HT1632C datasheet - Adafruit

HT1632C datasheet - Adafruit HT1632C datasheet - Adafruit


HT1632CThe following are the data mode ID and the commandmode ID:Operation Mode IDRead Data 1 1 0Write Data 1 0 1Read-Modify-Write Data 1 0 1Command Command 1 0 0The mode command should be issued before the dataor command is transferred. If successive commandshave been issued, the command mode ID, namely 1 0 0,can be omitted. While the system is operating in thenon-successive command or the non-successive addressdata mode, the CS pin should be set to 1 and theprevious operation mode will be reset also. Once the CSpin returns to 0, a new operation mode ID should be issuedfirst.InterfacingOnly four lines are required to interface to the HT1632C.The CS line is used to initialise the serial interface circuitand to terminate the communication between the hostcontroller and the HT1632C. If the CS pin is set to 1, thedata and command issued between the host controllerand the HT1632C are first disabled and then initialised.Before issuing a mode command or mode switching, ahigh level pulse is required to initialise the serial interfaceof the HT1632C. The DATA line is the serial data input/outputline. Data to be read or written or commandsto be written have to be passed through the DATA line.The RD line is the READ clock input. Data in the RAM isclocked out on the falling edge of the RD signal, and theclocked out data will then appear on the DATA line. It isrecommended that the host controller reads in the correctdata during the interval between the rising edge andthe next falling edge of the RD signal. The WR line is theWRITE clock input. The data, address, and commandon the DATA line are all clocked into the HT1632 on therising edge of the WR signal.Timing DiagramsREAD Mode Command Code =110+ 59 44 ,, ) 6 ) ) $ ) # ) " ) ! ) ) ) , , , , ! ) $ ) # ) " ) ! ) ) , ) , , , ! A H O ) @ @ H A I I , = J = ) ) A H O ) @ @ H A I I , = J = ) ) READ Mode Successive Address Reading+ 59 44 ,, ) 6 ) ) $ ) # ) " ) ! ) ) , ), , , ! , , , ! , , , ! , , , ! A H O ) @ @ H A I I , = J ) = ) , = J = ) , = J = ) , = J = ) ! Rev. 1.20 10 June 28, 2011

HT1632CWRITE Mode Command Code =101+ 59 4, ) 6 ) ) $ ) # ) " ) ! ) ) ) , , , , ! ) $ ) # ) " ) ! ) ) ) , , , , ! A H O ) @ @ H A I I ) , = J = ) A H O ) @ @ H A I I , = J = ) ) WRITE Mode Successive Address Writing+ 59 4, ) 6 ) ) $ ) # ) " ) ! ) ) ) , , , , , , !, , ! , , , ! , , , ! A H O ) @ @ H A I I ) , = , J = = J = ) ) , = J = ) , = J = ) ! READ-MODIFY-WRITE Mode Command Code =101+ 59 44 ,, ) 6 ) ) $ ) # ) " ) ! ) ) ) , , , , , , !, , ! ) $ ) # ) " ) ! ) ) , , , , ! A H O ) @ @ H A I I ) , , = J = = J = ) ) A H O ) @ @ H A I I ) , = J = ) READ-MODIFY-WRITE Mode Successive Address Accessing+ 59 44 ,, ) 6 ) ) $ ) # ) " ) ! ) ) ) , , , , , , !, , ! , , , ! , , , ! , , , ,! A H O ) @ @ H A I I ) , = , J = = J = ) ) , = J = ) , = , J = J = ) ) Rev. 1.20 11 June 28, 2011

<strong>HT1632C</strong>The following are the data mode ID and the commandmode ID:Operation Mode IDRead Data 1 1 0Write Data 1 0 1Read-Modify-Write Data 1 0 1Command Command 1 0 0The mode command should be issued before the dataor command is transferred. If successive commandshave been issued, the command mode ID, namely 1 0 0,can be omitted. While the system is operating in thenon-successive command or the non-successive addressdata mode, the CS pin should be set to 1 and theprevious operation mode will be reset also. Once the CSpin returns to 0, a new operation mode ID should be issuedfirst.InterfacingOnly four lines are required to interface to the <strong>HT1632C</strong>.The CS line is used to initialise the serial interface circuitand to terminate the communication between the hostcontroller and the <strong>HT1632C</strong>. If the CS pin is set to 1, thedata and command issued between the host controllerand the <strong>HT1632C</strong> are first disabled and then initialised.Before issuing a mode command or mode switching, ahigh level pulse is required to initialise the serial interfaceof the <strong>HT1632C</strong>. The DATA line is the serial data input/outputline. Data to be read or written or commandsto be written have to be passed through the DATA line.The RD line is the READ clock input. Data in the RAM isclocked out on the falling edge of the RD signal, and theclocked out data will then appear on the DATA line. It isrecommended that the host controller reads in the correctdata during the interval between the rising edge andthe next falling edge of the RD signal. The WR line is theWRITE clock input. The data, address, and commandon the DATA line are all clocked into the HT1632 on therising edge of the WR signal.Timing DiagramsREAD Mode Command Code =110+ 59 44 ,, ) 6 ) ) $ ) # ) " ) ! ) ) ) , , , , ! ) $ ) # ) " ) ! ) ) , ) , , , ! A H O ) @ @ H A I I , = J = ) ) A H O ) @ @ H A I I , = J = ) ) READ Mode Successive Address Reading+ 59 44 ,, ) 6 ) ) $ ) # ) " ) ! ) ) , ), , , ! , , , ! , , , ! , , , ! A H O ) @ @ H A I I , = J ) = ) , = J = ) , = J = ) , = J = ) ! Rev. 1.20 10 June 28, 2011

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