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<strong>FACETS</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>HALAL</strong><strong>INDUSTRY</strong>Dato’ Dr. Ismail IbrahimChairman, Global Integrity Products & Services Sdn BhdWorld Halal Research Summit 2010KLCC Malaysia23 June 2010, 10 Rejab 1431H

Scope• Introduction• Principles of Halal• Transforming Knowledge to InnovateHalal Industry• Facets of Halal Industry• Summary

INTRODUCTION• Halal is an Arabic word meaning something whichis permissible, legal and good for the community.• Halal when used in relation to food and drink,means “permissible for consumption by Muslims‟• Halal is a concept that shares universal values thatpromote peace, prosperity, tolerance anddevelopment in all aspects of the community• Haram is the opposite of halal (illegal, prohibited)

PRINCIPLES <strong>OF</strong> <strong>HALAL</strong>• The basic principle established by Islam is theprinciple of natural usability and permissibility ofthings.• Nothing is forbidden except what is prohibitedeither by a verse of the Quran or an authenticand explicit Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh).• Dr. Yusof Qaradawi outlined the concept ofHalal into 11 points as follows:

PRINCIPLES <strong>OF</strong> <strong>HALAL</strong> ANDHARAM IN ISLAM1. All things created by Allah S.W.T are halal, with fewexceptions that are specifically prohibited.2. To make halal or haram is the right of Allah alone.3. The basic reason for the prohibition of things are due toimpurity and harmfulness.4. What is halal (permitted) is sufficient and what is haram(prohibited) is superfluous.5. Whatever is conducive to the haram (prohibited) is in itselfis haram (prohibited).

Objectives of Maqasid Al-Shariah• Protection of faith/aqidahE.g.: Alcoholics do not recognize his God• Protection of lifeE.g.: Poisonous food will damage body & soul• Protection of mind/Islamic mentalityE.g.: Liquor can result in lost control of the mind• Protection of propertyE.g.: „Muamalah Batilah‟• Protection of progeny/future generationE.g.: Halal food and healthy diet will producestrong and healthy family

Transforming Knowledgeinto Halal IndustryAl Quran Surah Al-Alaq:“Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who hascreated (all that exists).”(Verse 1)

Halal Industry in the Quran• Need to study the Quran• R&D based on Quranic science• Development of new technology• Technology commercialization• Development of Halal industry

The Halal Food IndustryAl Quran Surah Al-Baqarah:“O ye people! Eat of what is on earth,Halal and good; and do not follow thefootsteps of the Evil One, for he is to youan avowed enemy.”(Verse 168)

“So eat of the sustenance which Allah hasprovided for you, lawful and good; and begrateful for the favours of Allah, if it is He Whomye serve.He has only forbidden you dead meat, andblood, and the flesh of swine, and any (food)over which the name of other than Allah hasbeen invoked. But if one is forced by necessity,without wilful disobedience, nor transgressingdue limits, then Allah is Oft-Forgiving, MostMerciful.”(An-Nahl : 114 – 115)

The Halal Food Industry• Main halal products– frozen food- chilled food- ready-to-eat food- snacks• Ingredients, additives, spices

The Halal Medicine IndustryAl Quran Surah Al-Baqarah:“and do not throw yourselves into destruction(by not spending your wealth in the Cause ofAllah).”(Verse 195)

There comes forth from their bellies, a drink ofvarying colour wherein is healing for men(An-Nahlu : 69)15

The Halal Medicine Industry

The Halal Cosmetic IndustryAl Quran Surah Al-Baqarah:“Truly, Allâh loves those who turn unto Him inrepentance and loves those who purifythemselves.”(Verse 222)

The Halal Cosmetic Industry

The Halal Fashion IndustryAl Quran Surah Al-Ahzab:“O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughtersand the women of the believers to draw theircloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e.screenthemselves completely except the eyes or oneeye to see the way).”(Verse 168)

The Halal Fashion Industry

Islamic FinanceAl-Quran Surah Al-BaqarahO you who believe! Be afraid of Allâh and give up whatremains (due to you) from Ribâ (usury) (from nowonward), if you are (really) believers.(Verse 278)21

The Islamic Finance Industry“Islamic banking business” means banking businesswhose aims and operations do not involve anyelement which is not approved by the Religion ofIslam. (Source: Malaysia Islamic Banking Act 1983)Islamic Banking Act 1983Elements not approved by Islam :Riba (interest),Maisir and Gharar

The Halal Certification IndustryAl Quran Surah Al-Hujurat:O ye who believe! If an evil-liver bring you tidings,verify it, lest ye smite some folk in ignorance andafterward repent of what ye did.(Verse 6)

Halal Standards

Malaysian Halal Certification

The Halal Training IndustryAl Quran Surah Al-Alaq:“Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who hascreated (all that exists).”(Verse 1)

Education and Halal Training Industry

The Halal Educationand Training Industry• Syariah• Usuluddin• Aqidah and Philosophy

The Halal Tourism IndustryAl Quran Surah An-Nisa:“Was not the earth of Allâh spacious enoughfor you to emigrate therein?.”(Verse 97)

So travel through the land and seewhat was the end of those whodenied (the truth)An-Anahlu 3630

Halal Tourism Industry• Halal food at hotel & tourist spot• Prayer time & Kiblah direction• Praying area at tour site• Halal airlines and women-onlyhotels are up and cominginvestment trends currentlygaining global popularity

GIPS Services• GIPS is Global Integrity Products and Services Sdn Bhd• Provides Halal Integrity services:1. Halal TrainingHalalManagementHalalBusinessHalal Audit2. Halal Consultancy3. Halal CommercializationContact: Phone: 603-78430168Fax: 603-78430232Email: info@globintegrity.com

Summary•Discovery based on the Quran•Research and Technologycommercialization•Facets of Halal industry: Products andServices•Halal industry will be the next world marketforce

THANK YOU FOR YOURATTENTIONGlobal Integrity Products and ServicesNo.3, 3 rd FloorBlock C, Laman Seri Business ParkSection 13, 40150 Shah AlamSelangor Darul Ehsan

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