Nr.2 - ALPA - Albanian Papers

Nr.2 - ALPA - Albanian Papers Nr.2 - ALPA - Albanian Papers
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Kabashi & Krasniqi- Protecting the concrete structure in segregatedplaces with appropriate plastering with polymermaterials.Picture 2. Conditions of the structure duringthe evaluation moment Evaluation of the existing state of structureMajor water loss happens as a consequence ofsegregated concrete in some parts that causedsignificant water leaks. But the most importantelements that caused the loss of water are cracksbetween the tank slab and walls in many parts ofperimeter of structure. Consequence of the lackof maintenance for a long time is also thecorrosion in some parts of concrete structure, aswell as in the steel tubes inside the water tankthat are used for taking the water from the tankto the distribution.[1, 4].Recommendations in this structure are in directconnections with followed steps:- Cleaning the concrete surfaces- Removing damaged concrete pieces with highpressure water- Stopping the water leaks- Injection in perimeter of water tank, especiallyin the connection between the slab and the wall- Protection the reinforcement steel from thefurther corrosion2. Repairing the concrete, methodology andmaterials2.a. Repairing the concrete in derivationchannel in Radac near the PejaRepairing the concrete is closely linked with theprevious assessment, but it is directly linked withthe quality of existing materials, in this case theconcrete. Injection method [1, 2, 4]The quality of the concrete shows that expect insome places where damages are evident, therearen’t any damages in structure. This was afacilitating circumstance which allowed us toapply the injection method in repairing the cracksthat were quit big dimensions. The injectionmethod is followed by internal expanding forceswhich require sustainable structure in cases ofmajor cracks as they were present here.In places where cracks were very big dimensions,there was used preparatory method whichrequires specific materials, that is known as themethod of leak closure. Using this method wemanaged to eliminate the big leaks, which resultwith water loss while flow through the channel.Injection method is interlinked with a specialtechnology which requires certain equipmentsand materials. Mainly these equipments arepumps with relatively high pressure, and thematerial is quite liquid, and also performsmovement of material through the gaps andwhen it stops it results with expansion and fillsthe gaps.All this movement is followed with a pressurewhich is possible to follow in equipment, wherethe filling of the cracks is ascertained.The injectors are placed in mechanic way inwholes prepared before, and their position isdepends of filling the structural cracks during theprocess.The repaired parts then in next step are plasteredin large area of surface in order to provideprotection of repaired parts as well as theAKTET Vol. IV, Nr 1, 2011 339

Kabashi & Krasniqiuniform water stream through the channelwithout loss.A sample execution is presented in the followingphotos: [1], [3].2.b. Repairing the concrete in Water Tank inPodujevaWater tank’s function itself requires a differentapproach which is linked with repairing of keypint which are potential of causing water loss,identified in preliminary assessment. Methodology of water stopFast and huge amount water streams occurfrequently in facilities like water tanks.Applications of quick hardening method which isfollowed by expansion is very efficient becausethe hardening becomes effective within 30seconds and the water is stopped. In general thematerial contains polymer and accelerator suchas additives for quick hardening, as it is shown inliterature or in this practice case. [2], [3], [7]Picture 4. Water stops leaks with quick hardeningmaterialsApplication this quick method are createsprecondition for creating appropriate surface forthe next step which is placing injectors andapplication the injecting method in most parts ofperimeter, and in this case to create a “knittingconnection”between concrete slab and wall. Thismethod and the steps of application arepresented in following photo.Picture 3. Phases of executing of the work inderivation channel3. Materials used during repairing thestructuresIn general material has been evaluated in thefunction of the structure which has beenrepaired.340AKTET Vol. IV, Nr 1, 2011

Kabashi & Krasniqiuniform water stream through the channelwithout loss.A sample execution is presented in the followingphotos: [1], [3].2.b. Repairing the concrete in Water Tank inPodujevaWater tank’s function itself requires a differentapproach which is linked with repairing of keypint which are potential of causing water loss,identified in preliminary assessment. Methodology of water stopFast and huge amount water streams occurfrequently in facilities like water tanks.Applications of quick hardening method which isfollowed by expansion is very efficient becausethe hardening becomes effective within 30seconds and the water is stopped. In general thematerial contains polymer and accelerator suchas additives for quick hardening, as it is shown inliterature or in this practice case. [2], [3], [7]Picture 4. Water stops leaks with quick hardeningmaterialsApplication this quick method are createsprecondition for creating appropriate surface forthe next step which is placing injectors andapplication the injecting method in most parts ofperimeter, and in this case to create a “knittingconnection”between concrete slab and wall. Thismethod and the steps of application arepresented in following photo.Picture 3. Phases of executing of the work inderivation channel3. Materials used during repairing thestructuresIn general material has been evaluated in thefunction of the structure which has beenrepaired.340AKTET Vol. IV, Nr 1, 2011

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