Operating Instructions862 KB - Viessmann

Operating Instructions862 KB - Viessmann

Operating Instructions862 KB - Viessmann


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<strong>Operating</strong> instructionsfor the system userVIESMANNHeating system with weather-compensated, digital boiler andheating circuit control unit Vitotronic 200, type FO1VITOLIGNO 300-P5592 617 GB 4/2009 Please keep safe.

Safety instructionsFor your safetyPlease follow these safety instructions closely to prevent accidents and materiallosses.Safety instructions explainedDangerThis symbol warns against therisk of injury.!Please noteThis symbol warns against therisk of material losses and environmentalpollution.NoteDetails identified by the word "Note" containadditional information.Target groupThese operating instructions are for theheating system user.This unit is not designed to be used bypersons (including children) with limitedbodily, sensory or mental capacities, orlacking experience and/or lacking knowledge,unless they are supervised by aperson responsible for their safety, orhave received instructions from such aperson as to how to use the unit.Please note! Children should be supervised.Ensure that children do not playwith the unit.DangerIncorrectly executed work on theheating system can lead to lifethreateningaccidents.■ Work on gas appliances mustonly be carried out by a registeredgas fitter.■ Work on electrical equipmentmust only be carried out by aqualified electrician.If you smell gasDangerEscaping gas can lead to explosionswhich may result in seriousinjury.■ Do not smoke. Prevent nakedflames and sparks. Neverswitch lights or electrical appliancesON or OFF.■ Close the gas shut-off valve.■ Open windows and doors.■ Remove all people from thedanger zone.■ Notify your gas or electricitysupplier and your heating contractorfrom outside the building.■ Shut off the electricity supply tothe building from a safe place(outside the building).5592 617 GB2

Safety instructionsFor your safety (cont.)If you smell flue gasDangerFlue gas can lead to life-threateningpoisoning.■ Shut down the heating system.■ Ventilate the boiler room.■ Close all doors in the livingspace.In case of fireDangerFire creates the risk of burningand explosions.■ Shut down the heating system.■ Close the shut-off valves of thefuel lines.■ Use a tested fire extinguisher,class ABC.Ancillary components, spare andwearing partsPlease note! Components that are not testedwith the heating system may leadto damage to the heating system,or may affect their various functions.Installation or replacement workmust only be carried out by qualifiedpersonnel.Boiler room requirements5592 617 GB!Please noteIncorrect ambient conditions canlead to damage to the heatingsystem and put the safe operationat risk.■ Ensure ambient temperaturesabove 0 ºC and below 35 ºC.■ Prevent air contamination byhalogenated hydrocarbons(e.g. as contained in paints,solvents or cleaning fluids) andexcessive dust (e.g. throughgrinding/polishing work).■ Avoid continuously high humiditylevels (e.g. through frequentdrying of washing).■ Never close existing ventilationapertures.3

IndexIndexIntroductory informationCommissioning..................................................................................................... 6Your system is preset at the factory..................................................................... 6Where to find the controlsSummary of controls and indicators..................................................................... 7■ Opening the control unit.................................................................................... 7■ Functions.......................................................................................................... 8■ Symbols in the display...................................................................................... 10■ Heating circuit selection – before any adjustment and scanning...................... 10■ Possible standard displays............................................................................... 10Start-up/shutdownStarting the heating system.................................................................................. 11Shutting down the heating system....................................................................... 11Starting one heating circuit and DHW heating..................................................... 12Stopping one heating circuit and DHW heating.................................................... 13Starting DHW heating only................................................................................... 14Stopping DHW heating......................................................................................... 15Adjusting the room temperatureSetting a permanent room temperature............................................................... 16■ Setting the standard room temperature............................................................ 17■ Setting the reduced room temperature............................................................. 18■ Switching times................................................................................................. 18Changing the room temperature for a few days only........................................... 21■ Setting a holiday program................................................................................. 21Changing the room temperature for a few hours only.......................................... 22■ Setting economy mode..................................................................................... 23■ Setting party mode............................................................................................ 24Selecting DHW heatingSelecting constant DHW heating.......................................................................... 26■ Setting the DHW temperature........................................................................... 27■ Switching times................................................................................................. 28Selecting DHW heating for a few hours only........................................................ 32Selecting DHW heating only once........................................................................ 33Further adjustmentsSetting supply times for fuel supply...................................................................... 34Heating circuit designation................................................................................... 36Setting the time and date..................................................................................... 37Language selection.............................................................................................. 3745592 617 GB

IndexIndex (cont.)Modifying the boiler heating characteristics......................................................... 38■ Changing the slope and level............................................................................ 38■ For technically-minded system users................................................................ 40Adjusting the display contrast............................................................................... 41Adjusting the key tone.......................................................................................... 41Restoring the standard settings............................................................................ 42Scanning optionsScanning temperatures........................................................................................ 43■ Boiler information.............................................................................................. 43■ System circuit information (weather-compensated), heating circuit 1 and heatingcircuit 2........................................................................................................ 44■ System circuit information (with constant boiler water temperature)................ 44■ DHW information (subject to a DHW cylinder being installed).......................... 45■ Solar information............................................................................................... 45■ Resetting system data...................................................................................... 46Scanning the fault display.................................................................................... 46What to do if...Rooms are too cold.............................................................................................. 48Rooms are too hot................................................................................................ 49There is no hot water............................................................................................ 50The DHW is too hot.............................................................................................. 50"Fault" is shown on the display............................................................................. 50"Maintenance" is displayed.................................................................................. 51"Remote control" is shown on the display............................................................ 51"Close ash door" is shown on the display............................................................ 51"Cleaning in op." is shown on the display............................................................. 51"Cleaning with stop" is shown on the display....................................................... 51"Refill store" is shown on the display.................................................................... 52"Grate cleaning" is shown on the display............................................................. 52"Empty ash box" is shown on the display............................................................. 52Ordering fuel....................................................................................................... 53MaintenanceEmptying the ash box........................................................................................... 54Cleaning............................................................................................................... 55Inspection and maintenance................................................................................ 555592 617 GBEnergy saving tips............................................................................................. 57Keyword index.................................................................................................... 585

Introductory informationCommissioningThe commissioning and matching of thecontrol unit to local conditions and thestructural characteristics of the buildingmust be carried out by your heating contractor.As the user of new combustion equipment,you may be obliged to notify yourlocal flue gas inspector of the installation[check local regulations]. Your local fluegas inspector will also inform you [whereappropriate] about work he may berequired to perform on your combustionequipment (e.g. regular checks, cleaning).Your system is preset at the factoryThe control unit has been preset at thefactory to "Heating & DHW", i.e. the systemdelivers central heating and DHWheating (if a DHW cylinder is installed).Your heating system is therefore readyfor use:■ Between 06:00 and 22.00 h the systemdelivers central heating withstandard room temperature.■ Between 05:30 and 22:00 h the DHWis boosted to the selected set temperature(if a DHW cylinder is installed).The DHW circulation pump is switchedON (if connected to the control unit).■ Between 22:00 and 06:00 h the systemdelivers central heating withreduced room temperature (set to3 ºC, frost protection).■ Between 22:00 and 05:30 h the DHWcylinder will not be boosted.■ The system automatically changesover between summer and wintertime.Day and time are entered by your heatingcontractor during commissioning.You may change the standard settingspreset at the factory in accordance withpersonal requirements.NoteAll data will be retained in case of powerfailure.5592 617 GB6

Where to find the controlsSummary of controls and indicatorsYou can change all settings of your heating system, centrally, at the programmingunit.You may also make such changes at any remote control units.Remote control operating instructionsOpening the control unitC1. Lift up the top part of the controlunit.This latches in a specific position.2. You can change this position bypushing C on the side.B AA ON indicator (green)B Fault indicator (red)5592 617 GB7

Where to find the controlsSummary of controls and indicators (cont.)FunctionsG A B CDIdle stateBoilerOutside temp.DHW temp.55°C8°C50°CFA DisplayB Back keyThis key always takes you back tothe previous menu choice.C Cursor key (moving up and down inthe menu) and adjusting values.Display layoutAt any one time, the display shows fourlines of the selected menu. Select furthermenu points with keys |/~.ED ConfirmationE Settings menuF Emissions test key (only for service)G Standby (see page 12)If you choose a menu point where avalue can be changed, e.g. "Standardroom temperature" you change it withkeys |/~ and confirm the new value bypressing d.5592 617 GB8

Summary of controls and indicators (cont.)Where to find the controlsSummary of menu structure5592 617 GBBoiler System circuitorHeating circuit 1Boiler temp. setorSupply timesHeating circuit 1Heating circuit 2Standard room temp. *1Red. room temp.*1DHW temp.Heating programParty mode *1Economy mode *1Switching timesHoliday program *1Heating curve *1Standard setting*1Not for system circuit with constant boiler water temperature.i Informationi Boileri System circuiti Heating circuit 1 HK1 *1i Heating circuit 2 HK2 *1i DHWi SolarCentral heatingDHWDHW circulation pumpSettingsTime/dateLanguageContrastKey toneHeating circ. desig.*1Heating & DHWDHW onlyStandby mode9

Where to find the controlsSummary of controls and indicators (cont.)Symbols in the displayThese symbols are not permanently displayed, but appear subject to the system versionand the operating state.eSQRisk of frostEmissions test function activatedRadio clock reception (only withradio clock module, accessory)Ñ Please waitHC1 Heating circuit 1HC2 Heating circuit 2Heating circuit selection – before any adjustment and scanningYour building may be heated by severalindependent heating circuits (e.g. underfloorheating circuits or radiator circuits).You need to select these before anyadjustment or scanning. The heating circuitscan be individually designated (seechapter "Heating circuit designation").Possible standard displaysSubject to the operational status of the boiler the following standard displays canappear in the display:Control modeBoiler68°CIdle stateBoiler50°CCentral heatingDHWONOFFCentral heatingDHWONOFFHeat upBoiler25°CCentral heatingDHWONOFFBurnout phaseBoiler 52°C5592 617 GB10

Start-up/shutdownStarting the heating systemA1. Check the heating system pressureat pressure gauge A:The system pressure is too low if theindicator points to the area below thered field (minimum system pressure1.0 bar). In this case, top up withwater or notify your local heating contractor.2. Check that the ventilation aperturesof the installation room are unrestricted.3. Check whether the heat consumptionis assured by the heating system, i.e.if radiator valves are open.4. Press f.The heating system starts.The green indicator (ON indicator)illuminates.After a short while, the standard displayrelating to the operational statusappears (see page 10).Shutting down the heating systemIf you intend shutting down your heating system temporarily, i.e. during a summerholiday.5592 617 GB11

Start-up/shutdownShutting down the heating system (cont.)Press f.The green indicator (ON indicator)flashes.■ If the burner is in use it goes into burnoutphase.Burnout phaseBoiler 52°CNote■ The display illumination extinguishesand the connected consumers, e.g.the heating circuit pumps, areswitched off.■ Frost protection is no longer enabled.■ All control unit settings remain intact.■ If a remote control is connected to theheating circuits, then its display illuminationextinguishes as well.NoteIf the boiler happens to be in the heatupphase then this is terminated beforethe boiler enters the burnout phase.■ If the system is in the "Idle state"Standby is immediately activated.Starting one heating circuit and DHW heatingYou wish to heat your rooms and make DHW available.Press the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "System circuit".6. |/~ for "Heating & DHW".7. d to confirm.In the display "Accepted"appears briefly and a checkmark appears in the relevantbox.3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Heating program".5. d to confirm.Heating programHeating & DHWDHW onlyStandby modeHK15592 617 GB12

Starting one heating circuit and DHW heating (cont.)Start-up/shutdown■ Central heating will be provided withstandard or reduced room temperature(frost protection) according to theset switching times.Standard setting:From 06:00 to 22:00 h standard roomtemperature; otherwise reduced roomtemperature.■ DHW heating (if a DHW cylinder isinstalled) is enabled and the DHW circulationpump (if installed) is ONaccording to the selected time programs.Standard setting:From 05:30 to 22:00 h, DHW is boostedto the set temperature, and theDHW circulation pump is switched ON.Observe the information onpage 26.■ The boiler and the DHW cylinder areprotected against frost.Stopping one heating circuit and DHW heatingYou do not wish to heat any rooms or make DHW available.5592 617 GBPress the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "System circuit".3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Heating program".5. d to confirm.6. |/~ for "Standby mode".7. d to confirm.In the display "Accepted"appears briefly and a checkmark appears in the relevantbox.Heating programHeating & DHWDHW onlyStandby modeHK1■ Central heating is disabled for theselected heating circuit.■ No DHW heating.Observe the information onpage 26.■ The boiler and the DHW cylinder areprotected against frost.13

Start-up/shutdownStopping one heating circuit and DHW heating (cont.)NoteThe pumps are briefly started automaticallyevery 24 hours to prevent themfrom seizing up.Starting DHW heating onlyYou do not want to heat any rooms, but you want to have DHW available.Press the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "System circuit".3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Heating program".5. d to confirm.6. |/~ for "DHW only".7. d to confirm.In the display "Accepted"appears briefly and a checkmark appears in the relevantbox.■ Central heating is disabled for theselected heating circuit.■ DHW heating (if a DHW cylinder isinstalled) is enabled and the DHW circulationpump (if installed) is ONaccording to the selected time programs.Standard setting:From 05:30 to 22:00 h, DHW is boostedto the set temperature, and theDHW circulation pump is switched ON.Observe the information onpage 26.■ The boiler and the DHW cylinder areprotected against frost.If the boiler water temperature falls to5 °C, then the temperature is rampedup again to 50 °C.NoteThe heating circuit pumps are brieflystarted every 24 hours to prevent themfrom seizing up.Heating programHeating & DHWDHW onlyStandby modeHK15592 617 GB14

Start-up/shutdownStopping DHW heatingYou want to heat your rooms, but do not want to make DHW available.Press the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "System circuit".3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Heating program".5. d to confirm.6. |/~ for "Heating & DHW".7. d to confirm.In the display "Accepted"appears briefly and a checkmark appears in the relevantbox.■ Central heating will be provided withstandard or reduced room temperature(frost protection) according to theset switching times.Standard setting:From 06:00 to 22:00 h standard roomtemperature; otherwise reduced roomtemperature.■ No DHW heating.Observe the information onpage 26.■ The boiler and the DHW cylinder areprotected against frost.If the boiler water temperature falls to5 °C, then the temperature is rampedup again to 50 °C.NoteThe cylinder primary pump is briefly startedevery 24 hours to prevent it fromseizing up.Heating programHeating & DHWDHW onlyStandby modeHK18. Delete the time phases for DHW heating(see page 31)orAdjust the set DHW temperature to 10°C (see page 27).5592 617 GB15

Adjusting the room temperatureSetting a permanent room temperatureObserve the following points if your heating circuit should provide central heating:Check if "Heating & DHW" is set for the relevant heating circuit.Press the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "System circuit".3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Heating program"; thecheck mark must be next to"Heating & DHW".If not, proceed as follows:5. |/~ for "Heating & DHW".6. d to confirm.7. g press until the standard displayis shown (see page 10).You can set the standard room temperature (for day) (see page 17) and the reducedroom temperature (for night) for the relevant heating circuit (see page 18).The timing of when the heating circuit delivers central heating with standard orreduced room temperature depends on the settings of the switching times (four possibletime phases, see page 18) for each respective day.■ If one or several time phases are selected, central heating with standard roomtemperature will be active for those times.■ If no time phases are selected, central heating will be enabled for the whole day atthe reduced room temperature.Press the following keys:6. |/~ for "Central heating".1. "MENU".2. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "System circuit".3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Switching times".5. d to confirm.5592 617 GB16

Setting a permanent room temperature (cont.)Adjusting the room temperature7. d press until the display for the"Central heating" time phasesappears on a time slotgraphic in the display.8. g press until the standard displayis shown (see page 10).For changing the switching times, seepage 18.Central heatingMo-Su HK14 60 102 8 12 14 16 18 20 22 24106:00 to 22:00 hSelect withIn this example timephase ! is set from 6.00 to22.00.This means that during thistime central heating at standardroom temperature isdelivered.Setting the standard room temperaturePress the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "System circuit".5. d to confirm.Standard room temp.20°CChange withHK13. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Standard room temp.".6. |/~ for the required temperature.7. d to confirm.In the display "Accepted"appears briefly.8. g press until the standard displayis shown (see page 10).5592 617 GB17

Adjusting the room temperatureSetting a permanent room temperature (cont.)Setting the reduced room temperaturePress the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "System circuit".3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Red. room temp.".5. d to confirm.6. |/~ for the required temperature.NoteWhen setting the reducedroom temperature to 3 °C,"Frost protection" will bedisplayed.7. d to confirm.In the display "Accepted"appears briefly.8. g press until the standard displayis shown (see page 10).Red. room temp.HK1Frost protection 3°CChange withSwitching times■ For central heating, up to four changes per day between standard and reducedroom temperature can be programmed (four time phases).■ At the factory, time phase ! is set for every day from 06:00 to 22:00 h, i.e. duringthat time, all rooms are heated to the standard room temperature.■ You can set switching times individually for the following days or parts of the week:– The same for every day: Monday to Sunday– For individual parts of the week: Monday to Friday and Saturday to Sunday– For every day individually: Monday, Tuesday, etc.When setting switching times, bear in mind that your heating system requires sometime to heat the rooms to the required temperature.For the steps for setting switching times, see page 19.For a sequence of steps to delete a time phase, see page 20.5592 617 GB18

Setting a permanent room temperature (cont.)Adjusting the room temperatureSetting switching timesPress the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "Systemcircuit".3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Switching times".5. d to confirm.6. |/~ for time switch "Centralheating".NoteIf you want to terminate thetime programming early,press g until the standarddisplay is shown (see page10).7. d to confirm.9. d to confirm.Central heatingMo-SuHK14 60 102 8 12 14 16 18 20 22 24106:00 to 22:00 hSelect with10. |/~ for the selection of the timephase.The respective time phase isdisplayed by a number(!, ?, § or $).11. d to confirm.12. |/~ for the starting point of thetime phase.13. d to confirm.14. |/~ for the end point of the timephase.15. d to confirm.Central heatingMo-SuHK14 60 102 8 12 14 16 18 20 22 24Heating periodMonday-SundayMonday-FridaySaturday-SundayHK1105:30 to 09:00 hAccepted8. |/~ until the required part of theweek or day appears.5592 617 GB19

Adjusting the room temperatureSetting a permanent room temperature (cont.)16. To adjust the beginning and end offurther time phases proceed asdescribed under steps 10 to 15.Central heatingMo-SuHK14 60 102 8 12 14 16 18 20 22 24216:30 to 23:00 hAccepted3. |/~ press until the end time display"- - : - -" appears.Central heatingMo-SuHK14 60 102 8 12 14 16 18 20 22 242--:-- to --:-- hAccept with OK17. g press until the standard displayis shown (seepage 10).Deleting time phasesPress the following keys if you want todelete a time phase:1. Proceed as described in points 1 to 11of chapter "Setting switching times".2. d press until the end of theselected time phase is displayed.4. d to confirm.5. g press until the standard displayis shown (see page 10).Incorporating time phases into thestandard factory settingsIf you want to restore all time phases totheir factory settings, press the followingkeys:1. Proceed as described in points 1 to 9of chapter "Setting switching times".2. |/~ for "Standard setting".Central heatingMo-Su HK14 60 102 8 12 14 16 18 20 22 24Central heatingMo-Su HK14 60 102 8 12 14 16 18 20 22 24216:30 to 23:00 hChange withStandard settingSelect with OK3. d twice to confirm.4. g press until the standard displayis shown (see page 10).5592 617 GB20

Adjusting the room temperatureChanging the room temperature for a few days onlyThe following energy saving options are available for times when you are on holiday:■ You can switch OFF central heating completely (see "Switching OFF one heatingcircuit and DHW heating" on page 13).or■ You can set central heating to minimum energy consumption (e.g. to prevent yourhouseplants from being damaged by frost). For this, select the "Holiday program".– When "Heating & DHW" is selected, all heating circuits are heated during theholiday program with the selected reduced room temperature (see page 18), butthere will be no DHW heating.– When "DHW only" has been selected, the holiday program for all heating circuitswill only deliver frost protection for the boiler and the DHW cylinder.Setting a holiday programThe holiday program starts at 00:00 h the day following your departure and ends at00:00 h on the day of your return, i.e. the set switching times are enabled on the dayof departure and the day of return.NoteThe control unit is set up so that the holiday program applies to all heating circuits.If you want to make changes, contact your local heating contractor.Press the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "System circuit".3. d to confirm.5. d to confirm; the current date"From" and the followingdate "To" are displayed.Holiday programFromToChange withHK1Tu 25.07.06We 26.07.064. |/~ for "Holiday program".5592 617 GB21

Adjusting the room temperatureChanging the room temperature for a few days… (cont.)6. |/~ for departure date.NoteIf you want to terminate settingthe holiday programearly, press g until thestandard display is shown(see page 10).7. d to confirm.8. |/~ for return date.9. d to confirm.In the display "Accepted"appears briefly and a checkmark appears in the relevantbox.Heating circuit 1Economy modeSwitching timesHoliday programHK1Terminating the holiday programThe holiday program terminates automatically on the day of return.If you want to terminate the holiday programprematurely, press the followingkeys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "Systemcircuit".3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Holiday program".5. d to confirm.6. |/~ for "Delete program".7. d to confirm.8. |/~ for "Delete?" "Yes".9. d to confirm.In the display "Accepted"appears briefly.10. g press until the standard displayis shown (seepage 10).Changing the room temperature for a few hours onlyThe following functions enable you to change the room temperature for a few hours,without permanently altering your control settings.5592 617 GB22

Adjusting the room temperatureChanging the room temperature for a few hours… (cont.)■ To save energy, you can reduce the standard room temperature with "Economymode" (see chapter "Setting economy mode").■ You want to heat spontaneously with the standard room temperature and makeDHW available. For this, select "Party mode" (see chapter "Setting party mode").Setting economy modeIn economy mode, the standard room temperature will be reduced automatically.Press the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "System circuit".3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Economy mode".5. d to confirm.In the display "Economymode ON" appears brieflyand a check mark appears inthe relevant box.Heating circuit 1Heating programParty modeEconomy modeHK1Terminating economy modeThe economy mode ends automatically with the next changeover to central heatingwith reduced room temperature.If you want to terminate economy modeprematurely, press the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "System circuit".3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Economy mode".5. d to confirm.In the display "Economymode OFF" appears briefly.5592 617 GB23

Adjusting the room temperatureChanging the room temperature for a few hours… (cont.)Setting party mode■ Central heating will be enabled at any temperature you select (party temperature).■ DHW is boosted to the set temperature.■ The DHW circulation pump is switched ON.Press the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "System circuit".3. d to confirm.5. |/~ for the required temperature,if you want to change theroom temperature.6. d to confirm.In the display "Accepted"appears briefly and a checkmark appears in the relevantbox.4. |/~ for "Party mode".A value for the room temperatureduring party mode isdisplayed in the display.Heating circuit 1DHW temperatureHeating programParty modeHK1Party mode20°CChange withTerminating party modeParty mode ends automatically with the next changeover to central heating withstandard room temperature, but no later than after 8 hours.If you want to terminate party mode prematurely,press the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "System circuit".3. d to confirm.5592 617 GB24

Adjusting the room temperatureChanging the room temperature for a few hours… (cont.)4. |/~ for "Party mode".5. d to confirm.In the display "Party modeOFF" appears briefly.5592 617 GB25

Selecting DHW heatingSelecting constant DHW heatingNoteThe control unit is adjusted so that the settings for DHW heating apply to all heatingcircuits. If you want to make changes, contact your local heating contractor.Observe the following points if you want to enable DHW heating:You can select the required DHW temperature (see page 27).Check whether "Heating & DHW" or "DHW only" is set for the relevant heatingcircuit.Press the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "System circuit".5. |/~ for "Heating & DHW" or"DHW only".6. d to confirm.7. g press until the standard displayis shown (see page 10).3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Heating program"; thecheck mark must be next to"Heating & DHW" or "DHWonly".If not, proceed as follows:When DHW heating is enabled for the heating circuit and when the DHW circulationpump (if installed) runs, depends on the settings of the switching times for the respectiveday (four possible time phases, see page 29).NoteIf DHW heating is set to automatic mode (see page 28) switching times are scannedwhen scanning the switching times for central heating (see page 16).Press the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "System circuit".5592 617 GB26

Selecting DHW heatingSelecting constant DHW heating (cont.)3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Switching times".5. |/~ for "DHW".7. g press until the standard displayis shown (see page 10).For changing the switching times, seepage 28.6. d press until the display for the"DHW" time phases appearson a time slot graphic in thedisplay.DHW Mo-Su HK14 60 102 8 12 14 16 18 20 22 24105:30 to 22:00 hSelect withIn this example timephase ! is set from 5.30 to22.00 h.This means that during thistime DHW heating is activated.Setting the DHW temperaturePress the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "System circuit".3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "DHW temperature".DHW temperature50°CChange with5. |/~ for the required temperature.5592 617 GB6. d to confirm.In the display "Accepted"appears briefly.27

Selecting DHW heatingSelecting constant DHW heating (cont.)7. g press until the standard displayis shown (see page 10).Switching timesHeating system without DHW circulation pumpNoteThe control unit is adjusted so that the setting for DHW heating applies to all heatingcircuits. If you want to make changes, contact your local heating contractor.■ DHW heating can be enabled/disabled up to 4 times per day (four time phases).■ Automatic mode (factory setting)DHW heating is enabled in parallel to the central heating switching times of thefirst available heating circuit, but starts 30 min earlier (from 05:30 to 22:00 h).■ Individual switching timesYou can also set up individual switching times for the following days or parts of theweek if you do not wish to operate in automatic mode:– The same for every day: Monday to Sunday– For individual parts of the week: Monday to Friday and Saturday to Sunday– For every day individually: Monday, Tuesday, etc.When setting switching times, bear in mind that your heating system requires sometime to heat the DHW cylinder to the required temperature.For the steps for setting switching times, see page 30.For a sequence of steps to delete a time phase, see page 31.Heating system with DHW circulation pumpNoteThe control unit is adjusted so that the setting for DHW heating applies to all heatingcircuits. If you want to make changes, contact your local heating contractor.■ The DHW circulation pump transports hot water through a circuit between the DHWcylinder and the draw-off points to deliver DHW to the taps as quickly as possible.■ DHW heating and the DHW circulation pump can be enabled/disabled up to 4 timesper day (4 time phases).■ Also, enabling the DHW circulation pump is only advisable for those times whenDHW is actually drawn.5592 617 GB28

Selecting DHW heatingSelecting constant DHW heating (cont.)■ Automatic mode (factory setting)DHW heating and the DHW circulation pump are enabled in parallel to the centralheating switching times of the first available heating circuit, however they start 30minutes earlier (from 05:30 to 22:00 h).■ Individual switching timesYou can also set up individual switching times for the following days or parts of theweek if you do not wish to operate in automatic mode:– The same for every day: Monday to Sunday– For individual parts of the week: Monday to Friday and Saturday to Sunday– For every day individually: Monday, Tuesday, etc.The following explains the setting up of switching times using DHW heating as anexample. Proceed in the same fashion to set the switching times for the DHW circulationpump.When setting switching times, bear in mind that your heating system requires sometime to heat the DHW cylinder to the required temperature.For the steps for setting switching times, see page 30.For a sequence of steps to delete a time phase, see page 31.Setting switching timesSetting individual switching timesPress the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "Systemcircuit".3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Switching times".5. d to confirm.6. |/~ for "DHW" time switch.NoteIf you want to terminate thetime programming early,press g until the standarddisplay is shown (see page10).7. d to confirm.DHWAutomaticIndividualSelect with8. |/~ for "Individual".HK15592 617 GB29

Selecting DHW heatingSelecting constant DHW heating (cont.)9. d to confirm.17. d to confirm.DHW periodMonday-SundayMonday-FridaySaturday-SundayHK1DHW Mo-Su HK14 60 102 8 12 14 16 18 20 22 241 08:00 to 12:00 hAccepted10. |/~ until the required part of theweek or day appears.11. d to confirm.DHW Mo-Su HK14 60 102 8 12 14 16 18 20 22 24105:30 to 22:00 hSelect with12. |/~ for the selection of the timephase.The respective time phase isdisplayed by a number(!, ?, § or $).13. d to confirm.14. |/~ for the starting point of thetime phase.15. d to confirm.16. |/~ for the end point of the timephase.18. To adjust the beginning and end offurther time phases proceed asdescribed under steps 12 to 17.DHW Mo-Su HK14 60 102 8 12 14 16 18 20 22 24216:30 to 23:00 hAccepted19. g press until the standard displayis shown (seepage 10).Setting automatic modePress the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "System circuit".3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Switching times".5. d to confirm.6. |/~ for "DHW" time switch.5592 617 GB30

Selecting DHW heatingSelecting constant DHW heating (cont.)7. d to confirm.DHWAutomaticIndividualSelect with8. |/~ for "Automatic".DHWAutomaticIndividualAcceptedHK1HK13. |/~ press until the end time display"- - : - -" appears.4. d to confirm.DHW Mo-Su HK14 60 102 8 12 14 16 18 20 22 242--:-- to --:-- hAccept with OK5. g press until the standard displayis shown (see page 10).Restoring time phases to factory settingsDeleting time phasesPress the following keys if you want todelete a time phase:1. Proceed as described in points 1 to 12of chapter "Setting switching times".2. d press until the end of theselected time phase is displayed.DHW Mo-Su HK14 60 102 8 12 14 16 18 20 22 24If you want to restore all time phases totheir factory settings, press the followingkeys:1. Proceed as described in points 1 to 11of chapter "Setting switching times".2. |/~ for "Standard setting".DHW Mo-Su HK14 60 102 8 12 14 16 18 20 22 24Standard settingSelect with OK216:30 to 23:00 hChange with3. d twice to confirm.4. g press until the standard displayis shown (see page 10).5592 617 GB31

Selecting DHW heatingSelecting DHW heating for a few hours onlyThe following functions enable you to heat DHW for several hours, without permanentlyaltering your control settings. For this, select "Party mode". During partymode, the DHW circulation pump runs and central heating operates at the party modetemperature.Press the following keys:5. d twice to confirm.1. "MENU".2. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "System circuit".3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Party mode".Party mode20°CChange withNoteSet the temperature for partymode to 4 ºC, if you do notrequire central heating (e.g.in summer) (see chapter"Setting party mode").Terminating party modeParty mode ends automatically with the next changeover to central heating withstandard room temperature, but no later than after 8 hours.If you want to cancel party mode prematurely,press the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "System circuit".5592 617 GB32

Selecting DHW heating for a few hours only (cont.)Selecting DHW heating3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Party mode".5. d to confirm.In the display "Party modeOFF" appears briefly.Selecting DHW heating only onceThe following function enables you to heat DHW once, without permanently alteringyour settings. For this, select "Party mode".Preconditions:■ Not in "Standby mode" and not in the "Holiday program".■ The DHW temperature must be below the set value (see page 27).Press the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "System circuit".3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Party mode".Party mode20°CChange with5. d twice to confirm.5592 617 GB6. After approx. 10 s, press d again.Party mode is then terminated. DHWheating continues until the set valueis reached.33

Further adjustmentsSetting supply times for fuel supplyThe factory setting for the supply time is "Subj. to demand", meaning the supplysystem is enabled automatically.You can also set the supply times individually, if required, so that filling the pellethopper is only allowed at certain times.The supply times should be selected in such a way that there is sufficient fuel shouldthe power fail temporarily.Setting supply timesPress the following keys:341. "MENU".2. |/~ for "Boiler".3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Supply times".5. d to confirm.6. |/~ for "Individual".NoteIf you want to terminate thesettings for supply timesprematurely, press g untilthe standard display isshown (see page 10).7. d to confirm.Supply timesMonday-SundayMonday-FridaySaturday-Sunday8. |/~ until the required part of theweek or day appears.9. d to confirm.Supply times4 60 102 8 12 14 16 18 20 22 24100:00 to 24:00 hSelect with10. |/~ for the selection of the timephase.The respective time phase isdisplayed by a number(!, ?, § or $).11. d to confirm.12. |/~ for the starting point of thetime phase.13. d to confirm.14. |/~ for the end point of the timephase.15. d to confirm.Supply times4 60 102 8 12 14 16 18 20 22 24108:00 to 12:00 hAccepted5592 617 GB

Further adjustmentsSetting supply times for fuel supply (cont.)16. To adjust the beginning and end offurther time phases proceed asdescribed under steps 10 to 15.Supply times4 60 102 8 12 14 16 18 20 22 24216:30 to 18:00 hAccepted17. g press until the standard displayis shown (seepage 10).Deleting time phasesPress the following keys if you want todelete a time phase:1. Proceed as described in points 1 to 11of chapter "Setting supply times".2. d press until the end of theselected time phase is displayed.3. |/~ until the end time display "- - :- -" appears.Supply times4. d to confirm.4 60 102 8 12 14 16 18 20 22 24Standard settingSelect with OK5. g press until the standard displayis shown (see page 10).Restoring time phases to factory settingsIf you want to restore all time phases totheir factory settings, press the followingkeys:1. Proceed as described in points 1 to 9of chapter "Setting supply times".2. |/~ for "Standard setting".Supply times4 60 102 8 12 14 16 18 20 22 24Supply times4 60 102 8 12 14 16 18 20 22 24216:30 to 18:00 hChange withStandard settingSelect with OK3. d twice to confirm.4. g press until the standard displayis shown (see page 10).5592 617 GB35

Further adjustmentsHeating circuit designationYou can designate heating circuits 1 and 2 (HK1 and HK2) individually. The abbreviationsHK1 and HK2 remain.Press the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for "Settings".3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Heating circ.design.".SettingsContrastKey toneHeating circ. desig.5. d to confirm.9. d to confirm.10. Continue until the word is writtenout.11. d press until the line is emptyand "Accepted" appears inthe display.Heating circ. desig.Ground floorAcceptedHK1For further settings the following displayis shown for "Heating circuit 1":6. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "Systemcircuit".7. d to confirm.Please selectBoilerGround floorHeating circuit 2HK1HK28. |/~ for the selected letter.NoteYou can hold down |/~until the selected letterappears.If you want to cancel theselection, press |/~ untila blank space appears.5592 617 GB36

Further adjustmentsSetting the time and dateDate and time are set by your contractor and may be changed manually.Press the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for "Settings".3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Time/date".SettingsTime/dateLanguage DEContrast5. d to confirm.6. |/~ for the required time.7. d to confirm.8. |/~ for the required date.9. d to confirm.10. g press until the standard displayis shown (seepage 10).Language selectionPress the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for "Settings".3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Language".5. d to confirm.6. |/~ for the required language.7. d to confirm.8. g press until the standard displayis shown (see page 10).SettingsTime/dateLanguage DEContrast5592 617 GB37

Further adjustmentsModifying the boiler heating characteristicsYou can alter the heating characteristics if the room temperature does not meet yourrequirements for some time.You alter the characteristics by changing the slope and level of the heating curve.For more information regarding the heating curve, see page 40.Observe the modified heating characteristics over several days (if possible, await amajor change in the weather) before making further adjustments.Make short-term adjustments to the standard room temperature as on page 17.Make short-term adjustments to the reduced room temperature as on page 18.Changing the slope and levelFor assistance, use the following table.Heating characteristics Measures ExampleThe living space is too cold Adjust the heating curveduring the heating season slope to the next Slope 1.5higher value (e.g. 1.5) Level0 KThe living space is too hotduring the heating seasonAdjust the heating curveslope to the next lowervalue (e.g. 1.3)Slope 1.3Level0 KThe living space is too coldduring spring/autumn andduring the heating seasonAdjust the heating curvelevel to the next highervalue (e.g. +3)Slope 1.4Level3 KThe living space is too hotduring spring/autumn andduring the heating seasonAdjust the heating curvelevel to a lower value(e.g. −3)Slope 1.4Level-3 K5592 617 GB38

Modifying the boiler heating characteristics (cont.)Further adjustmentsHeating characteristics Measures ExampleThe living space is too cold Adjust the heating curveduring spring/autumn, but slope to the next lower Slope 1.3warm enough during the heatingseasonvalue and the level to ahigher valueLevel3 KThe living space is too hotduring spring and autumn,but warm enough during theheating seasonAdjust the heating curveslope to the nexthigher value and thelevel to a lower valueSlope 1.5Level-3 KPress the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "Systemcircuit".3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Heating curve".5. d to confirm.7. d to confirm.8. |/~ for the selected value.9. d to confirm.10. g press until the standard displayis shown (seepage 10).NoteSetting the heating curve slope or leveltoo high or too low will not result in damageto your heating system.6. |/~ for "Slope"or "Level".Heating curve HK1Slope1.4Level-5 KSelect with OK5592 617 GB39

Further adjustmentsModifying the boiler heating characteristics (cont.)For technically-minded system usersThe heating curves demonstrate the relationship between the outside temperatureand the boiler water or flow temperature. To put it simply: The lower the outside temperature,the higher the boiler water or flow temperature.The illustrated heating curves apply subject to the following settings:■ Heating curve level = 0Different level settings offset the curves parallel in a vertical direction.■ Standard room temperature = approx. 20 ºCIn the delivered condition, the slope is set to 1.4; the level to 0.Boiler water orflow temperature in °C90807060504035 30 25 20 15 10 530Set room temperature in °C3.0 -10 -20 -30-14Outside temperature in °CExample for outside temperature −14°C:A Underfloor heating, slope 0.2 to 0.8B Low temperature heating, slope 0.8to 1.6C Heating system with a boiler watertemperature in excess of 75 °C,slope 1.6 to 2.05592 617 GB40

Further adjustmentsAdjusting the display contrastPress the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for "Settings".3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Contrast".5. d to confirm.6. |/~ to adjust the contrast.7. d to confirm.8. g press until the standard displayis shown (see page 10).SettingsTime/dateLanguage DEContrastAdjusting the key toneIf you wish to have a signal tone every time you press a key, then you can select oneaccordingly.Press the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for "Settings".5. d for "Key tone ON" or "Keytone OFF".6. g press until the standard displayis shown (see page 10).3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Key tone".SettingsLanguage DEContrastKey tone5592 617 GB41

Further adjustmentsRestoring the standard settingsIt is possible to simultaneously reset all modified values for the heating circuit to theirfactory settings.Press the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for selecting "Heating circuit1" (HK1), "Heating circuit2" (HK2) or "System circuit".3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for "Standard setting".Heating circuit 1Holiday programHeating curveStandard settingHK15. d to confirm.6. |/~ for "Yes".7. d to confirm.8. g press until the standard displayis shown (see page 10).5592 617 GB42

Scanning optionsScanning temperaturesSubject to the connected components and settings you have made, you can scan thecurrent temperatures and operating conditions.Press the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for "Information".Please selectHeating circuit 1 HK1Heating circuit 2 HK2i Information3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for the following selection:■ "Boiler"■ "System circuit"■ "Heating circuit 1"■ "Heating circuit 2"■ "DHW"■ "Solar"5. d to confirm.Boiler informationSelect with |/~.i BoilerBurner status:Idle stateContinue with5592 617 GB■ "Burner status"– "Idle state"– "Heat up"– "Control mode"– "Burnout phase"– "Cleaning in op." – for automaticcleaning of the heat exchanger surfacesin the boiler– "Cleaning with stop" – for automaticcleaning of the ash grate■ "Outside temp."■ "Boiler water temperature"■ "Buffer temperature top" – if heatingwater buffer cylinder is installed■ "Buffer temperature bottom" – ifheating water buffer cylinder is installed■ "Burner operation" *1 – Burner hoursrun■ "Burner starts" *1■ "Fuel consumption" *1*2 – , subject toappropriate settings having beenmade by the heating contractor*1Resetting to "0" see page 46.*2The fuel consumption is a calculated value. It can vary from the actual value by upto 15%.43

Scanning optionsScanning temperatures (cont.)■ "Supply times" "Enabling"/"Disabled"■ "Fuel delivery" "ON"/"OFF""Fuel supply" "ON"/"OFF"■ "Return t. rais.pump" "ON"/"OFF"– if temperatureraising pump is installed■ "Output 52 M1" "Open"/"Controlmode"/"Close"■ "Output 52 M2" "Open"/"Controlmode"/"Close"■ "Output 50" "ON"/"OFF"■ "Output 28" "ON"/"OFF"■ "Output 20 M1" "ON"/"OFF"■ Time■ DateSystem circuit information (weather-compensated), heating circuit1 and heating circuit 2Select with |/~.i Heating circuit 1Heating program:Heating & DHWContinue withHK1■ "Heating program"– "Heating & DHW"– "DHW only"– "Standby mode"– "Economy mode"– "Party mode"– "Holiday program"– "Screed program"– "External program"– "External hook-up"■ "<strong>Operating</strong> status"– "Heating mode"– "Reduced mode"– "Standby mode"■ "Flow temperature"■ "Standard room temp."■ "Red. room temp."■ "Party mode" – if party mode is enabled■ "Room temperature" – actual value ifa remote control unit is connected■ "Mixer" "Open"/"Controlmode"/"Close"■ "Heating circuit pump" "ON"/"OFF"■ "Holiday program" – if one has beenenteredSystem circuit information (with constant boiler water temperature)Select with |/~.5592 617 GB44

Scanning optionsScanning temperatures (cont.)i System circuitHeating program:Heating & DHWContinue with■ "Heating program"– "Heating & DHW"– "DHW only"– "Standby mode"– "Screed program"– "External program"– "External hook-up"■ "<strong>Operating</strong> status"– "Heating mode"– "Reduced mode"– "Standby mode"■ "Flow temperature"■ "Heating circuit pump" "ON"/"OFF"■ "Holiday program" – if one has beenenteredDHW information (subject to a DHW cylinder being installed)Select with |/~.i DHWDHW:EnablingContinue with■ "DHW" "Enabling"/"Disabled"■ "DHW temperature"■ "Cyl. prim. pump" "ON"/"OFF"■ "DHW circulation pump" "ON"/"OFF"Solar informationThis information menu is only displayed if the solar thermal system is regulated bythe Vitotronic 200-FO1 of the boiler.Select with |/~.5592 617 GB45

Scanning optionsScanning temperatures (cont.)i SolarSolar DHW temperatureCollector temperatureContinue with■ "Solar DHW temperature"■ "Collector temperature"■ "Solar energy" *1 – in kWh■ "Solar circuit pump" *1 – hours run■ "Solar circuit pump" "ON"/"OFF"■ "Reheating suppression" "ON"/"OFF"Resetting system dataPress the following keys:1. d During information display,i.e. "Burner operation".2. |/~ for "Hours run delete?Yes".3. d to confirm.Scanning the fault displayIf your heating system has developed a fault, it will be displayed and indicated by theflashing red fault indicator (see page 7). You can check the fault message at thedisplay and then notify your heating contractor accordingly. This allows the heatingcontractor to better prepare for the service call and may save additional costs.FaultContinue with OK*1Resetting to "0" see page 46.5592 617 GB46

Scanning optionsScanning the fault display (cont.)Press the following keys:1. d for troubleshooting.Fault messagesOutside sensor 18Cylinder sensor 20Acknowledge with OK5592 617 GB2. |/~ to display further fault messages,if several faults exist.3. d to "Acknowledge" all faultmessages.4. |/~ for "Yes" or "No".With "Acknowledge ? Yes"you confirm that you havenoted the fault.5. d to confirm.To recall acknowledged fault messages,press the following keys:1. "MENU".2. |/~ for "Fault messages".3. d to confirm.4. |/~ for the list of current faults.NoteIf the fault has not been rectified, the faultmessage will be redisplayed at 7:00 hthe following day.The red fault indicator flashes until thefault has been rectified.47

What to do if...Rooms are too coldCauseHeating system in "Standby"ON indicator (green) flashesorThe heating system is switched OFF,ON indicator (green) is OFFControl unit incorrectly adjustedOnly when operating with a DHW cylinder:DHW priorityNo fuelControl unit fault:"Fault" is displayed and the red fault indicatorflashes (see page 46)In conjunction with the mixer circuit: Mixermotor faultyRemedy■ Press f (see page 11).■ Switch ON the power supply, e.g. at aseparate MCB/fuse or a main isolator(outside of the boiler room).■ Check the MCB/fuse in the power distributionboard (main domestic MCB/fuse).Check and correct settings if required:■ The heating circuit must be switchedON (see page 16)■ Room temperature (see page 16)■ Time (see page 37)■ Boiler heating characteristics (seepage 38)Wait until the DHW cylinder has beenheated up.Check the fuel reserves and re-order, ifrequired.Check the set supply times. Select thesupply times in such a way that there issufficient fuel should the power fail temporarily.Check the type of fault (see page 47) andnotify your local heating contractor.Unlock motor lever A and manuallyadjust mixer lever B (e.g. to "5").Contact your local heating contractor.5592 617 GB48

What to do if...Rooms are too hotCauseControl unit incorrectly adjustedControl unit fault or outside temperaturesensor/boiler water temperature sensorfaulty:"Fault" is displayed and the red fault indicatorflashes (see page 46)In conjunction with the mixer circuit: Mixermotor faultyRemedyCheck and correct settings if required:■ The heating circuit must be switchedON (see page 16)■ Room temperature (see page 16)■ Time (see page 37)■ Boiler heating characteristics (seepage 38)Check the type of fault (see page 47) andnotify your local heating contractor.Unlock motor lever A and manuallyadjust mixer lever B (e.g. to "5").Contact your local heating contractor.5592 617 GB49

What to do if...There is no hot waterCauseRemedyHeating system in "Standby"■ Press f (see page 11).ON indicator (green) flashes■ Switch ON the power supply, e.g. at aorseparate MCB/fuse or a main isolatorHeating system is OFF,(outside of the boiler room).ON indicator (green) is OFF■ Check the MCB/fuse in the power distributionboard (main domestic MCB/fuse).Control unit incorrectly adjusted Check and correct settings if required:■ DHW heating must be switched ON(see page 26)■ DHW temperature (see page 27)■ Time (see page 37)No fuel See page 48.Control unit fault:Check the type of fault (see page 47) and"Fault" is displayed and the red fault indicatorflashes (see page 46)notify your local heating contractor.Circulation pump for cylinder heating Contact your local heating contractor.faultyThe DHW is too hotCauseControl unit incorrectly adjustedSensor faultRemedyCheck and correct the DHW temperature,if required (see page 27).Contact your local heating contractor."Fault" is shown on the displayCauseHeating system faultRemedyCheck the type of fault (see page 47) andnotify your local heating contractor.5592 617 GB50

What to do if..."Maintenance" is displayedCauseThe maintenance interval has expired.RemedyArrange a service with your local heatingcontractor."Remote control" is shown on the displayCauseA remote control is connected for theheating circuit.RemedyMake adjustments or carry out scanningat the remote control (see separate operatinginstructions)."Close ash door" is shown on the displayCauseAsh door is open.RemedyClose the ash door."Cleaning in op." is shown on the displayCauseThe automatic cleaning of the heatexchanger surfaces is enabled.RemedyWait until this function has terminated."Cleaning with stop" is shown on the displayCauseAutomatic combustion grate cleaning isactive.RemedyWait until this function has terminated.5592 617 GB51

What to do if..."Refill store" is shown on the displayCauseThe pellet hopper is empty.RemedyRefill the hopper.NoteThis display will only be shown if a pelletsensor has been fitted inside the pellethopper and has been enabled."Grate cleaning" is shown on the displayCauseThe grate is automatically cleaned, asunburned pellets can remain on the grate(e.g. after error "Not ignited").RemedyWait until this function has terminated."Empty ash box" is shown on the displayCauseThe grate has recently been cleaned.Unburned pellets must be removed fromthe ash box.RemedyClear the ash box and close the ash door(see page 54).5592 617 GB52

Ordering fuelOrdering fuelThe pellets used must comply with therequirements of the DINplus (or localregulations). Only use wood pellets withthe following properties:■ Diameter: 6 mm■ Length: 5 to 30 mm (max. 20% of thepellets can be up to 45 mm)■ Residual humidity: max. 7 to 12%NoteInside the storage room and in the boilerpellet hopper, over time dust collects thatcan impair the pellet supply.With this in mind, remove all dust fromthe hopper and pellet storage areabefore reordering.Delivered formsWood pellets are offered in 15 and 30 kgsacks, in bulk up to 1000 kg and loose.In their loose form, wood pellets aretransported by silo tanker and pumpedinto the storage room via a hose system.5592 617 GB53

MaintenanceEmptying the ash boxEmpty the ash box regularly.If "Empty ash box" is displayed on the control unit, empty the ash box immediately.This applies when there are unburned pellets in the ash box.KFABHDCGE01. Open door A.02. Open ash door B.03. Flip bracket C of ash box Ddown.04. Slowly pull ash box D out as far aspossible.05. Pull front ash container E out ofash box D and seal it with coverF.06. Pull rear ash container G forwards,remove lid H and seal ash containerfor transport with cover K.5592 617 GB54

MaintenanceEmptying the ash box (cont.)07. Empty both ash containers.NoteIf necessary the ash box can beraised completely out of its guiderails for cleaning purposes.08. Remove cover K from rear ashcontainer and place lid H on theash container.09. Place rear ash container G on ashbox D and push the ash containerfully back onto the ash box. It shouldclick into the ash box.10. Remove cover F from front ashcontainer E and place the ash containeronto ash box D.11. Push the ash box fully in and flip upbracket C.NoteAn incorrectly inserted ash box canlead to boiler damage.12. Close ash door B and door A.NoteThe two ash containers must not beswapped round in use.CleaningDangerTouching 'live' components canresult in the transfer of dangerousbody currents.Turn OFF the mains supplybefore starting cleaning procedures(e.g. at a separate MCB/fuse or a main isolator) and waituntil the boiler has cooled down.Clean at least once per heating season.Only clean the boiler with the cleaningimplements supplied and with a vacuumcleaner. Never use chemical cleaningagents.5592 617 GBInspection and maintenanceThe inspection and maintenance of heating systems is prescribed by the EnergySavings Order [in Germany] EN 806, and DIN 1988-8.Regular maintenance ensures a trouble-free, energy-efficient and environmentallyresponsible heating operation. For this, we strongly advise you to arrange an inspectionand maintenance contract with your local heating contractor.55

MaintenanceInspection and maintenance (cont.)BoilerIncreasing boiler contamination raisesthe flue gas temperature and therebyincreases energy losses. All boilersshould therefore be cleaned annually.DHW cylinder (if installed)Drinking water filter (where installed)For hygiene reasons:■ Replace filter insert on non-backwashing filters every six months (visualinspection every two months)■ On back washing filters, back washevery two months.Standards DIN 1988-8 and EN 806 specifythat maintenance and cleaning shouldbe carried out no later than two yearsafter commissioning and thereafter asrequired.Only a qualified heating contractorshould clean the inside of a DHW cylinderand the DHW connections.Refill any water treatment equipment(e.g. a lock or injection equipment) ingood time, if such equipment is installedin the cold water supply of the DHW cylinder.In this connection, observe themanufacturer's instructions.In addition for Vitocell 100:We recommend that the correct functionof the sacrificial anode is checked annuallyby your heating contractor. Theanode function can be checked withoutinterrupting the system operation. Theheating contractor will check the earthcurrent with an anode tester.Safety valve (DHW cylinder)Check the safety valve function every sixmonths by venting, or have it checked byyour heating contractor. The valve seatmay become contaminated (see thevalve manufacturer's instructions).5592 617 GB56

Energy saving tipsEnergy saving tipsWith the following steps, you can save additional energy:ABEDC■ Correct ventilation/airing.Briefly open windows A fully and atthe same time close thermostatic radiatorvalves B.■ Never overheat the living space.Endeavour to achieve a room temperatureof 20 °C; every degree of roomtemperature reduction saves up to 6%of your heating bills.■ Close roller shutters (where installed)at dusk.■ Set thermostatic valves B correctly.■ Never cover radiators C or thermostaticvalves B.■ Make full use of the setting optionsoffered by control unit D, e.g. "Standardroom temperature" alternating with"Reduced room temperature".■ Set the DHW temperature of DHW cylinderE at control unit D.■ Only activate the DHW circulationpump (via switching times at the controlunit), when DHW is actually drawn.■ Controlled DHW consumption: Ashower generally uses less energythan a full bath.5592 617 GB57

Keyword indexKeyword indexAAcknowledging fault messages..........47Activating DHW heating.....................14Automatic mode.....................28, 29, 30BBack key..............................................8CChanging heating times.....................19Changing temperatures.....................17Changing the level.............................38Changing the room temperature........17Changing the slope............................38Cleaning.............................................55Commissioning....................................6Controls................................................7Control unit shutdown........................11Cursor key............................................8Cylinder pump....................................15DDay temperature (standard roomtemperature)..................................6, 17Deactivating a heating circuit.............14Deactivating central heating...............14Deleting time phases■ Central heating...............................20■ DHW...............................................31■ DHW circulation pump....................31DHW circulation pump.......................28DHW cylinder.....................................56DHW heating........................................6DHW temperature■ setting/changing.............................27Display.................................................8Display contrast.................................41Display layout.......................................8Drinking water filter............................56EEconomy mode■ setting.............................................23■ terminating......................................23Emissions test key...............................8Emptying the ash box........................54Energy saving........................21, 23, 57FFactory settings....................................6Fault...................................................50Fault display■ on the display.................................50■ Scanning.........................................46Frost protection............6, 12, 13, 14, 15HHeating and DHW................................6Heating circuit designation.................36Heating circuit pump..........................14Heating circuit selection.....................10Heating curve■ Changing the level..........................38■ Changing the slope.........................38■ explanations...................................40Heating DHW once............................33Holiday...............................................21Holiday program■ setting.............................................21■ terminating......................................22IIndicators (diodes).......................11, 12Individual switching times............28, 29Inspection...........................................55KKey tone.............................................41LLanguage selection............................375592 617 GB58

Keyword indexKeyword index (cont.)5592 617 GBMMaintenance................................51, 55Maintenance contracts.......................55Menu summary....................................9Modifying the heating characteristics.38NNight temperature (reduced roomtemperature)..................................6, 18Notice of completion............................6OOK Key.................................................8ON indicator.................................11, 12Ordering fuel......................................53PParty mode■ setting.............................................24■ terminating................................24, 32Party mode in conjunction with DHWheating...............................................32Power failure........................................6Pressure gauge..................................11Programming unit.................................7Programs, setting.........................18, 28RRadio clock receiver...........................10Reduced room temperature (nighttemperature)..................................6, 18Remote control...............................7, 51Repair................................................55Returning the heating system intouse.....................................................11SSafety valve (DHW cylinder)..............56Scanning information.........................43Scanning operating conditions...........43Scanning temperatures......................43Scanning temperatures and operatingconditions...........................................43Selecting DHW heating......................26Setting/changing the date..................37Setting/changing the time..................37Setting a permanent roomtemperature........................................16Settings menu......................................8Setting supply times for fuel supply...34Setting switching times......................28Shutdown...........................................11Shutting down the system..................11Spring/Autumn (heating and DHW)...12Standard displays..............................10Standard room temperature (daytemperature)..................................6, 17Standard settings...........................6, 42Standby................................................8Standby mode....................................11Starting a heating circuit....................12Starting central heating......................12Starting DHW heating........................12Starting heating and DHW.................12Starting the control unit......................11Starting the device.............................11Starting the heating system...............11Starting the system............................11Stopping a heating circuit...................13Stopping central heating....................13Stopping DHW and central heating....13Stopping DHW heating................13, 15Summer mode (DHW only)................14Switching OFF the device..................11Switching OFF the heating system....11Switching times■ for central heating.......................6, 19■ for DHW circulation pump.................6■ for DHW heating.........................6, 30■ for the DHW circulation pump.........29Switching times, setting.....................19Symbols in the display.......................1059

Keyword indexKeyword index (cont.)System circuit with constant boiler watertemperature........................................44System data■ resetting..........................................46■ Scanning.........................................46WWeather compensated system circuit 44What to do if...?..................................48Winter operation (heating and DHW).12TTime phases, standard settings■ Central heating...............................20■ DHW circulation pump....................31■ DHW heating..................................31Troubleshooting...........................47, 48Printed on environmentally friendly,chlorine-free bleached paperApplicabilityFor heating systems with Vitoligno 300-P, DHW cylinder and Vitotronic 200type FO1.Your contactContact your local contractor if you have any questions regarding the maintenanceand repair of your system. You may, for example, find local contractors on the internetunder www.viessmann.com.60<strong>Viessmann</strong> Werke GmbH&Co KGD-35107 AllendorfTelephone: +49 6452 70-0Fax: +49 6452 70-2780www.viessmann.com<strong>Viessmann</strong> LimitedHortonwood 30, TelfordShropshire, TF1 7YP, GBTelephone: +44 1952 675000Fax: +44 1952 675040E-mail: info-uk@viessmann.com5592 617 GB Subject to technical modifications.

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