Nutritional Pathology Topics Nutritional ... - มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร

Nutritional Pathology Topics Nutritional ... - มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร Nutritional Pathology Topics Nutritional ... - มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร


9/7/2012TopicsBulimia• Nutritional deficiencies– Protein – Energy Malnutrition– Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia– Vitamin Deficiencies– Mineral Deficiencies• Obesity• Diet and Systemic Diseases Deficienciesand Toxicities• Fat soluble vitamins– A, D, E, K– Deficiency due to abnormal fatabsorption– Accumulate and toxicity• Water soluble vitamins– B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, Folate• Ascorbic acid• Niacin• Pyridoxine• Cobalamin• Retinoic acid• Thiamine• Riboflavin• Tocopherol• CalciferolCB3B6B12AB1B2ED• Other names, Source6

9/7/2012Vitamin A Deficiency: night blindness: Bitot’s spot (small plaques of keratin debris),keratomalacia (corneal ulcer and destruction),xerophthalmia (dry eye), total blindness: Squamous metaplasia 2 o pulmonary infection,KUB stone (keratin debris): vulnerability to infection (measle, pneumonia,diarrhea)Bitot’s spotXerophthalmia with corneal ulcerCorneal scaringCorneal ulcer towards keratomalacia D1, 25 (OH)2 D is the active form of vitamin D(synthesis from kidney by 1-hydroxylase)Function: stimulate intestinal absorption of Ca and P.: collaborates with PTH in the mobilization ofCa from bone.: stimulate the PTH-dependent reabsorptionof Ca in the distal renal tubules7

9/7/2012<strong>Topics</strong>Bulimia• <strong>Nutritional</strong> deficiencies– Protein – Energy Malnutrition– Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia– Vitamin Deficiencies– Mineral Deficiencies• Obesity• Diet and Systemic Diseases Deficienciesand Toxicities• Fat soluble vitamins– A, D, E, K– Deficiency due to abnormal fatabsorption– Accumulate and toxicity• Water soluble vitamins– B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, Folate• Ascorbic acid• Niacin• Pyridoxine• Cobalamin• Retinoic acid• Thiamine• Riboflavin• Tocopherol• CalciferolCB3B6B12AB1B2ED• Other names, Source6

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