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EW Modeling & Simulation ConferenceEW Executive Steering Committee (ESC)Perspective:Electronic Warfare Modeling and Simulation30 July 2009J.M. “Raleigh” DurhamDirectorStrategic AssessmentsOUSD (DDR&E)1

Overview• EW Challenges• History and Role of EW ESC• EW ESC Activities• Integrated Studies• EW M&S Challenges• Industry efforts• EW ESC Efforts• Summary2

Electronic Warfare ChallengesThe US is at risk of losing its edge in the area of EW• Evidence of these emerging challenges include:• IED Defeat Challenges that US Forces Faced in OIF/OEF• Concerns cited by PACOM Commander• Live fly experiences both in exercises and testing• Department studies of disruptive technologies• Capability gaps highlighted by DoD analyses• VCJCS chartered an EW Capabilities Based Assessment to definejoint needs leading to solutions.• USSTRATCOM / Joint EW Center (JEWC) leads CBA• Early Insight into DoD capability gaps is a lack of centralized leadershipover DoD’s EW PortfolioDUSD A&T Established the EW-JAT to Provide Focused Leadership on theDepartment’s Most Critical EW Concerns3

History:From EW JAT to the EW ESC (Executive Steering Committee)Nov 2007 Need For An Enduring Structure July 2009EW JAT• Temporary Organization• Chartered by DUSD(A&T) Nov 2007• Congressional EW Caucus requestedEW JAT upgrade to EW Task Force• Primary Focus: DRFM/ AEA for POM-10($2.2B in Issues to DAWG)• Ad hoc meeting schedule and attendance(10-25 attendees)EW ESC• Enduring Structure• Draft charter in coordination andstaffing by JS (J8 DDFAS)• Primary Focus: Coherent EW strategyfor DoD across DOTMLPF• Monthly meetings with GO/FOprincipals regularly involved (30-40attendees)4

DoD Support for the EW ESCDepSecDefKey SupportersRequirementsJROC DAWG• OSDJCB 3-StarAcq/ProgrammerFCB• AT&L, Policy, Intel, PAESSGSTRATCOMJCS J-8 OSD• Joint Staff (J-8, J-33)SWarF Lead2-3 Star 2-3 StarServices COCOM OSD JS• Selected Elements of Services1-2 1-2 Star1-2 1-2 Star 1-2 Star1-2 1-2 Star 1-2 Star1-2 1-2 Star 1-2 Star1-2 Star• AF/A5R & AF/A9WGJS STRATCOM OSD• USN N-78/N-35/NETWARCOMJ8/FAD O-6 O-6 Rep O-6• Army G3/5/7 EW DivisionJSServices COCOMOSD1-2 O-61-2 O-61-2 O-6O-61-2 Star1-2 Star1-2 StarStarStarStar• USMC AviationTOWGs• Congressional Interest GroupsTOWG A• Association of Old CrowsTypical TOWG RepresentationKey ConcernsCombatantUSAF USN USMC USA JEWCCommand• Services reluctant to yield power or oversight on programmatic decision making• Special Access Clearances required for effective EW Analysis/Oversight• STRATCOM/JEWC leadership role difficult for Services• EW programs are cross-cutting and difficult to bin by PE• Services unwilling to agree to a single EW Center of Excellence• USD(I) & DoD Policy views EW as a subset of IO1-2 1-2 StarStarTOWG B TOWG C TOWG D TOWG E TOWG F Etc.SSG – Senior Steering GroupWG – Working GroupTOWG – Task Organized WGOSDTier 2IO & SpaceEXCOMTier 3IO & SpaceEXCOMPARTNERNATIONS5

Key EW-ESC Activities• Developed +$2.2B EW related issues for the FY10-15 Program Budget Reviewby DAWG• Ongoing support to STRATCOM EW CBA• Capturing and documenting EW Programs in an EW Baseline/Roadmap• Identified Service EW leadership and working towards establishing Centers ofExcellence as focal points for each Service's multiple efforts• Updating Key EW Policy Documents, DODI 3600 and 3606• Identified Task Organized Working Group (TOWG) leads – requesting /receiving briefs on the status of their programs• Championing efforts to establish offensive and defensive EW modeling• Working with F-35 JPO to investigate NGJ M&S on F-35• Developing JAEA SoS EW Baseline with FA & FB FCBs, JIAMD, IDA, DA&Tand othersEW ESC is Evolving into DoD’s Single Focal Point for Electronic WarfareCapabilities and Programs -- starting to focus on M&S shortfalls6

7Integrated StudiesIntegrated Study Results – OSD (AT&L) / IAMD/EW Community / JATIAMD Performance AnalysisJAEA Capabilities AnalysisIAMD FoS CapabilityAssessment(IFOSCA)- IAMD FAMILY- Incl. F-22, F-35- Plus AES SOS- Plus? Decoys, Nulka,SLQ-32Red vs. Blue AnalysisJAEA CapabilitiesAnalysisNGJ / F-35 CONOPStudyMissions- CAS- OCA/DCA- SEAD- CMD- Ctr. Fires- Ctr. Surv + TargetingJoint AEA SOSStudy- F-35- MALD-J- EA-18G- EA-6B- Compass Call

JAEA SoS Analysis is adding EW M&Sto these EnvironmentsAir Superiority in Anti-Access EnvironmentFind and Kill High Value Moving TargetsSEAD/DEAD CampaignBattle Space AwarenessCAOCEW M&S enables and highlights EW criticality to all Mission Areas8

EW M&S Challenges• EW Model & Simulations tools are limited and therefore EWanalysis is lacking – resulting in EW assumptions viceanalysis• No true visibility to Senior Leadership and Decision Makers• Limited M&S prevents highlighting capability and budgetaryshortfalls• Restricted from open air testing – limited test rangescapable• Requires more dependence on M&S efforts• No effective solution at present• Limited EW M&S tools• EADSIM, Suppressor, ESAMs ,and BRAWLER• Focused on engagement and mission levels not campaign andcombined affects and System of System modeling• EW ESC is expanding the EW M&S tool set• OSD/PA&E has the lead is working with JHU APL and IDA9

Industry EW M&S EffortsIndustry has significant investment inEW M&S• High fidelity• Lockheed Martin – Center forInnovation -- Lighthouse• Northrop Grumman –(Cyberware Integration Network(CWIN) -- Bethpage• Boeing – Virtual Warfare CenterCyberware Integration Network(CWIN)– Bethpage, NY• Specializes in M&S:• Airborne early warning andEW systems• Advanced C2 architectures• Naval systems integration• Integrated precisiontargeting• Maritime patrol &reconnaissance systemsLockheed Martin’s LighthouseSuffolk, Va• Center for Innovation bringstogether Lockheed Martin’sresources from throughoutthe Corporation inhorizontally-integratedapproach to leverage the besttechnologies and expertise todevelop discriminatingsolutionsBoeing’s Virtual Warfare CenterSt Louis, Mo• Allows Live VirtualConstructive M&S:• F-22, F-15, F/A-18cockpits• AWACS, AEGIS, Patriot &other ISR systems• Patent pending simulationtechnologies to expandscenario sizes• Capable of integratingM&S centers10

EW ESC Efforts – EW M&S• Improving and expanding EW M&S efforts• JAEA SoS Integrated Capabilities Assessment• Improved EW M&S for JIAMD• Improved EW M&S for VWC• IRAD Analysis Support CRADAs – PA&E Lead• EW M&S toolset expansion -- OSD PA&E working with John HopkinsApplied Physics Laboratory• ESC Program Review issue paper initiated transition of the Joint ElectronicProtection for Air Combat (JEPAC) from a Joint Test & Evaluation to astanding organization under the Joint Electronic Warfare CenterEW ESC is leading EW forward and M&S is a critical part11

Summary• Emerging near peer competitors are raising the stakes• As we invest in EW capabilities and systems to improve and enableour warfighting posture, we should not forget that EW Mod & Simefforts are critically important• DoD and the EW ESC is committed to further these efforts;particularly due to the limitations on EW testing and peacetimeemployment• The attendees at this conference are the key• Combined Industry and DoD experts• Blend of warfighters, engineers, and program managers• Understand the urgency of improved EW M&S• Working the solutions today• Improved Mod & Sim will ensure proper analysis of EW impacts in theplanning scenarios/vignettes and platform/payload tradespace optiondevelopment and will provide Senior Leaders the confidence to moreaccurately quantify and justify the planned DoD EW investmentstrategy12

EW Modeling & Simulation ConferenceEW ESC Perspective:Electronic Warfare Modeling and Simulation30 July 2009J.M. “Raleigh” DurhamDirectorStrategic AssessmentsOUSD (DDR&E)13

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