slides - NABE

slides - NABE

slides - NABE


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Burden of Proof – General Principles The IRS’s deficiency determination in a civil tax case is generally presumedcorrect, and the taxpayer bears the burden of proof Standard = preponderance of credible evidence The burden of proof may shift to the IRS in certain circumstances, such as: Increase in the amount of the deficiency New matters not included in the Notice of Deficiency Affirmative defenses pled by the IRS (e.g., res judicata, collateral estoppel) The taxpayer also bears the burden of proof in a tax refund suit The taxpayer must establish that there was an overpayment of tax Courts generally will not examine the IRS’s conduct in asserting adeficiency or denying a refund Will not “look behind” notices to examine motives, compliance with administrativeprocedures, etc. Tax cases are generally “de novo” proceedings2

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