FNHC Infobulletin Volume 1 Issue 3 | October 2008 - First Nations ...

FNHC Infobulletin Volume 1 Issue 3 | October 2008 - First Nations ...

FNHC Infobulletin Volume 1 Issue 3 | October 2008 - First Nations ...


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<strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Health Council | <strong>October</strong> <strong>2008</strong> <strong>Infobulletin</strong> | page 9News in BriefGEGENOATATOLTIMG:Sharing the KnowledgeDr Georgia Kyba attended GEGENOATATOLT-IMG: Sharing the Knowledge Gathering. ThisTraditional healing event was co-hosted byThe <strong>First</strong> Nation Centre at National AboriginalHealing Organization, NAHO, and ElsipogtogHealth and Wellness Centre(EHWC).This event took place at Elsipogtog <strong>First</strong><strong>Nations</strong> in New Brunswick from Sept 8 to 15at their Health Centre. This reserve is thelargest in New Brunswick, accommodating3000 members.The Health Centre focuses on integratingtraditional knowledge and science throughtheir programs and delivery. Sharing theKnowledge Gathering held workshops inthe Health Centre’s healing lodge room, aroom built for traditional ceremonies. Thesurrounding grounds contain 2 teepees, andone sweat lodge for ceremonies.Throughout the day many traditional teachingstook place, such as women’s teachings,Medicine Wheel teachings, Elder’s circleteachings, Integrating traditional medicinewith western teachings, as well as manyothers talks throughout the week. Also occurringeveryday were sweats, traditionalhealing, massage, energy work, and medicinewalks. A couple hundred people fromacross Canada attended this event.GEGENOATATOLTIMG: Sharing the KnowledgeGathering is an inspiration for a futureTraditional Gathering in BC. Dr Kyba plans tocollaborate with NAHO and BC <strong>First</strong> Nationelders and healers for further planning.Please feel free to contact Dr Kyba withinformation or comments at gkyba@fnhc.caHealth AdvocateHello, to all BC <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> individuals, communitiesand organizations. My name is Allison Ducharme.I am an urban Aboriginal woman (born and raised inVancouver, BC). My maternal lineage is Interior Salishfrom In-SHUCK-ch Nation (Samahquam Band),and my paternal ancestry is Ojibway from Mud Lake,Ontario.I have been actively involved within the social services,criminal justice system and health fields forapproximately ten years. The various roles that I haveperformed have entailed advocacy in various capacities.Therefore, I possess astute advocacy awareness,knowledge, and experience. Most significantly, I possessa passion for advocacy involvement.I feel very honoured and privileged to join the <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Health Council team asHealth Advocate. I look forward to working diligently to provide advocacy and supportto <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> individuals, communities and organizations as Health Advocate for <strong>First</strong><strong>Nations</strong> Health Council. “Allison will be working from her home office in Vancouver and can be contacted as follows:Phone: 604-787-4159Email:aducharme@fnhc.caPolicy AnalystPATRICIA A. WILSON, Policy AnalystPatricia is from the North Okanagan Valley, she belongsto the Okanagan Indian Band, a large InteriorSalish community near Vernon, BC. Her family isOkanagan-Secwepemc with family ties to Glenedenwith spouse, Sonny and their son, Derek.Patricia holds a Bachelor degree in Social Work withdistinction from the University of Victoria. She iscompleting an Associate Certificate from the JusticeInstitute in Leadership and Conflict Resolution. Patriciabrings strong leadership in advocacy, education,social development and child and family services inher lengthy career as a professional social worker.She will be working with the Union of BC Indian Chiefs Social Development Committeeand collaborating with the <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Health Council. In her capacity as a policyanalyst, Patricia will be providing direction, technical support and leadership in socialdevelopment and health areas.Patricia WilsonPhone: 604.684.0231

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