Nutritional Pathology Topics Nutritional ... - มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร

Nutritional Pathology Topics Nutritional ... - มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร Nutritional Pathology Topics Nutritional ... - มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร


9/7/2012Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)-Function : hydroxylation ofprocollagen, antioxidant-Deficiency : impaired synthesisof collagen (bone and vessel)scurvyPerifollicular hemorrhage16

9/7/2012TopicsNutritional deficiencies– Protein – Energy Malnutrition– Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia– Vitamin Deficiencies– Mineral Deficiencies• Obesity• Diet and Systemic DiseasesMineral Deficienciesand Toxicities• Iron– Iron deficiency : Iron deficiency anemia– Iron excess : Hemochromatosis• Iodine : deficiency : Multinodular goiter• Zinc : deficiency : Acrodermatitisenteropathica• Copper : excess : Wilson’s diseaseIron Deficiency: dietary lack, increased requirement, chronicblood loss: koilonychia (spoon nail), alopecia: atrophic changes in the tongue and gastricmucosa, intestinal malabsorption: hypochromic microcytic anemia, poikilocytosis# Plummer – Vinson syndrome:1.) microcytic hypochromic anemia2.) Atrophic glossitis3.) Esophageal webs (dysphagia)Hypochromic microcytic anemia with poikilocytosis17

9/7/2012Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)-Function : hydroxylation ofprocollagen, antioxidant-Deficiency : impaired synthesisof collagen (bone and vessel)scurvyPerifollicular hemorrhage16

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