AFTERMATH - Plymouth State University

AFTERMATH - Plymouth State University

AFTERMATH - Plymouth State University


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Math Association UpdateBy Danielle GuynupThe Math Association has had another successful year. With the wonderfulleadership of our president, Lennon Coronity, along with vice-president DanielleGuynup, secretary Greg Veras, and treasurer Jackie O’Donohoe, we were ableto accomplish many fundraisers and activities for the Math Department. Withthe help of many math majors and our advisors, Dr. Jon Maatta and Mr. RogerBlake, we were able to do much of our fundraising at the NASCAR races lastSeptember. During the fall semester, we enjoyed getting together for aspaghetti dinner and pumpkin carving at Dr. Maatta’s house. We also wentbowling and had our annual Christmas party and Yankee swap in December.This past spring, the Math Association had a “problem of the month” contestin which a problem was posted for students to try to solve, with movie tickets asa prize. We also helped the Math Department sponsor a lecture given by thewell-known Sudoku puzzle creator Wayne Gould.Our major event in April was the Annual Mathematics Banquet held at theCommon Man Restaurant. Many awards were presented to the senior mathmajors, and we presented the Teacher of the Year Award to Dr. Brian Beaudrie.We are looking forward to another great year. We are proud to have Lisa Morseas the new president, Jessica Skillin as vice-president, Danielle Guynup astreasurer , and Lianna Gray as secretary.Alumni NewsBy Gloria FerlandTops in our alumni news this year is recognition of prestigious awards given totwo PSU grads, Greg Superchi '93 ( G '99 ) and April (Stone) Guinness '03, fortheir successes in mathematics education.Greg was one of the 100 national recipients of the Presidential Award forExcellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching, an award sponsored by theNational Science Foundation.Greg has been a math and pre-engineering teacher at Lisbon RegionalSchool since his graduation from PSU in 1993. He received his graduate degreein Mathematics Education at PSU in 1999, and is currently working toward hisCertificate of Advanced Graduate Study (CAGS). He has been a leader inmathematics education around New Hampshire, having spoken at severalNHTM and NCTM conferences. At Lisbon Regional he helped update theschool's mathematics curriculum and he implemented Project Lead the Way, apre-engineering program for high school students. Greg received his award inWashington , D. C. in May and was honored again at the NH EDies reception inJune. Congratulations, Greg!April received the Fernand J. Prevost Mathematics Teaching Award, a

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