political, andCulturalTransformations in aGlobal Economy20. Explain how the European desirefor Asian goods and Ming China’sdemand for silver, led thePortuguese, Dutch and Spanish toexplore new trade routes. (U2LH)21. Analyze how and why the Spanishand Portuguese were able toestablish colonial empires in theAmericas. (U2LH)22. Assess the ways in which theColumbian Exchange and the trans-Atlantic African slave trade affectedEuropean, Asian, African, andAmerican indigenous societies.(U2LI)23. Explain how plantation productionspread from the Mediterranean tothe Americas and the impact of theproduction of sugar on the worldeconomy and global labor systems.(U2LI)24. Compare the conditions of slave lifeon plantations in Latin America andNorth America. (U2LI)ImmigrantIndigenousRacialSupremacySocial ClassColumbianExchangeNew <strong>World</strong>Old <strong>World</strong>PlantationSystemTransatlanticslave system17. Competition for goods and new laborsystems fueled the rise of Europeanstates and the exploitation of humanand natural resources in both theNew and Old <strong>World</strong>.18. Competition and advances intechnology permitted Europe’s globalascendency beginning in the 16 thcentury.19. The Columbian Exchange resulted inunprecedented biological andcultural exchange.20. American colonization affectedglobal commerce by increasing thetrade of natural and humanresources and fostering the growthof the plantation economies.21. The socioeconomic system imposedby Europeans in the Americas meantfew to no rights for indigenous andenslaved people.22. Efforts to resist Europeancolonization resulted in culturalblending that preserved elements ofnative and African culture.HCPSS Secondary Social Studies Office, 2012 17

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