Nutritional Pathology Topics Nutritional ... - มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร

Nutritional Pathology Topics Nutritional ... - มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร Nutritional Pathology Topics Nutritional ... - มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร


9/7/2012Cause of deficiency :–fat malabsorption syndromes(biliary tract disease)–destruction of the endogenousvitamin–synthesizing flora (ingestion ofbroad-spectrum antibiotics)–neonatal period–Diffuse liver disease–Drug (e.g., warfarin)Vitamin B1 (thiamine)Function : maintains neural membranes andnormal nerve conduction, especially peripheralnerveDeficiency : most common in chronic alcoholism,result in syndromes of- dry beriberi (polyneuropathy)- wet beriberi (heart failure, peripheral edema)- Wernicke – Korsakoff Syndrome(irriversible)Wernicke – Korsakoff Syndrome• Lesions in the CNS : hemorrhage anddegeneration of mammillarv bodies,periventicular region of thalamus, floor of forthventricle, anterior region of cerebellum• Wernicke encephalopathy is marked byophthalmoplegia, nystagmus, ataxia of gait andconfusion• Korsakoff psychosis consists of impairment ofremote, recall, confabulation, and inability toacquire new information12

9/7/2012Vitamin B2 (Riboflovin)- cheilosis (cheilitis, angular stomatitis):first + most characteristic sign (crack +fissure at the angles)- Glossitis : tongue atrophy, red-bluediscoloration- Eye change : interstitial keratitis, cornealvascularization, corneal ulcer- Scaling dermatitis : nasolabial folds and cheek(butterfly distribution), scrotal, vulva13

9/7/2012Cause of deficiency :–fat malabsorption syndromes(biliary tract disease)–destruction of the endogenousvitamin–synthesizing flora (ingestion ofbroad-spectrum antibiotics)–neonatal period–Diffuse liver disease–Drug (e.g., warfarin)Vitamin B1 (thiamine)Function : maintains neural membranes andnormal nerve conduction, especially peripheralnerveDeficiency : most common in chronic alcoholism,result in syndromes of- dry beriberi (polyneuropathy)- wet beriberi (heart failure, peripheral edema)- Wernicke – Korsakoff Syndrome(irriversible)Wernicke – Korsakoff Syndrome• Lesions in the CNS : hemorrhage anddegeneration of mammillarv bodies,periventicular region of thalamus, floor of forthventricle, anterior region of cerebellum• Wernicke encephalopathy is marked byophthalmoplegia, nystagmus, ataxia of gait andconfusion• Korsakoff psychosis consists of impairment ofremote, recall, confabulation, and inability toacquire new information12

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