AFTERMATH - Plymouth State University

AFTERMATH - Plymouth State University

AFTERMATH - Plymouth State University


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• The creation of MA 2350 – Statistics for Criminal Justice. In response to arequest from the newly established criminal justice program, wedeveloped an entry level statistics course that would serve the needs oftheir students. I did the preliminary work on the design of the course andtaught the first semester of the course. Thomas Boucher has since takenover the teaching of this course.• The consolidation of our mathematics degrees and the implementation ofthe changes due to the new General Education Program. In the 2004-2005 academic year, the department spent a great deal of timeintegrating the new General Education Program into our degreeprograms (see the PSU webpage for more info:http://www.plymouth.edu/undergrad/gened05/index.html ). Some of the programs werechanged a great deal (our certification degrees), while others less so. Allin-all,our new degrees are quite streamlined, without removing anyimportant mathematics courses, and still have at least 12 free electivesthat are required campus wide.• The creation of the Statistical Consulting Center. In response to thechanging needs of the <strong>University</strong>, the department has established aStatistical Consulting Center. The Center, housed and operated within thedepartment, will mentor, advise, collaborate with, and/or provideconsulting to faculty and graduate students on their various statistical andmathematical needs. As the <strong>University</strong> continues to grow with moregraduate degrees, a greater emphasis on research and outreach to thecommunity at large, the department envisions an increased demand inthe functioning of the Center.The <strong>University</strong> just finished with its last orientation/registration session forstudents who will arrive in the fall. We have at least 13 new mathematicsmajors. Many of these students will choose the teacher certification optionsfor their degrees: the job market for teachers is still very robust. Thedepartment continues to work to attract other majors by adding newapplied/statistics courses to support the actuarial and applied degreeoptions (more on this next Aftermath). The job market for these degrees is justas robust.The Math Association of <strong>Plymouth</strong> (MAP) continues to thrive. Memberhave had a fun year with numerous social events: selling tickets at theLoudon racetrack; spaghetti dinner and pumpkin carving at the Maatta’s;bowling night in Meredith; holiday party and Yankee swap at the FrostCommons on campus, and the Annual Awards Banquet at the CommonMan Inn. MAP was involved in events of academic interest as well as cosponsorof world famous SUDOKU expert Wayne Gould’s talk and a monthlyproblem solving contest, with the winner receiving free movie passes.Our long-standing annual softball game was cancelled this year due toinclement weather. Technically, the faculty forfeited the game, so the final

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