Actsip-H - Esco-da.be

Actsip-H - Esco-da.be

Actsip-H - Esco-da.be


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54 Main Menu Actron AB7.5. Allocation menu.The allocation menu looks like this:╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗║System Program Allocation Printout Files Communication Setup ║║ ┌────────────┐ ║║ │Enter/Change│ ║║ │Move │ ║║ │Exchange │ ║║ │Print │ ║║ │Print packed│ ║║ └────────────┘ ║║║7.5.1. Enter/Change the short and long comments."Allocation-Enter/Change"<strong>Actsip</strong>-H system accepts descriptive text of up to ten characters in place of a numericaladdress. This short text will <strong>be</strong> referred to as a "short comment". To every addressthere is also a thirty character "long comment" that is used to enter a more describingtext. It is printed on the instruction list.To start the allocation select "Enter" from the allocation menu. Then write the startaddress for instance M2.┌─────────────────── Allocation ─────────────────────┐│First address : M2│││││││││││││││││││││││││││││││└────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘Copyright Actron AB, 1992

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