Nutritional Pathology Topics Nutritional ... - มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร

Nutritional Pathology Topics Nutritional ... - มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร Nutritional Pathology Topics Nutritional ... - มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร


9/7/2012ภาวะทุพโภชนาการ (Malnutrition)Primary malnutrition : missing from the dietSecondary malnutrition : adequate nutrientssupply, but malnutrition may result from- Malabsorption- Impaired nutrient use or storage- Excess nutrient losses- Increased need for nutrients(GI diseases, chronic wasting diseases,acute critical illness)Common Causes• Poverty (homeless, aged, children)• Ignorance(infants, adolescents, pregnant women)• Chronic alcoholism• Acute and chronic illnesses(trauma, burn, cancer, etc.)• Self-imposed dietary restrictionProtein - Energy malnutrition (PEM)- PEM refers to a range of clinicalsyndrome characterized by aninadequate dietary intake of proteinand calories to meet the body’s needs.- Primary (children) and Secondary(illness) PEM- Two polar forms: - Marasmus,- Kwashiorkor A B2

9/7/20121. Marasmus.- Severe reduction in caloric intake- Greater than 60% reduction in body weight- Most common during the first year of life- Use somatic protein component &subcutaneous fat as a source of energy- Serum albumin levels are either normal or onlyslightly reduced- Growth retardation, multivitamin deficiencies,anemia, immune deficiencyMarasmus2. Kwashiorkor- More severe form of malnutrition than marasmus- Mainly occur in children 6 months to 3 years of age- Occurs when protein deprivation is relatively greaterthan the reduction in total calories- Loss of visceral protein component- Hypoalbuminemia → generalized edema- Fatty change of liver- Skin lesion : hypo-and hyperpigmentation,desquamation- Hair change : overall loss of color or alternating band(flag sign), straightening, loss of firm attachment tothe scalp- Multivitamin deficiencies, anemia, immune deficiency3

9/7/20121. Marasmus.- Severe reduction in caloric intake- Greater than 60% reduction in body weight- Most common during the first year of life- Use somatic protein component &subcutaneous fat as a source of energy- Serum albumin levels are either normal or onlyslightly reduced- Growth retardation, multivitamin deficiencies,anemia, immune deficiencyMarasmus2. Kwashiorkor- More severe form of malnutrition than marasmus- Mainly occur in children 6 months to 3 years of age- Occurs when protein deprivation is relatively greaterthan the reduction in total calories- Loss of visceral protein component- Hypoalbuminemia → generalized edema- Fatty change of liver- Skin lesion : hypo-and hyperpigmentation,desquamation- Hair change : overall loss of color or alternating band(flag sign), straightening, loss of firm attachment tothe scalp- Multivitamin deficiencies, anemia, immune deficiency3

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