2010 Hong Kong Reference Framework for Hypertension Care for ...

2010 Hong Kong Reference Framework for Hypertension Care for ... 2010 Hong Kong Reference Framework for Hypertension Care for ...

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Module 1Framework for Population Approach in the Prevention and Control ofHypertension across the Life CourseAgegroupLifestyleadviceRiskassessmentScreeningDiseasemanagementComplicationmonitoringRehabilitationcareElderly●●Abstain fromsmoking●●Smokingcessation forsmokers●●Healthy eatinghabit●●Limit sodiumintake●●Weightmanagement●●Regularexercise●●Monitor BMI●●Monitorabdominalcircumference●●Diabetes●●Measurebloodpressureas abovementioned●●Blood pressureand lipid control●●Beware ofincreased risk ofhypotension inelderly●●Monitor theadverse effect ofdrug treatment●●Self-care●●Carer educationand support●●Hypotension●●Malignanthypertension●●Target organdamage:nephropathy,neuropathy,cardiovascularcomplications●●Optimisepatient’s potentialto cope withhypertension andits complications.Example:myocardialinfarction,cerebrovasculardisease,nephropathy, etc.●●Provide supportto carer and lovedones●●Multidisciplinaryapproach inrehabilitation forstroke and renalfailureReference:1. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Guidelines for preventive activitiesin general practice. [Internet]. South Melbourne(Australia): The Royal Australian Collegeof General Practitioners; c2009. Available from: http://www.racgp.org.au/redbook/index3 HK Reference Framework for Hypertension Care for Adults in Primary Care Settings

Module 2Blood Pressure Measurement1. Equipment for recording blood pressure1.1 Sphygmomanometeri. Mercury sphygmomanometer – the most reliable type of instrument forrecording blood pressure.ii.Electronic devices – can also be used, but periodic calibration shouldbe done to ensure its accuracy.iii. Electronic devices that record the pressure in the fingers or the wristshould be avoided.1.2 Checking of mercury sphygmomanometeri. The column of the manometer is in the intended position (vertical).ii. Mercury level is at zero when cuff is deflated.iii.No blockage of the air venting system at the top of the manometer.iv. A sluggish response or bouncing of the mercury column duringinflation and deflation usually indicates a blocked vent.v. No leakage from rubber tubing, hand pump and control valve:a. Roll a cloth cuff into its own tail.b. Pump up to 200 mmHg and wait for 10 seconds.c. Mercury should fall < 2 mmHg in 10 seconds.d. If fall > 2 mmHg, clamp circuit in sections to locate the leakage orreplace the control valve.1.3 Checking of electronic devicesi. Routine checks - compare the reading with mercurysphygmomanometer.ii. Periodic calibration is needed.iii. If consistent discrepancies of more than 5 mmHg persist, referto service manual or send the monitor to a trained technician forcalibration.1 HK Reference Framework for Hypertension Care for Adults in Primary Care Settings

Module 1<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>for</strong> Population Approach in the Prevention and Control of<strong>Hypertension</strong> across the Life CourseAgegroupLifestyleadviceRiskassessmentScreeningDiseasemanagementComplicationmonitoringRehabilitationcareElderly●●Abstain fromsmoking●●Smokingcessation <strong>for</strong>smokers●●Healthy eatinghabit●●Limit sodiumintake●●Weightmanagement●●Regularexercise●●Monitor BMI●●Monitorabdominalcircumference●●Diabetes●●Measurebloodpressureas abovementioned●●Blood pressureand lipid control●●Beware ofincreased risk ofhypotension inelderly●●Monitor theadverse effect ofdrug treatment●●Self-care●●<strong>Care</strong>r educationand support●●Hypotension●●Malignanthypertension●●Target organdamage:nephropathy,neuropathy,cardiovascularcomplications●●Optimisepatient’s potentialto cope withhypertension andits complications.Example:myocardialinfarction,cerebrovasculardisease,nephropathy, etc.●●Provide supportto carer and lovedones●●Multidisciplinaryapproach inrehabilitation <strong>for</strong>stroke and renalfailure<strong>Reference</strong>:1. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Guidelines <strong>for</strong> preventive activitiesin general practice. [Internet]. South Melbourne(Australia): The Royal Australian Collegeof General Practitioners; c2009. Available from: http://www.racgp.org.au/redbook/index3 HK <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Framework</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Hypertension</strong> <strong>Care</strong> <strong>for</strong> Adults in Primary <strong>Care</strong> Settings

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