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<strong>AFTERMATH</strong><strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> Mathematics Department News 2006Brian P. Beaudrie - Larry G. Blaine - Roger E. Blake - Barbara Boschmans - ThomasBoucher - Richard C. Evans - Keith R. Ferland - Gloria Ferland - Jon M. Maatta –Ferd Prevost - William J. Roberts - Natalya VinogradovaMathematics Department Website: http://www.plymouth.edu/math/index.htmChair’s Column 2006By Jon MaattaI know! I know! It seems like it has been a long time since the last “Chair’sColumn”. It has! Of course, last year we failed to produce an issue. But all is notlost, we have come back with renewed spirit! I am now starting my eighth yearas chair. (Time flies when you’re having fun?!?) One of the best parts aboutbeing chair is the chance to look back at all the exceptional students we’vehad through the year(s) and who have graduated and started on a newjourney. Many students have graduated since 2004! They are our successstories! Give three cheers to the following: Joy Bowen, Florence (Gayle) Coston,Casey Crouch, Jennifer Giallorenzo, Christine Hart, Rebecca Harville, NicholasHurley, Phillip Jones, Andrew Kenny, Kristin Noblet, Jayson Smith, BrittanyThompson, and Corey Wentworth. (I don’t think I’ve forgotten anyone. If I did,please accept my apologies.) Again, congratulations to all!Since the last issue, there have been numerous changes within thedepartment. They include:• The creation of MA 1200 – Topics in Algebra and Geometry. This coursereplaces our entry level MA 1070-1080 and MA 1100 courses and isreserved for provisionally-admitted students, it does not satisfy the MathFoundation or Quantitative Connection requirements in the new GeneralEducation Program. Thanks are due to Roger Blake and Gloria Ferland forall their efforts in the creation of this course.• The creation of MA 1900 – Statistical Literacy in Today’s Society. This is alower-level, non-algebra based statistics course designed so that studentswill learn to interpret and evaluate reports and articles in journals,magazines and newspapers. This course satisfies both the MathFoundation and Quantitative Connection requirements in the GeneralEducation Program. Thanks are due to Robert Hayden for the workneeded to formalize this course (and then he retired ;-) ).

• The creation of MA 2350 – Statistics for Criminal Justice. In response to arequest from the newly established criminal justice program, wedeveloped an entry level statistics course that would serve the needs oftheir students. I did the preliminary work on the design of the course andtaught the first semester of the course. Thomas Boucher has since takenover the teaching of this course.• The consolidation of our mathematics degrees and the implementation ofthe changes due to the new General Education Program. In the 2004-2005 academic year, the department spent a great deal of timeintegrating the new General Education Program into our degreeprograms (see the PSU webpage for more info:http://www.plymouth.edu/undergrad/gened05/index.html ). Some of the programs werechanged a great deal (our certification degrees), while others less so. Allin-all,our new degrees are quite streamlined, without removing anyimportant mathematics courses, and still have at least 12 free electivesthat are required campus wide.• The creation of the Statistical Consulting Center. In response to thechanging needs of the <strong>University</strong>, the department has established aStatistical Consulting Center. The Center, housed and operated within thedepartment, will mentor, advise, collaborate with, and/or provideconsulting to faculty and graduate students on their various statistical andmathematical needs. As the <strong>University</strong> continues to grow with moregraduate degrees, a greater emphasis on research and outreach to thecommunity at large, the department envisions an increased demand inthe functioning of the Center.The <strong>University</strong> just finished with its last orientation/registration session forstudents who will arrive in the fall. We have at least 13 new mathematicsmajors. Many of these students will choose the teacher certification optionsfor their degrees: the job market for teachers is still very robust. Thedepartment continues to work to attract other majors by adding newapplied/statistics courses to support the actuarial and applied degreeoptions (more on this next Aftermath). The job market for these degrees is justas robust.The Math Association of <strong>Plymouth</strong> (MAP) continues to thrive. Memberhave had a fun year with numerous social events: selling tickets at theLoudon racetrack; spaghetti dinner and pumpkin carving at the Maatta’s;bowling night in Meredith; holiday party and Yankee swap at the FrostCommons on campus, and the Annual Awards Banquet at the CommonMan Inn. MAP was involved in events of academic interest as well as cosponsorof world famous SUDOKU expert Wayne Gould’s talk and a monthlyproblem solving contest, with the winner receiving free movie passes.Our long-standing annual softball game was cancelled this year due toinclement weather. Technically, the faculty forfeited the game, so the final

score was Students/Alumni = 1 and Faculty = 0. I’ve overheard many facultysaying, “Just wait until next year!”Changes continue to abound at PSU and within the mathematicsdepartment. Theodore Giebutowski and Robert Hayden have retired andwe’ve added two new faces to our faculty, Dr. Thomas Boucher and Dr.Natalya Vinogradova. Ted continues to reside in Rumney and we see himoften in the emeriti office. Bob now resides in N. Troy, Vt. (way-up north), andthough we haven’t seen him lately, he can always be reached via e-mail(hayden@mv.mv.com)Until next time……Changing Faces of the DepartmentBy Barbara BoschmansThere have been many changes in the past couple of years in the department.Alumni would probably not recognize too many people anymore when visitingthe department. So, let me introduce you to the current departmentmembership (which will change again after December ).Brian Beaudrie is an assistant professor of mathematicseducation who joined the department in 2003. He teachesmathematics and mathematics education courses for oursecondary majors, mathematics education courses for preserviceelementary teachers and many graduate mathematicseducation courses through the NH-IMPACT Center. He also observes studentteachers. His interests are the use of technology in the mathematics classroom,distance education, and raising his daughter. He is currently working with theNew Hampshire Department of Education on writing the new Grade SpanExpectations for grades 11-12. Dr. Beaudrie gives numerous presentations eachyear at state and national conferences and served as the assistant conferencechair of the New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics (http://nhtm.org) 43rdannual spring conference held in <strong>Plymouth</strong> on March 24. He is also thenewsletter editor for the Association of Teachers of Mathematics in New England(ATMNE).Larry Blaine is a professor of mathematics who joined thedepartment in 1985. He teaches a variety of mathematicscourses from first year level to senior level. His research interestsare in the areas of differential equations and dynamical systems.He is an accomplished violinist and relates his music expertise tomathematics in his Math and Humanities classes. He organizes departmentseminars, typically held on Fridays, and invites members of other departments toattend and even guest-speak at them.

Roger Blake is a lecturer who joined the department in 2001. Hisprimary teaching responsibilities at PSU have been Topics inAlgebra and Geometry, College Algebra, Finite Mathematics,and Statistics I. Since coming to <strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>State</strong>, he hasperiodically been involved with the NH-IMPACT Centerconsulting with several school districts in New Hampshire and high schoolteachers who are new to the profession of mathematics education. Roger alsofacilitated the New Hampshire MathCounts Competition held at PSU on March11, and served as registration chair for the NHTM conference on March 24.Barbara Boschmans is an assistant professor of mathematicseducation who joined the department in 2003. She teachesmathematics education courses for pre-service elementaryteachers, mathematics courses and graduate mathematicseducation courses for the NH-IMPACT Center. She is interestedin integrating technology into the elementary classroom, the mathematicalknowledge elementary teachers need to be successful, and what professionaldevelopment works best for in-service teachers. Dr. Boschmans was the chair ofthe NHTM conference held at PSU in March, and has presented at several stateand national conferences.Thomas Boucher is an assistant professor of statistics who is newto the department this year. He teaches both lower and upperlevel statistics classes. Dr. Boucher helped establish the StatisticalConsulting Center (more on this later in the newsletter), which ishoused in the math department to support faculty andgraduate statistics-related research throughout <strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> andbeyond. Dr. Boucher has aided the department in its efforts to offer a graduatedegree in statistics at PSU, and he continues to pursue his personal researchinterests, grant and publication efforts.Richard Evans is a professor of mathematics education andrecipient of the PSU Distinguished Teaching Award in 1992. Hejoined the department in 1970. He teaches mathematicseducation courses for secondary, middle, and elementary preserviceand in-service teachers. Dr. Evans spends a lot of histime working as the co-director of the NH-IMPACT Center. The IMPACT Centerworks with local school districts to review, select and implement standardsbasedcurricula. The center also offers graduate courses at local schools duringthe academic year and a variety of summer courses for in-service teachers.Two of Dr. Evans’ research interests are education in foreign countries and howpeople learn mathematics.

Keith Ferland is a professor of mathematics who joined thedepartment in 1970. Dr. Ferland teaches a variety of courses inmathematics ranging from Math & Humanities and Finite Math atthe first year level, Calculus and Logics, Proofs, and AxiomaticSystems at the mid level, to History of Math and AdvancedCalculus at the upper level. His interests range from M.C. Escher tessellations tospace-time topology and the 4th dimension. He coordinates the NH RegionalMathCounts Competition each year in February and has given numerous talksat New Hampshire schools and <strong>State</strong> conferences.Gloria Ferland has been a full-time lecturer in the departmentsince 2002, and taught part-time for several years prior to thattime. She teaches a variety of mathematics courses whichprepare students to follow a calculus sequence. She alsoteaches the Applied Calculus sequence for middle schoolmathematics education majors, and for chemistry, biotechnology, andcomputer science majors.Jon Maatta is a professor of mathematics and chair of theMathematics Department. He joined the department in 1991.Dr. Maatta teaches all levels of statistics courses offered at PSU,and has been instrumental in the establishment of the StatisticalConsulting Center this year . In addition to his duties as chair,he is a very active advisor to and supporter of the student Math Association.Fernand (Ferd) Prevost is the co-director of the NH-ImpactCenter and joined <strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> in 1999. Dr. Prevostteaches graduate level professional development courses bothat PSU and on-site at schools throughout the state. Amongthese courses have been the Developing Mathematical Ideas(DMI) courses: Building a System of Tens; Making Meaning for Operations;Examining Features of Shape; Measuring Space in One, Two, and ThreeDimensions; and Working with Data. He also teaches in the summer program formiddle school teachers and has taught courses in Algebra and History ofMathematics for that program. Dr. Prevost is particularly interested in theprofessional development of teachers and the implementation of standardsbasedprograms. dIn mathematics, his interests lie in geometry andmeasurement and the history of mathematics.William Roberts is a professor of mathematics who joined thedepartment in 1971. He is interested in teaching calculus usingtechnology and teaching geometry and statistics usingappropriate software for investigation of concepts. His researchareas and interests are integrating technology into

undergraduate mathematics education and the development of appropriatemathematical software and technology-related materials. Dr. Roberts has givena number of invited presentation on the use of technology in these areas atregional meetings. He enjoys working with regional mathematics professionalsat teacher institutes.Natalya Vinogradova is an assistant professor of mathematicseducation new to the department this year. She teachesmathematics courses for prospective secondary mathematicsteachers and mathematics education courses for pre-serviceelementary teachers. Dr. Vinogradova is working with Dr. Evansand Dr. Prevost at the NH-IMPACT Center to offer workshops in New Hampshireschools and is teaching graduate mathematics education courses this summer.Her research interests are secondary school teachers’ understanding and use ofnumber theory.More Changes...By Gloria FerlandIn December, 2006, we will see yet more changes in the MathematicsDepartment with the retirements of Dr. Richard Evans and Dr. Keith Ferland, bothof whom have been at PSU since 1970. Gloria Ferland, who has taught parttimein the department for several years and full-time since 2002, will join herhusband, Keith, as they embark upon this new adventure in their lives--RETIREMENT!Dr. and Mrs. Ferland plan to remain in the <strong>Plymouth</strong> area but look forward totraveling when the mood strikes them and spending more time with their fiveyearold twin grandchildren who live in Pennsylvania. Dr. Evans and his wife,Sue, will split their time between homes in New Hampshire and Florida neverstraying too far or too long from their own grandchildren and children in NewHampshire and Massachusetts.Dr. Fernand Prevost, who has been involved in the graduate math programat PSU and the NH-Impact Center, will retire in May, 2007. Dr. Prevost was theN.H. <strong>State</strong> Math Consultant for many years before joining PSU and co-directingthe NH Impact Center.Faces in the MAC(Math Activity Center)Dr. John (Jack) Barry is the director of the Math ActivityCenter. He is responsible for screening and supervising students

who tutor in the Center. In addition to these duties, Dr. Barry teaches part-timein the Department, most often teaching “Problem Solving Using Technology ".Donna Kelley joined the Department in 1990 as a skillsapplication teacher. In addition to her duties working in the MAC, she alsoteaches Problem Solving Using Technology and Math in Our World courses.Math Activity CenterBy Jack BarryAt the end of this semester, the MAC completed its 13 th year of operation atPSU. Over these past years, the Center has assisted thousands of students, hasprovided an opportunity for math education majors to gain experience andearn some money, and has been a hub for math majors and the Student MathAssociation. During a typical semester, the Center provides assistance toapproximately 150 students enrolled in math courses, accommodates two to sixpracticum students, employs six to 10 tutors, and records over 600 hours oftutoring. The Center is supervised by Jack Barry, director and part-time mathfaculty member by Donna Kelly, a full-time member of the math faculty.The success and longevity of the MAC is owed primarily to all the mathmajors whose service and goodwill have contributed to the success of theirfellow students and to math education at <strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>State</strong>. It is, therefore, withgreat pride that I again thank all of you who have participated in the MAC andwish you the best!Mathematics Education NewsBy Dick EvansThe NH-IMPACT Center currently has two math and science partnership grantsfrom the NH <strong>State</strong> Department of Education. One grant will help middle schoolmathematics teachers become highly qualified in mathematics, and is beingimplemented in collaboration with 12 different school districts. The other grantlooks at the issue of helping high school students make the transition to college.This grant has PSU working with 10 high schools from around the state. Inaddition to the grants, the Center is working with school districts to help themreview, select and implement standards-based mathematics programs. TheCenter also provides professional development on topics relating to

mathematics education, and is also providing leadership on issues relating tomathematics education in the state, the New England region and nationally.New ! PSU Statistical Consulting CenterBy Gloria FerlandAs PSU continues to grow as a regional university, the role the MathematicsDepartment is playing in this growth is evidenced by the establishment this pastacademic year of the PSU Statistical Consulting Center.Under the direction of Dr. Jon Maatta and Dr. Thomas Boucher, the Centerprovides assistance in the areas of data management, data analysis, studydesign and determination of analytical methods used in those studies.Services provided in the Center’s first year have included assistance withdoctoral dissertations, campus graduate committee involvement andcollaboration with researchers in the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program atFranklin Pierce College. Members of the Statistical Consulting Committee havealso met with department members in other PSU departments (meteorology,psychology, criminal justice, biology, and environmental science) to gauge theirneeds for the Center's services and to take steps to adjust MathematicsDepartment course offerings to better serve the needs of other majors as well asour math majors.The Statistical Consulting Center is currently seeking external funding toincrease its resources and to fund student interns so that it might best serve PSUand the surrounding communities. For more information on the Center, contactDr. Boucher at 535-3236 or email: tboucher1@plymouth.edu or Dr. Maatta at535-2664 or email: jonm@plymouth.eduStudent Awards 2005-2006By Jon MaattaSince we skipped a year, I will mention all the awards that have been givensince our last newsletter.2005Outstanding Mathematics Major AwardsFor the first time in 2005, the department presented these awards at our AnnualSpring Banquet. Faculty in the department thought that presenting the awardsat the banquet would create a special experience for all math students. Theyknow how hard it is to major in mathematics. So, the kudos went to Joy Bowen(originally Walpole, N.H.; currently Manchester, N.H.), BS in MathematicsEducation - Secondary Certification; and Kristin Noblet (Narragansett, R.I.), BS inMathematics Education – Secondary Certification.

Mathematics Department FellowshipThe Mathematics Fellow for 2005-2006 was Jacquelyn (Trevethan) O’Donohoe(currently of Ashland, N.H.). This fellowship involves working in the Math ActivityCenter. The Fellow is responsible for tutoring students in the Calculus andElementary Functions classes.Mathematics ScholarshipsThe Barbara Dearborn Mathematics Scholarship for 2005-2006 was awarded toJacquelyn O’Donohoe. The Scholarship was announced during PSU’s springconvocation ceremony and was presented, as it has been for many years, byMitzi Dearborn, Barbara’s daughter.The Hunter Baney Barton Memorial Scholarship was awarded to AmandaBagwell (Riverside, R.I.).The Geneva Smith Scholarship was awarded to four deserving students; LennonCoronity (Lisbon, N.H.), Tara Damon (Union, N.H.), Danielle Guynup (Peru, N.Y.),and Wendy Wickman (Effingham, N.H.).2006Outstanding Mathematics Major AwardThis year the outstanding mathematics major awards went to Casey Crouch(Voluntown, Ct.), BS Applied Mathematics; and Andrew Kenny (Wayne, Maine),BS in Mathematics – Secondary Certification Option.Mathematics Department FellowshipThe Mathematics Fellow for 2006-2007 was again awarded to JacquelynO’Donohoe (currently of Ashland, N.H.). Jackie had a successful year as fellowlast year and was voted to continue as the fellow for the fall.Mathematics ScholarshipsIn 2006-2007, the Barbara Dearborn Mathematics Scholarship was awarded toLennon Coronity (Lisbon, N.H.). As has been the tradition, Mitzi Dearborntraveled from Wisconsin to present the award during Spring Convocation.For 2006-2007, the Geneva Smith Scholarship was awarded to four students:Lianna Gray (<strong>Plymouth</strong>, N.H.), Stephanie Lassen (Bethlehem, N.H.), Kristen Moody(Dalton, N.H.), and Lisa Morse (Barrington, N.H.).Congratulations to all of these deserving students!

Math Association UpdateBy Danielle GuynupThe Math Association has had another successful year. With the wonderfulleadership of our president, Lennon Coronity, along with vice-president DanielleGuynup, secretary Greg Veras, and treasurer Jackie O’Donohoe, we were ableto accomplish many fundraisers and activities for the Math Department. Withthe help of many math majors and our advisors, Dr. Jon Maatta and Mr. RogerBlake, we were able to do much of our fundraising at the NASCAR races lastSeptember. During the fall semester, we enjoyed getting together for aspaghetti dinner and pumpkin carving at Dr. Maatta’s house. We also wentbowling and had our annual Christmas party and Yankee swap in December.This past spring, the Math Association had a “problem of the month” contestin which a problem was posted for students to try to solve, with movie tickets asa prize. We also helped the Math Department sponsor a lecture given by thewell-known Sudoku puzzle creator Wayne Gould.Our major event in April was the Annual Mathematics Banquet held at theCommon Man Restaurant. Many awards were presented to the senior mathmajors, and we presented the Teacher of the Year Award to Dr. Brian Beaudrie.We are looking forward to another great year. We are proud to have Lisa Morseas the new president, Jessica Skillin as vice-president, Danielle Guynup astreasurer , and Lianna Gray as secretary.Alumni NewsBy Gloria FerlandTops in our alumni news this year is recognition of prestigious awards given totwo PSU grads, Greg Superchi '93 ( G '99 ) and April (Stone) Guinness '03, fortheir successes in mathematics education.Greg was one of the 100 national recipients of the Presidential Award forExcellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching, an award sponsored by theNational Science Foundation.Greg has been a math and pre-engineering teacher at Lisbon RegionalSchool since his graduation from PSU in 1993. He received his graduate degreein Mathematics Education at PSU in 1999, and is currently working toward hisCertificate of Advanced Graduate Study (CAGS). He has been a leader inmathematics education around New Hampshire, having spoken at severalNHTM and NCTM conferences. At Lisbon Regional he helped update theschool's mathematics curriculum and he implemented Project Lead the Way, apre-engineering program for high school students. Greg received his award inWashington , D. C. in May and was honored again at the NH EDies reception inJune. Congratulations, Greg!April received the Fernand J. Prevost Mathematics Teaching Award, a

NHTM award, initiated in 1995 , which recognizes a beginning mathematicsteacher in N.H. in his/her first, second or third year of teaching who exemplifiesthe characteristics Dr. Prevost brought to his teaching during his many years asthe <strong>State</strong> Mathematics Consultant.April has been teaching at Mascoma Valley Regional High School for thelast three years. Her efforts, initiatives, and success with her students, especiallystudents in the alternative program at her school, have been greatlyappreciated and recognized by her administrators and fellow teachers. Aprilreceived a plaque, a $100 prize, and a year's membership to NHTM, all of whichwere presented to her at the NHTM Spring Conference held at PSU in March.Way to go, April!Other news...Jonathan Wixson ( G '04 ) is a graduate teaching assistant in the doctoralprogram at Montana <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> at Bozeman. He is working toward his PhDin mathematics with a specialty in mathematics education.Jonathan did his undergraduate work at UNH and taught at SanbornRegional High School before entering the graduate program at PSU. He was aPSU Math Grad Assistant in 2003-2004 earning his master's degree inmathematics education that year. He hopes to complete his degree in 2008.Good luck, Jonathan!Faculty EmeritiBy Ted GiebutowskiI'm ba-ack. Well, not really. I was asked to write up something aboutmathematics faculty retirees a while ago and finding, this a.m., a postcard fromPaul and Gigi Estes on the department bulletin board reminded me to getcracking.Speaking of whom, at this writing, the Estes are spending four weeks in thesouth of France. Gigi's sister has an apartment near Nice which they are using as'home base'. They are just 3 km from Italy and write that they just walked there;should be a piece of cake for a couple who are starting on the second round ofclimbing all the > 4,000 ft. mountains in N.H.! And Gigi wants to do them all in thewinter! After that, they'll do them again; in the nude. Oh boy, I'm going to havesome fun with this job. Oh, Paul has finally quit for good; he didn't teach anypart-time courses at all this year.Bernadette Russek stopped by our house recently to collect a few veggieplants I had started from seed. She and Arnie are enjoying their home inCampton . . .Ed and Marilyn Wixson are keeping busy. Ed continues as chair of the<strong>Plymouth</strong> Hospital's board of directors and also as member of the board of the

Community Savings Bank here in <strong>Plymouth</strong>. Just to make sure he doesn't getboard(!), he's also on the board of an economic development projectshepherding the construction of new facilities for the hospital; if you're in town,take a drive to the Wal-Mart parking lot and look behind it; that's where theproject is going. Marilyn is involved with the local hospice and an adult literacyproject. They'll be spending some time camping in North Carolina and Virginiathis October.Norm Cote has been immersing himself in writings in French and Russian. Hismost recent book read is "Thaïs" by Anatole France. He gets across the border toQuebec occasionally for lunch with a friend and for a bit of French environment.For exercise, Norm takes daily walks, sometimes around his house, sometimes inthe local Wal-Mart superstore.Yours truly has been up to his usual leisure time activities- gardening, fishing,hunting, mushrooming, wine making, cooking, yada yada yada. Also a little bitof politics; to quote Will Rogers, "I am a member of no organized political party…I'm a Democrat." Pat and I are hoping to get off someplace, probably Maine,for a couple of weeks this September.Thank You, Ted!By Gloria FerlandDr. Ted Giebutowski compiled and edited AfterMath for many years prior tohis retirement from PSU in December, 2004, and we in the Department would liketo take this opportunity to thank Ted for his dedication to this endeavor. Asevidenced in the previous article, he has kept in touch with those MathDepartment retirees who “went before him”, and he graciously agreed to writethe article sharing news of them.We in the department regret that the task of compiling the 2005 newslettersomehow got overlooked, hence the combination of two years’ worth of newsin this edition. I agreed to compile this year’s newsletter and have enjoyed myone-year stint doing it (Keith and I will be retiring in December as mentionedearlier). It has brought back memories of my high school years as alumni editorof my high school newspaper and layout editor for my college yearbook. Surelythis important task of compiling the newsletter will not be overlooked next year.But, we do need the help of our readers / alumni! Please let us know what’sup with you so that we can expand our news of alumni and not have to rely onnews “through the grapevine “of former students and colleagues. Be sure toindicate your year of graduation when you share your info. Dr. BarbaraBoschmans (bboschmans@plymouth.edu ) has agreed to collect any info sentto her and pass it on to next year’s editor. And, thanks to Wendy Burnham, ourDepartment Administrative Assistant, for her time and work in getting AfterMathactually set up for Internet publication. As usual, a job well done!

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