Nr.2 - ALPA - Albanian Papers

Nr.2 - ALPA - Albanian Papers

Nr.2 - ALPA - Albanian Papers


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Kabashi & Krasniqiit shows that the repairing is functioning well.And relating to the derivation channel in Radac,the project hasn’t been finished yet, but it hasbeen more than a year and there is no seen theeventual damages or cracks.Density (kg/m3) 1100Content of solid substance 100(%)pH of mixtures 12.8Compressive strength 17 (after 30 min)(MPa) EN 1219046 (after 28 days)Flexure strength (N/mm 2 ) 3 (after 30 min)9 (after 28 days)Table 2- Physical and mechanical properties ofmaterials for rapid closure of leaks [3]CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONSIssue of repairing requires broad knowledge inseveral aspects related to the given structure. Inparticular repairing is closely related to theinformation and knowledge available on existingmaterials in the facility opportunities to applynew materials and methods in this field.Based on the experience from different(especially in these two projects) projects we canconclude as follows: The first step should consist of assessment ofconditions of existing structure, or materials Ensuring the good binding between the layersso that they can behavior such a same material Selecting the adequate materials and carryingout preliminary evaluation of materialsproperties Application of new methods that are interlinkedwith a well trained staff, what we can say that islacking in our regionFor a justification and improvement of this fieldwe recommend: The establishment of specific groups fortraining in this field that would deal mainly withthe application of methods and materials forrepairing important structures that need to berepaired and there isn’t economic justification tobuild new ones.LITERATUREACI 318-05, Building Code Requirements forStructural Concrete, ACI Committee, USA, 2004.ACI 546R-04: Concrete Repair Guide, ACICommittee 546, USA, 2004.MAPEI - Products and technical Data, Milano,Italy, 2003.Sušteršiš J., Dobnikar V., Leskovar I., SanacijeBetonskih Objektov, Ljublana, 2004.Elsner B., Corrosion Inhibitors for Steel inConcrete, International Congress on AdvancedMaterials, 2000.Emmons P.H., Concrete Repair and Maintenance,ACI, USA, 2003.MAPEI INTERNATIONAL - Journal, 2005.342AKTET Vol. IV, Nr 1, 2011

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