Actsip-H - Esco-da.be

Actsip-H - Esco-da.be

Actsip-H - Esco-da.be


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34 Ladder programming Actron AB6.1.13. Printing the packed allocation list.Select "Printout-Allocation packed" and give the starting line as '*'. This will print allthe addresses that have a short or long comment.╔═════════ Allocation list packed ═══════╗║First address : *║║║║║║║╚════════════════════════════════════════╝And once again you must choose the media for the output:┌───────────────────── Output to ────────────────────┐│Printer││File││Screen│└────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘The listing should look like this:X00000 STARTX00001 CONTACTX00003 ENDX00004 END POINTSTART CONTACT FOR TRANSPORTERY00100 ENGINEM0033 NEW6.1.14. Printing the cross reference list.A cross reference is a list that answers the question:Where is that address used ?Select "Printout-Cross reference" and give the starting circuit as '*' and the startingaddress as X0 an the last as X49995 (That is value what <strong>Actsip</strong>-H proposes). This willprint all the X-addresses that have a short or long comment or that is used in the PLCproject. Below each address will <strong>be</strong> a list of the circuits that refer to that address.Num<strong>be</strong>rs inside parenthesis () are outputs and num<strong>be</strong>rs inside square brackets [] areused in word instructions.Copyright Actron AB, 1992

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