FNHC Infobulletin Volume 1 Issue 3 | October 2008 - First Nations ...

FNHC Infobulletin Volume 1 Issue 3 | October 2008 - First Nations ... FNHC Infobulletin Volume 1 Issue 3 | October 2008 - First Nations ...


First Nations Health Council | October 2008 Infobulletin | page 6active healthy strong free from tobacco misusePROVINCIAL TRAINING EVENT – October 20 - 23, 20082009 Honour Your Health Challenge Coast Plaza Hotel and Suites, 1763 Comox Street, Vancouver, BCTrain to be an Honour Your Health Challenge Coordinator and lead your Aboriginalcommunity, group or students in the upcoming 2009 Honour Your Health Challenge.Sun Run InTraining Programgrants • prizes • incentivesWhat is the Honour Your Health Challenge?A minimum 6-week Health Challenge beginning January2009 featuring prizes and grant opportunities. The HYHCencourages individuals and communities to promote:• healthy eating;• increased physical activity;• decreased tobacco misuse;• healthy pregnancies.Who should attend the training?If you are an employee or volunteer with a special interestin promoting health and wellness, then this training event isfor you.October 20, 2008 – If you have never attended our Octobertraining event before, this first day of training will provideyou with:• an orientation to the Honour Your Health Challenge.• some general program ideas and resource lists to helpyou with planning your Challenge.October 21 – 23, 2008 – Once you have completed yourmandatory first day of training OR if you have already been toone of our training sessions in the past, these 2-1/2 days oftraining will provide more opportunities for learning, sharingand skill building in areas of special interest to you.Confirmed presenters this year include:• Active Communities!• Action Schools! BC• SportMedBCRegister now – it’s free!There is no cost for the training. Completethe attached registration form and fax to(250) 483-5935.Sponsorship for travel and accommodationis available!Each community or organization may registermore than one participant. However, we areable to provide reimbursement for travelexpenses and hotel accommodation for oneperson per organization only. We encouragesharing travel expenses if more than oneperson per organization will be attending.Questions? Contact:Denise LecoyProvincial CoordinatorHonour Your Health ChallengePhone: (250) 216-4576Fax: (250) 276-4707E-mail: Denise.Lecoy@gov.bc.cawww.honouringourhealth.caThis training event is sponsored by BC Ministry of Health – Aboriginal Health Branch

First Nations Health Council | October 2008 Infobulletin | page 7First Nations ActNow Update>>Healthy SchoolsSteps are being taken that will help fosterhealth promotion and learning in First NationSchools. By improving and helping to provideculturally appropriate supportive environmentsfor First Nations children. Partnershipshave been created with Action Schools! BCand the First Nations Schools Association.These partnerships will enhance and promotethe ActNow strategy within FN schoolsin BC. Original discussions have transformedinto a joint initiative between Action Schools!BC and the FN ActNow program. A MoU willbe signed this fall, a new joint position hasbeen created and a new hire will be on theteam as of October.>>Development of CommunityToolkitsCommunity toolkits are being developedwhich address the target areas of the FirstNation ActNow strategy. These toolkits willprovide communities with the resources andtools needed to implement health promotionstrategies, as well as, to enhance existingprograms. This valuable collection of resourceswill cover topics on physical activity,nutrition, and prenatal and maternal health.The kits will also contain references that tiethese topics in our traditions and communities.A draft toolkit will be together by theend of September. Pilot projects will be runningand evaluated this fall.>>Poster CampaignIn partnership with Four Host Nations Secretariata poster campaign for First Nationscommunities is underdevelopment. Thecampaign will highlight professional level AboriginalAthletes from British Columbia.>>Aboriginal Sports, Recreation,and Physical Activity PartnersCouncilMembers: ASRA, BCAAFC, MNBC, FNHC,Cowichan 2008Building on the Youth Declaration, the Partnersgroup developed a 5 Pillar strategy toincrease access and participation in sports,recreation, and physical activity opportunitiesfor Aboriginal peoples in BC. The Councilis working on an operational strategy thatresponds to the health needs of Aboriginalpeoples to improving health outcomes.>>Capacity BuildingThe First Nations Leadership Council, FirstNations ActNow, Kid Sport, Sport BC met todiscuss shared commitment and a vision tocreate a more meaningful and productivepartnership for improving and promotingSport and Recreation in British Columbia’sFirst Nation communities across the province.We are working together to explorenew methods of supporting First NationsHealthy Eating Guidelinesfor First NationsNutrition UpdateGreetings to all of our dedicated peoplein community health! The summer hasbeen busy and enjoyable as I have had theopportunity to get out to a few gatheringsand events. Thankyou to those whohave extended theinvitation.As I work for theHealth Councilonly three daysper week, we havegained the assistanceof a contractnutritionist (KarenFediuk RD, MSc.)to help implementseveral of thenutrition programactivities includingthe development ofsome healthy eatingguidelines that willassist communities and organizations to developtheir own community foods policies.In my work with the Health Council I amdeveloping a tool to gather input fromcommunities with respect to communityassets and needs with the intention of usingthis information (along with what we heardat “Gathering Wisdom” and what we willyouth in the area of Sport and Recreation,and to provide additional opportunities.>>NAIGIn support of the Cowichan 2008 NorthAmerican Indigenous Games in the CowichanValley, British Columbia. The First NationsActNow program supported the coststo bring Speakers Billy Mills and Dr. Evan Adamsto the symposium event, and provided ahealthy lunch for the event.hear as the community hubs begin to cometogether) to guide future nutrition relatedprograms.In addition, the Health Council is workingwith the Canadian Diabetes Association andthe Honour Your Health Challenge to createmore opportunities for our communities toreceive training to implement a “Food Skillsfor Families” cooking and nutrition program.For more information on this or any otheractivities mentioned, please contact me byphone 778-227-4455 or email: sjohnson@fnhc.ca. Way’ Suzanne Johnson

<strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Health Council | <strong>October</strong> <strong>2008</strong> <strong>Infobulletin</strong> | page 7<strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> ActNow Update>>Healthy SchoolsSteps are being taken that will help fosterhealth promotion and learning in <strong>First</strong> NationSchools. By improving and helping to provideculturally appropriate supportive environmentsfor <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> children. Partnershipshave been created with Action Schools! BCand the <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Schools Association.These partnerships will enhance and promotethe ActNow strategy within FN schoolsin BC. Original discussions have transformedinto a joint initiative between Action Schools!BC and the FN ActNow program. A MoU willbe signed this fall, a new joint position hasbeen created and a new hire will be on theteam as of <strong>October</strong>.>>Development of CommunityToolkitsCommunity toolkits are being developedwhich address the target areas of the <strong>First</strong>Nation ActNow strategy. These toolkits willprovide communities with the resources andtools needed to implement health promotionstrategies, as well as, to enhance existingprograms. This valuable collection of resourceswill cover topics on physical activity,nutrition, and prenatal and maternal health.The kits will also contain references that tiethese topics in our traditions and communities.A draft toolkit will be together by theend of September. Pilot projects will be runningand evaluated this fall.>>Poster CampaignIn partnership with Four Host <strong>Nations</strong> Secretariata poster campaign for <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>communities is underdevelopment. Thecampaign will highlight professional level AboriginalAthletes from British Columbia.>>Aboriginal Sports, Recreation,and Physical Activity PartnersCouncilMembers: ASRA, BCAAFC, MNBC, <strong>FNHC</strong>,Cowichan <strong>2008</strong>Building on the Youth Declaration, the Partnersgroup developed a 5 Pillar strategy toincrease access and participation in sports,recreation, and physical activity opportunitiesfor Aboriginal peoples in BC. The Councilis working on an operational strategy thatresponds to the health needs of Aboriginalpeoples to improving health outcomes.>>Capacity BuildingThe <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Leadership Council, <strong>First</strong><strong>Nations</strong> ActNow, Kid Sport, Sport BC met todiscuss shared commitment and a vision tocreate a more meaningful and productivepartnership for improving and promotingSport and Recreation in British Columbia’s<strong>First</strong> Nation communities across the province.We are working together to explorenew methods of supporting <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>Healthy Eating Guidelinesfor <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>Nutrition UpdateGreetings to all of our dedicated peoplein community health! The summer hasbeen busy and enjoyable as I have had theopportunity to get out to a few gatheringsand events. Thankyou to those whohave extended theinvitation.As I work for theHealth Councilonly three daysper week, we havegained the assistanceof a contractnutritionist (KarenFediuk RD, MSc.)to help implementseveral of thenutrition programactivities includingthe development ofsome healthy eatingguidelines that willassist communities and organizations to developtheir own community foods policies.In my work with the Health Council I amdeveloping a tool to gather input fromcommunities with respect to communityassets and needs with the intention of usingthis information (along with what we heardat “Gathering Wisdom” and what we willyouth in the area of Sport and Recreation,and to provide additional opportunities.>>NAIGIn support of the Cowichan <strong>2008</strong> NorthAmerican Indigenous Games in the CowichanValley, British Columbia. The <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>ActNow program supported the coststo bring Speakers Billy Mills and Dr. Evan Adamsto the symposium event, and provided ahealthy lunch for the event.hear as the community hubs begin to cometogether) to guide future nutrition relatedprograms.In addition, the Health Council is workingwith the Canadian Diabetes Association andthe Honour Your Health Challenge to createmore opportunities for our communities toreceive training to implement a “Food Skillsfor Families” cooking and nutrition program.For more information on this or any otheractivities mentioned, please contact me byphone 778-227-4455 or email: sjohnson@fnhc.ca. Way’ Suzanne Johnson

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