Grade 11: Modern World History - Howard County Public Schools

Grade 11: Modern World History - Howard County Public Schools

Grade 11: Modern World History - Howard County Public Schools


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HCPSS Curriculum Framework<strong>Modern</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>History</strong>Essential Questions:● How and why did trade and interaction lead to changes in political, economic, and social systems?● What factors contributed to the establishment, expansion, and decline of empires?● How can there be different explanations of the same event in history?● How did geography and location significantly impact events in history?Content Framework:Topic Learning Outcomes Vocabulary Key ConceptsIntercommunicationand Trade in Afro-EurasiaGrowth andTransformation of LargeTerritorial EurasianEmpires – The Ottoman1. Describe how empires, such as theOttoman Empire, Ming China,Moghul India, and Songhai Africaacquired wealth and power as aresult of interregional trade. (U2LA)2. Trace the rise of Europeaninvolvement in interregional tradefrom the 14th through the 17thcenturies. (U2LA)3. Analyze the origins of globalpandemics and the impact of theirspread through trade networks,such as the bubonic plague inCentral and East Asia, Europe,Middle East, and North Africa.(U2LA)4. Summarize the achievements of theOttoman Empire through the 17 thcentury. (U2LB)5. Analyze the role of trade andlocation in the origin, organization,HCPSS Secondary Social Studies Office, 2012 13Bubonic plagueinter-regionaltradeland-basedempiresmerchantsruraltradeurbancaliphmelting potmulticulturalpersecutionsultanate1. The benefits of trade includedincreasing access to needed goodssuch as food and tools.2. The costs of trade includedprotection of growing trade routesand networks, and the spread ofdiseases — such as the bubonicplague — along these routes.3. Trade connected land-basedempires throughout Europe, Africa,and Asia, and enabled the rise andgrowth of empires.4. The Ottoman Empire reached itsheight during the 15th and 16thcenturies, spreading its control overthe Middle East, southeast Europe,and North Africa.

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