Actsip-H - Esco-da.be

Actsip-H - Esco-da.be

Actsip-H - Esco-da.be


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52 Main Menu Actron AB7.4.3. Syntax check"Program-Syntax check"Performs a syntax check of the instructions in your program. If more errors are foundthan will fit in the window, correct the found errors and do another "Program-Syntaxcheck".╔═══════════════════ Syntax check ═════════════════╗║No errors detected║║║║║║Press ║╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════╝Since <strong>Actsip</strong>-H will automatically check the syntax of your instructions as you entereach block you will not encounter many errors with blocks but you may encountererrors such as jumping to a undefined la<strong>be</strong>l.NOTE !If you have changed CPU type you should always perform a syntaxcheck.7.4.4. Project information."Program-Info about project"Selecting this will open a window like this:╔═════════════════════════════ Project info ══════════════════════════╗║Company name PLC System Productions ║║Textline This line will <strong>be</strong> printed on all listings ║║Textline This line will also <strong>be</strong> printed in the footer ║║Project size 1 ║╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝The first three lines represent information that will <strong>be</strong> printed at the bottom of listingsproduced by <strong>Actsip</strong>-H.To change a line use the and to highlight that line andpress . You can now edit the old text or just re-enter new text. Then finish theediting by pressing . The company name can <strong>be</strong> 28 characters and the textlines contains a maximum of 55 characters."Project size" is the num<strong>be</strong>r of blocks your project contains. This project only containsa single block.7.4.5. Delete block(s)The "Program-Delete block" command is used to remove any num<strong>be</strong>r of blocks fromthe PLC project. You specify the first and last block (included) to <strong>be</strong> removed. If youhave a PLC project with 100 blocks and you then use this command to remove theblocks 20 to 29, the PLC project will then have 90 blocks. Press to leave thiswindow when you are done.Copyright Actron AB, 1992

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