May 2, 2013 (PDF) - PQRI

May 2, 2013 (PDF) - PQRI

May 2, 2013 (PDF) - PQRI


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Next Meeting-recommends we consider working on. MTC Chair will vet this letter through theMTC for their input as well. Item not accomplished at this time. MTC Chair willwork with FDA rep to draft letter.oAction Item: <strong>PQRI</strong>will send out email as a reminder with directions to office andcall in information. Item accomplished.Work Group Reports-IR/MR SUPAC-• Chair received FDA portions of the paper and along with other comments will fold thoseinto the paper and have it ready for review in the next few months; paper should be readyfor publication in late summer; WG Chair attended at presented at Interphex. ActionItem: He will provide link to news article; look into possibility of workshop on how toimplement this guidance; may publish in Pharm Tech; consider a case study for theLifecycle/Quality workshop.Lifecycle Management/Quality Workshop-• FDA rep inserted comments he received on the agenda; there should be 6 BreakoutSession totals; transitions in FDA make assignment of FDA speakers and planningcommittee members difficult at this time. Action Item: <strong>PQRI</strong> will help set upteleconference for those people who volunteered to be on the pre-planning committee listto try to get the ball rolling on this workshop. Teleconference was set for Friday, <strong>May</strong>17 th at 10:30 am.Compounding Work Group-• Spokesperson at FDA spearheading their efforts. <strong>PQRI</strong> should go through her to find aniche for <strong>PQRI</strong> in this arena. Action Items: FDA rep will draft letter for MTC Chair tosend and MTC will ask USP rep for a person at USP to help champion this group.Excipient Variability –• Work plan is in revision with comments from the last MTC meeting. It should be ready togo to the SC for their consideration during the June 11 th meeting. Action Items: WGChair will do final updates to work plan and then send it to MTC Chair; He will work onskill set so that matrix can be used to recruit volunteers for the project; <strong>PQRI</strong> will createflyer for advertisement of the work group at the upcoming USP Stakeholders Forum on

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