MediClear®, MediClear Plus®, & MediClear-SGS - Thorne Research

MediClear®, MediClear Plus®, & MediClear-SGS - Thorne Research

MediClear®, MediClear Plus®, & MediClear-SGS - Thorne Research


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<strong>MediClear</strong> ® ,<strong>MediClear</strong> Plus ® , &<strong>MediClear</strong>-<strong>SGS</strong> NUTRITIONAL SUPPORT FOR NORMAL INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE,ALLERGIES, DETOXIFICATION, AND GASTROINTESTINAL INTEGRITY<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient GuideJune 2012<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 15/17/12 1:35 PM

Patient Program InformationPatient name ________________________________________ date ________________Health-care practitioner ________________________________ phone _______________Health Questionnaire to be Completed BeforeYou Begin the <strong>MediClear</strong> Program1. Please list your primary health concerns._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Are you having regular bowel movements?a. 1-3 times per day?b. Well-formed?c. Easily eliminated?3. How would you rate your energy level?excellent good mediocre poor4. How is your sleep?a. Fall asleep easily?b. Stay asleep throughout the night?c. Wake feeling refreshed?5. What would you like to accomplish with this program?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Health Questionnaire to be Completed AfterYou Finish the <strong>MediClear</strong> Program(but before beginning food reintroduction)1. Please describe how your primary health concernshave changed.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Are you having regular bowel movements?a. 1-3 times per day?b. Well-formed?c. Easily eliminated?3. How would you rate your energy level?excellent good mediocre poor4. How is your sleep?a. Fall asleep easily?b. Stay asleep throughout the night?c. Wake feeling refreshed?5. Did you accomplish what you had hoped to with thisprogram?<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 25/17/12 1:35 PM

<strong>MediClear</strong> Program: Patient GuideIntroduction 2Are We All Toxic? 2What Are <strong>MediClear</strong>, <strong>MediClear</strong> Plus, and <strong>MediClear</strong>-<strong>SGS</strong>? 3The Liver’s Role in Detoxification 4Other Helpful Detoxification Methods 5How Does the Program Work? 6How to Get Started 7How Will I Feel? 8<strong>MediClear</strong>, <strong>MediClear</strong> Plus, and <strong>MediClear</strong>-<strong>SGS</strong>Comparison Chart 9<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Instructions 10<strong>MediClear</strong> Smoothie Ideas 11Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid 12Sample Menus 14(Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Ideas)Recipes 17Additional Supplements 20Reintroducing Foods 22Frequently Asked Questions 24Copyright © 2012 by <strong>Thorne</strong> <strong>Research</strong>, Inc.<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 15/17/12 1:35 PM

IntroductionDue to your particular health concerns, your health-care practitioner has determined thatthe <strong>MediClear</strong> program of cleansing and nutrient support will benefit your health.* The<strong>MediClear</strong> program of recommended dietary suggestions and nutritional supplementswill help your body’s trillions of cells repair and regenerate.* In turn, this will optimizetheir function and help you reach a new level of health.* Your choice in a knowledgeablehealth-care practitioner has brought you this far. Now it is time to take the next step.Follow the program as directed, and see how the <strong>MediClear</strong> program works for you!Are We All Toxic?In the last 50 years our environment has become increasingly more polluted. Thishas resulted in a greater human toxic burden than ever before. Unfortunately, tens ofthousands of toxic chemicals have been introduced into our environment. So, no matterhow careful we are or where we live, we all have some level of exposure. Add to thisthe use of alcohol, tobacco, and prescription, non-prescription, and illicit drugs, andyou can see that this has created a challenging task for our bodies to get rid of thesesubstances. The liver carries the greatest burden of detoxifying foreign substances, aswell as substances our bodies create (like hormones). You can help your liver do its jobby providing your body with enough protein and the nutrients and botanicals involved inliver function.*The typical American diet is high in fats and sugars. It relies heavily on nutrient-depletedvegetables, grains, fruits, and antibiotic- and hormone-laden meats. This type ofunhealthy diet provides inadequate nutrients for many metabolic processes, includingdetoxification. These dietary habits, and the fact that many of us eat a limited variety offoods, can result in the development of allergies to some of the most commonly eatenfoods such as corn, wheat, soy, dairy, and eggs.Increasingly, we find our food supply contaminated with hormones and antibiotics,commonly used in the mass-market farming of animals and in the farm raising of certainfish. Certain types of fish such as tuna and swordfish are also known to be high inmercury.So, if we are exposed to toxic substances or if we make unwise dietary and lifestylechoices, we can build up many potentially toxic substances in our bodies. Allergies andexposure to toxins in foods, water, and the environment are being increasingly recognizedas major contributing factors in many health problems. The <strong>MediClear</strong> program isdesigned to do two things: (1) decrease your exposure to toxins and allergens and, (2)help your body cleanse.*<strong>MediClear</strong> Patient Guide — Page 2* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 25/17/12 1:35 PM

What are <strong>MediClear</strong>, <strong>MediClear</strong> Plus, and<strong>MediClear</strong>-<strong>SGS</strong>?<strong>MediClear</strong> is a unique formulation containing rice protein, pea protein,vitamins, minerals, and specialized nutrients and botanicals.<strong>MediClear</strong> Plus provides all the nutritional benefits of <strong>MediClear</strong>, PLUSthe added advantages of curcumin phytosome, grape seed phytosome,and green tea phytosome; all well-absorbed forms of these plant extractsto help maintain the body’s normal inflammatory response.*<strong>MediClear</strong>-<strong>SGS</strong> provides all the elements of <strong>MediClear</strong> Plus withthe addition of advanced antioxidant and phase II liver support fromsulforaphane glucosinolate (<strong>SGS</strong>).* Another difference, <strong>MediClear</strong>-<strong>SGS</strong>comes in a great-tasting chocolate flavor!<strong>MediClear</strong> is a rice and pea protein powder with added vitamins, minerals,and special nutrients that aid in the detoxification process.* Rice and peaproteins are used in <strong>MediClear</strong> because individuals are rarely allergic to them.<strong>MediClear</strong> contains a high concentration of protein to aid in tissue repair andregeneration.* The amino acids in these proteins also help in detoxificationand elimination of harmful substances in the body.* Other beneficial aminoacids, including glycine, N-acetylcysteine, taurine, and glutathione are addedto assist in this process.* Green tea extract provides potent antioxidant andliver-protecting activity, and MSM helps detoxification and joint function.*A full spectrum of vitamins and minerals, in their most absorbable forms,are also in <strong>MediClear</strong> to ensure adequate amounts of these nutrients areavailable for tissue detoxification and regeneration.*Medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) in <strong>MediClear</strong> are easily absorbed andused for energy by the body.* They do not contribute to increased fat in thebloodstream. The added ingredients in <strong>MediClear</strong> Plus help maintain thebody’s normal inflammatory response.* Curcumin, the principal ingredientin the Indian spice turmeric, is an efficient antioxidant that also assiststhe liver’s detoxification activities.* Grape seed extract provides potentantioxidant compounds that help strengthen connective tissue and supporthealing.*<strong>MediClear</strong>-<strong>SGS</strong> contains sulforaphane glucosinolate, which is an indirectantioxidant that provides long-lasting cell protection from free radicaldamage several days after being consumed. Each serving of <strong>MediClear</strong>-<strong>SGS</strong>contains 30 mg of sulforaphane glucosinolate – equivalent to eating 1.2 lbsof broccoli.* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.<strong>MediClear</strong> Patient Guide — Page 3<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 35/17/12 1:35 PM

The Liver’s Role in DetoxificationThe liver plays a major role in the detoxification of numerous substances in the body,whether they come from the environment, food, or from within the body (from hormonesand other substances). In order to metabolize and eliminate these potentially harmfultoxins, the liver has developed an intricate, two-step detoxification system. Together,these two phases convert toxins into water-soluble molecules that can be excreted fromthe body in the stool and urine.Phase I DetoxificationSpecific enzymes produced in the liver perform the first step of detoxification. Theseenzymes, called cytochrome p450 enzymes, help detoxify a number of substances,including medications, caffeine, alcohol, many food constituents, and environmentalpollutants. These enzymes cause chemical reactions in the liver that make the abovesubstances more water soluble. Individuals with an intolerance to caffeine, perfumes, orchemical odors often have a dysfunction in this first phase of detoxification.The primary nutrients required during phase I detoxification include B vitamins,vitamin C, folic acid, copper, magnesium, and zinc; antioxidants including glutathione,N-acetylcysteine, and lipoic acid; and the branched-chain amino acids leucine,isoleucine, and valine.* Phase I detoxification is further enhanced by indole-3-carbinol,found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, andcauliflower; and flavonoids, including silymarin from milk thistle, curcumin from the spiceturmeric, and polyphenol antioxidants from grape seeds and green tea.*Phase II DetoxificationThe substances from phase I, which are partially detoxified, react with other substancesin the liver that convert them into water-soluble compounds that can be eliminatedfrom the body in the urine and stool. A number of cofactors are necessary for this phaseto occur, including antioxidants, vitamins, amino acids, and other substances the liverneeds to have in ample supply to detoxify efficiently.*Nutrients required to support phase II detoxification include vitamins B5, B6, B12, andC, folic acid, selenium, zinc, molybdenum, glutathione, and the amino acids glycine,cysteine, methionine, taurine, and glutamine.*<strong>MediClear</strong>-<strong>SGS</strong> offers enhanced liver support by adding sulforaphane glucosinolate(<strong>SGS</strong>)* – a natural substance from the seeds and sprouts of select broccoli varietals –for effective up-regulation of the body’s natural phase II detoxification enzymes.*<strong>MediClear</strong> Patient Guide — Page 4* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 45/17/12 1:36 PM

How Does the Program Work?Many of the body’s systems, including the digestive system, carbohydrate metabolism, the cardiovascular system,and the immune system can be adversely affected as a direct result of our diet. We are what we eat! You may besensitive to foods that you consume on a regular basis, which may cause an immune reaction that can have anegative impact on your body’s normal inflammatory response, as well as causing gas, bloating, diarrhea, sinuscongestion, or headache. These symptoms may not happen immediately after eating a food, so it can be difficult tomake the connection. However, identifying and eliminating these foods is essential to your long-term health.The <strong>MediClear</strong> Program is designed to last three weeks and is intended to help your body detoxify by providingessential nutrients and botanicals you need to support efficient cleansing.* The program also gives your body abreak from the potential allergens you consume on a regular basis, as well as alcohol, caffeine, and refined sugars.Both alcohol and caffeine are hard on your liver, and this is going to be a vacation for your liver, since it is theorgan most responsible for detoxification. Allergenic foods can cause inflammation; therefore, the “elimination diet”portion of the <strong>MediClear</strong> program removes potentially allergenic foods from your diet and allows you to choosefrom a group of healthy foods to which you are less likely to be allergic.* The foods allowed are also less likely tocontain other substances that could interfere with the cleansing process, putting less stress on the digestive andimmune systems. Your health-care practitioner may also modify this program to meet your particular needs.Sodas and fruit drinks are high in refined sugars, as are many processed foods. Refined sugars contain emptycalories that do not offer any healthful nutrients in return, which puts stress on your pancreas and liver, causessignificant fluctuations in blood-sugar levels, and robs stored nutrients from your body. Replacing refined sugarswith whole foods that contain complex carbohydrates, including fresh fruits, grains, and legumes, is an importantpart of the elimination diet.These next few weeks will give you a unique opportunity to read the labels on the foods you consume and to learnhow you can continue to make permanent changes to your diet even after this program is over. Being healthy isabout making healthful lifestyle choices. <strong>Thorne</strong>’s <strong>MediClear</strong> Program is a great way to start on the path to a better,more healthy way of eating.<strong>MediClear</strong> Patient Guide — Page 6* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 65/17/12 1:36 PM

How to Get Started on the <strong>MediClear</strong> ProgramTo summarize what you have read, you are going to be on the <strong>MediClear</strong> Programfor three weeks. During the three weeks you are going to need to diligently watchwhat you eat and follow the guidelines set out in this booklet. The best idea isto choose a three-week period when you have no trips planned, no big familyget-togethers, no holidays like Thanksgiving or Christmas, and no big events likeweddings to attend. This will make staying on the program a lot easier for you.Whether your health-care practitioner has suggested using <strong>MediClear</strong>,<strong>MediClear</strong> Plus, or <strong>MediClear</strong>-<strong>SGS</strong> the diet instructions are the same. It doesrequire some planning and attention to details, as with any diet, but with a positivemental outlook you could be one of the many people who complete the<strong>MediClear</strong> program with great success and a healthy outcome. In fact, manypeople find the <strong>MediClear</strong> diet helps them feel so much better they want tocontinue it long-term.Week 1 Diet:During the first week you will ease into the program and reduce potentiallyallergenic and toxic foods in your diet. Simply follow the list of foods toeat and foods to avoid on pages 12 and 13. Try some of the sample dietssuggested in this booklet and utilize some of the suggestions we haveprovided to find foods you can eat. Then follow the regimen your healthcarepractitioner has outlined for you in the section on “Instructionsfor the Use of <strong>MediClear</strong>” and any other supplements in your treatmentprotocol.Week 2 Diet:In addition to the foods eliminated in Week 1, meats and fish need tobe avoided during this week. You will also be consuming more of the<strong>MediClear</strong> product — consider this week a great opportunity to experimentwith fun and delicious recipes for a tasty variety.Week 3 Diet:Now you are in the home stretch! The meats and fishyou eliminated during the second week may now be reintroduced.<strong>MediClear</strong> Patient Guide — Page 7<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 75/17/12 1:36 PM

How Will I Feel on the <strong>MediClear</strong> Program?Many people have a lessening of their symptoms while on the <strong>MediClear</strong> program.Most feel a greater sense of energy and wellbeing, with better sleep. However, someindividuals feel fatigued or have a return of old symptoms. This is not an uncommonoccurrence as the body detoxifies. If this occurs, it is important to note that itshould be temporary; however, if symptoms become bothersome, check with yourhealth-care practitioner.If you are used to consuming caffeine, refined sugars, and/or alcohol daily youmay experience headaches, anxiety, or a decrease in energy during the <strong>MediClear</strong>program. If any of these symptoms arise, it is helpful to understand your body isresponding to not having substances it has become used to, and is also detoxifyingthese substances. Be sure to drink plenty of water and to follow the program asdirected by your health-care practitioner. You may have better results if you graduallydecrease the intake of these substances before you start the program. Consult withyour health-care practitioner if you have questions or concerns.You may feel less energetic on this program, although many feel exactly theopposite. You may need to curtail strenuous physical activity for at least a portionof the three weeks.Don’t give up! Your body has collected toxins for years, so it may take some time toeffectively detoxify.What if I Have More Questions?This booklet has a section that covers frequently asked questions from manypatients like yourself. If you cannot find the answer to your questions there, pleasediscuss your concerns with your health-care practitioner.It is important to drink atleast 8-10 glassesof purified water orherbal tea daily — thiswill help flush the toxinsfrom your system.The Next Step?The following pages list foods to include and foods to avoid, meal suggestions, andrecipes for both the <strong>MediClear</strong> powder and your diet. At the end of the program youwill need to gradually reintroduce foods back into your diet and this is discussed inthe section called “Reintroducing Foods.” Now it’s time to begin.<strong>MediClear</strong> Patient Guide — Page 8<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 85/17/12 1:36 PM

Using <strong>MediClear</strong><strong>MediClear</strong> products are prepared by mixing one serving (two scoops) of powder into 8-10 ounces of purified (spring, distilled, orfiltered) water. As an alternative, your health-care practitioner may approve mixing the powder in fruit or vegetable juice, or rice or nutmilk. You can use <strong>MediClear</strong> to make delicious, healthful smoothies by using your favorite whole fruits, fruit juices, nut milks, and alittle imagination!We suggest using a shaker, mixer, or blender for best results.Do not premix <strong>MediClear</strong>. Once it is mixed with liquid you need to drink it within 30 minutes for optimum benefits. Discard unusedprepared mixtures.Which <strong>MediClear</strong> Powder is Right for Your Patient?DetoxSupportSupportsNormalInflammatoryProcessesNo Sweeteneror FlavoringGI SupportAddedVitamins &Minerals<strong>MediClear</strong><strong>MediClear</strong> Plus<strong>MediClear</strong>-<strong>SGS</strong><strong>MediClear</strong> Patient Guide — Page 9<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 95/17/12 1:36 PM

<strong>MediClear</strong> ProgramInstructionsNote: One serving of <strong>MediClear</strong>,<strong>MediClear</strong> Plus or <strong>MediClear</strong>-<strong>SGS</strong>equals two scoops.Week 1 (Days 1-4)One serving of prescribed <strong>MediClear</strong>product once daily in 8-10 ounceswater or juice in the morning justbefore breakfast. Follow the Week1 elimination diet, unless otherwiseadvised by your health-carepractitioner.Week 1 (Days 5-7)Increase to one serving of prescribed<strong>MediClear</strong> product twice daily, justbefore breakfast and dinner andcontinue on diet.Week 2One serving of prescribed <strong>MediClear</strong>product three times daily in 8-10ounces water or juice, beforebreakfast, lunch, and dinner. Followthe Week 2 elimination diet, unlessotherwise advised by your health-carepractitioner.Week 3 (Days 1-3)One serving of prescribed <strong>MediClear</strong>product twice daily in 8-10 ounces ofwater or juice, just before breakfast anddinner. Follow the Week 3 eliminationdiet, unless otherwise advised by yourhealth-care practitioner.Week 3 (Days 4-7)One serving of prescribed <strong>MediClear</strong>product daily, just before breakfast andcontinue the diet through the end ofthe week or as advised by your healthcarepractitioner.Week 1:o Follow the dosage as outlined to the left, ORo Change the dosage as follows: _______________________o Follow the elimination diet for Week 1, ORo Follow dietary instructions outlined by your health-care practitionero Follow the additional supplement plan outlined on pages 20-21, ORo Follow supplement plan outlined by your health-care practitionerWeek 2:o Follow the dosage as outlined to the left, ORo Change the dosage as follows: _______________________o Follow the elimination diet for Week 2, ORo Follow dietary instructions outlined by your health-care practitionero Follow the additional supplement plan outlined on pages 20-21, ORo Follow supplement plan outlined by your health-care practitionerWeek 3:o Follow the dosage as outlined to the left, ORo Change the dosage as follows: _______________________o Follow the elimination diet for Week 3, ORo Follow dietary instructions outlined by your health-care practitionero Follow the additional supplement plan outlined on pages 20-21, ORo Follow supplement plan outlined by your health-care practitioner<strong>MediClear</strong> Patient Guide — Page 10<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 105/17/12 1:36 PM

<strong>MediClear</strong> Smoothie Ideasthese are some tried and true favorites ... youcan be creative and design your own recipes!<strong>MediClear</strong> Latte2 scoops <strong>MediClear</strong> or <strong>MediClear</strong> Plus6 oz Rice or Nut milk(or a combination of both)2 - 4 oz cold waterPero or Dacopa (roasted dahlia syrupfrom California Natural Products – bothcoffee substitutes) Option: add ice andless water for an iced latte – add adash of cinnamon. For a <strong>MediClear</strong> Mocha,substitute <strong>MediClear</strong>-<strong>SGS</strong> instead of <strong>MediClear</strong>or <strong>MediClear</strong> Plus.Peach Cooler2 scoops <strong>MediClear</strong> or <strong>MediClear</strong> Plus6 oz pear juice2 oz cold water1/2 cup fresh or frozen peachesTropical Smoothie2 scoops <strong>MediClear</strong> or <strong>MediClear</strong> Plus2 oz coconut milk (plain)4 oz cold water1/4 cup from a combo ofpapaya/mango/kiwi or bananablend until smoothoption: add ice and eliminate waterVery Berry2 scoops <strong>MediClear</strong> or <strong>MediClear</strong> Plus1/2 cup fresh or frozen blueberries1/2 cup fresh or frozen raspberries8 oz cold water OR4 oz cold water and4 oz rice milkTart and Tasty2 scoops <strong>MediClear</strong> or <strong>MediClear</strong> Plus2 oz pomegranate juice (Knudsen)2 oz pear juice1/2 cup fresh or frozen raspberries4 oz cold waterOrange Standby2 scoops <strong>MediClear</strong> or <strong>MediClear</strong> Plus6 oz orange juice (fresh squeezed)2 - 4 oz cold wateroption: add ice and eliminate waterOrange Standby - Version II2 scoops <strong>MediClear</strong> or <strong>MediClear</strong> Plus6 oz orange juice (fresh squeezed)2 - 4 oz cold water1/2 bananaand/or1/2 cup fresh or frozen fruitoption: add ice and eliminate waterApple - Lemon - Double Ginger2 scoops <strong>MediClear</strong> or <strong>MediClear</strong> Plus6 oz apple juice1/2 oz lemon juice (fresh squeezed)1 tbsp ginger juice (optional)2 - 4 oz cold wateroption: add ice and eliminate water<strong>MediClear</strong> Pina Colada2 scoops <strong>MediClear</strong> or <strong>MediClear</strong> Plus2 oz coconut milk (plain)6 oz pineapple juiceadd ice and blendoption: add 4 oz cold waterand eliminate iceBanana-Chocolate Smoothie2 scoops <strong>MediClear</strong>-<strong>SGS</strong>6 oz coconut milk (plain), rice milk, or nut milk2 - 4 oz cold water1/2 - 1 bananablend until smoothoption: add ice and elimate waterhint: if you find the drink to be too gritty add 1tsp flax oil to the smoothie.<strong>MediClear</strong> Patient Guide — Page 11<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 115/17/12 1:36 PM

xFruitsFood to Includestrawberries, citrus (except grapefruit),pineapple, apples, apricot, avocado, banana,blueberries, cherries, grapes, kiwi, mango,melons, nectarine, papaya, pear, peach,plums, prunes, raspberries, etc.fresh is best, or you can have unsweetened— dried, frozen, or canned fruit, and limitedunsweetened fruit juicesFood to Avoidgrapefruit (grapefruit can alter detoxificationenzyme function for up to 72 hours),sweetened fruits (either in cans or frozen) andsweetened fruit juiceVegetablesarugula, asparagus, artichokes, beansprouts, bell peppers, bok choy, broccoli,brussels sprouts, cauliflower, celery,cucumber, cabbage, eggplant, endive,escarole, all types of greens and lettuce,green beans, jicama, mushrooms, okra,green peas, radishes, spinach, squash(summer and winter), sweet potatoes, taro,turnips, yams, zucchini, etc.all fresh raw, steamed, grilled, sauteed,roasted, or juicedcorn, tomato, tomato sauce, and any creamedvegetablesStarchrice (white, brown, sushi, wild), potatoes,oats (gluten-free), quinoa (a surprisingly tastygrain, somewhat bland on its own, but servedwith a sauce or gravy — delicious), millet,tapioca, amaranth, buckwheatcorn, plus all gluten-containing productsincluding wheat, spelt, kamut, barley, ryeBreads & Cerealsproducts made from rice, oat (gluten-free),buckwheat, millet, quinoa, potato flour,tapioca or amaranthcorn, plus all gluten-containing productsincluding wheat, spelt, kamut, barley, ryeLegumesall legumes including peas and lentils(except soybeans) — beans provide anexcellent source of protein.soybeans, tofu, tempeh, soy milk, soy sauce,or any product containing soy proteins<strong>MediClear</strong> Patient Guide — Page 12<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 125/17/12 1:36 PM

xFood to IncludeFood to AvoidNuts & Seedsall nuts except peanuts – almonds, cashews,macadamia, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, brazilnuts, sunflower seeds, etc., — whole or as anut butterpeanuts, peanut butter, and peanut oilMeat & Fishall fresh or frozen fish (except shellfish)such as salmon, halibut, sole, mahi mahi,cod, snapper, etc., (wild is better than farmraisedfish) — chicken, turkey, lamb and wildgame (venison, buffalo, elk, etc.), — organic,hormone-free is always besttuna and swordfish, shellfish, beef, pork, coldcuts, hot dogs, sausage, and canned meatsDairy Products& Substitutesmilk substitutes such as rice milk, oat milk,almond or other nut milk, and egg substitutesmilk, cheese, cottage cheese, cream, butter,yogurt, ice cream, non-dairy creamers, soymilk, and eggsFatscold pressed oils such as olive oil, flaxseed,canola, safflower, sunflower, sesame, walnut,hazelnut ,or pumpkin seedmargarine, butter, shortening, any processedor hydrogenated oils, peanut oil, mayonnaiseBeveragesfiltered or distilled water, decaffeinated tea,decaffeinated green tea, herbal tea, purefruit juices, or mineral watersodas and soft drinks (including sugar-free),alcoholic beverages, coffee, tea, or any othercaffeinated beverages, sweetened fruit juiceSweetenersbrown rice syrup (gluten-free), chicory syrup,stevia, blackstrap molasses, fruit sweetenerssuch as LoHan fruit, pure maple syrup,honey, stevia, evaporated cane juice sugarwhite or refined sugar, high fructose cornsyrup, corn syrupSpices &Condimentsvinegars (except grain source), wasabi,mustard, horseradish, pesto (cheese free)and all spicesketchup, relish, soy sauce, BBQ sauce,chutney, other condiments<strong>MediClear</strong> Patient Guide — Page 13<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 135/17/12 1:36 PM

SAMPLE MENUFOR WEEK 1 OR 3BREAKFAST2 scoops prescribed <strong>MediClear</strong>product in either water, fruit juiceor made as a smoothie AND1 cup mixed berries AND3-4 pieces turkey sausageherbal teaMID-MORNING SNACK1 bananaLUNCHmixed vegetable and romaine saladwith your choice of dressingtopped with grilled cajun chickenbreast*MID-AFTERNOON SNACK1 handful taro chipsDINNER2 scoops prescribed <strong>MediClear</strong>product in either water, fruit juiceor made as a smoothie ANDsliced roasted turkey roll* AND1 cup cooked rice ANDsteamed or grilled asparagus ANDmixed salad with your choice ofdressing AND1/2 cup applesauceLATE-NIGHT SNACK2 rice cakes with nut butter1 pearherbal tea<strong>MediClear</strong> Patient Guide — Page 14SAMPLE MENUFOR WEEK 1 OR 3BREAKFAST2 scoops prescribed <strong>MediClear</strong>product in either water, fruit juiceor made as a smoothie ANDwheat-free/gluten-free blueberrypancakes topped with 1/2 cupmashed sliced peachesMID-MORNING SNACK2 apricotsLUNCHcup of chicken vegetable soup ANDwild rice salad ANDgrilled chicken breast with roastedpepper sauce* ANDmixed green salad with your choiceof dressingMID-AFTERNOON SNACK1 small handful raw cashewsDINNER2 scoops prescribed <strong>MediClear</strong>product in either water, fruit juiceor made as a smoothie ANDbroiled salmon with lemon and dillORgrilled salmon fillet with cheesefreepesto* ANDsteamed cauliflower AND1 cup beets AND1 cup mashed potatoes * ANDbaked appleLATE-NIGHT SNACK2 mochi (a rice pastry available inhealth food stores)1 bananaherbal teaSAMPLE MENUFOR WEEK 1 OR 3BREAKFAST2 scoops prescribed <strong>MediClear</strong>product in either water, fruit juiceor made as a smoothie ANDwhole grain oatmeal with almondor other milk substitute, cookedwith raisins and sweetened withapplesauce or mashed bananasherbal teaMID-MORNING SNACK1 appleLUNCHcup of cream of broccoli soup*ANDleftover roasted turkey roll ANDmixed green salad with your choiceof dressingMID-AFTERNOON SNACK1 small handful raw almondsDINNER2 scoops prescribed <strong>MediClear</strong>product in either water, fruit juiceor made as a smoothie ANDgrilled halibut or mahi mahi withfresh fruit salsa* AND1 cup beets AND1 cup quinoa AND1/2 cup melonLATE-NIGHT SNACKcelery sticks with humus dip †herbal tea*recipe on pages 17-19†from The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 145/17/12 1:36 PM

SAMPLE MENUFOR WEEK 1 OR 3BREAKFAST2 scoops prescribed <strong>MediClear</strong>product in either water, fruit juiceor made as a smoothie ANDbaked apple ANDcream of rice with milk substituteMID-MORNING SNACK1 pearLUNCHmixed vegetable and romaine saladwith your choice of dressing ANDa bowl of black bean soupMID-AFTERNOON SNACK2 rice cakes with bean dipDINNER2 scoops prescribed <strong>MediClear</strong>product in either water, fruit juiceor made as a smoothie ANDstuffed chicken breast* AND1 cup rice pilaf ANDsteamed or grilled green beansANDmixed salad with your choice ofdressing AND1/2 cup pineapple chunksLATE-NIGHT SNACK1 small handful walnuts1/2 cup fresh blueberriesherbal teaSAMPLE MENUFOR WEEK 1 OR 3BREAKFAST2 scoops prescribed <strong>MediClear</strong>product in either water, fruit juiceor made as a smoothie ANDwheat-free/gluten-free wafflestopped with fresh or thawed frozenstrawberries and sweetened withbrown rice syrupMID-MORNING SNACKgrapesLUNCHcup of chicken vegetable soupANDmixed green salad with your choiceof dressing topped with leftovercold salmon, chicken, or turkeyMID-AFTERNOON SNACKcarrot sticks with black bean dip*DINNER2 scoops prescribed <strong>MediClear</strong>product in either water, fruit juiceor made as a smoothie ANDsalmon cake grilled and served ona tapioca bun with alfalfa sproutsAND1/2 cup roasted carrots AND2 garlic potato cakes* ANDtropical fruit salad ORfresh fruitsicle †LATE-NIGHT SNACKraw energy ball †herbal teaREMINDERThere is more topreparing healthy foodsthan just cooking:Be sure to read labelsthoroughly to find addedingredients.Wash all fruits andvegetables thoroughly toremove pesticides andcontaminants.Shop for organic producewhenever possible.There are many foodsavailable in your localhealth food store or inthe health food sectionof your grocery store thatcontain ingredients okayto consume during thiscleansing diet.*recipe on pages 17-19†from The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook<strong>MediClear</strong> Patient Guide — Page 15<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 155/17/12 1:36 PM

SAMPLE MENUFOR WEEK 2BREAKFAST2 scoops prescribed <strong>MediClear</strong>product in either water, fruit juiceor made as a smoothie ANDwhole grain oatmeal with almondor other milk substitute, cookedwith diced apples and a dash ofcinnamon and sweetened withbrown rice syrup ANDherbal teaMID-MORNING SNACK1 bananaLUNCH2 scoops prescribed <strong>MediClear</strong>product in either water, fruit juiceor made as a smoothie ANDmixed vegetable and romaine saladwith your choice of dressing AND1 bowl cream of mushroom soup*MID-AFTERNOON SNACK1 handful taro chipsDINNER2 scoops prescribed <strong>MediClear</strong>product in either water, fruit juiceor made as a smoothie ANDspaghetti squash primavera* ANDgrilled salad with balsamic vinegarand olive oil* AND1/2 cup applesauceLATE-NIGHT SNACK2 rice cakes with nut butter1 pearherbal tea<strong>MediClear</strong> Patient Guide — Page 16SAMPLE MENUFOR WEEK 2BREAKFAST2 scoops prescribed <strong>MediClear</strong>product in either water, fruit juiceor made as a smoothie AND1 cup melon AND1 cup maple buckwheat flakes withrice or nut milkMID-MORNING SNACK1/2 cup brown rice snapsLUNCH2 scoops prescribed <strong>MediClear</strong>product in either water, fruit juiceor made as a smoothie AND1 bowl cream of broccoli soup* ANDvegetarian California rolls (no tofu,soy sauce, shellfish, or fish)MID-AFTERNOON SNACK1 small handful raw cashewsDINNER2 scoops prescribed <strong>MediClear</strong>product in either water, fruit juiceor made as a smoothie AND1 cup steamed rice AND1/2 cup cellophane noodles (rice)with stir-fried vegetables (snowpeas, mushrooms, carrots, broccoli,onion, bell pepper, and otherveggies of your choice, sautéed inolive oil, garlic, and ginger) ANDsmall mixed green salad with yourchoice of dressing1 cup sliced peachesLATE-NIGHT SNACK1 banana walnut muffin †herbal teaSAMPLE MENUFOR WEEK 2BREAKFAST2 scoops prescribed <strong>MediClear</strong>product in either water, fruit juiceor made as a smoothie ANDbanana walnut muffin † AND1/2 cup prunes ANDherbal teaMID-MORNING SNACK1 appleLUNCH2 scoops prescribed <strong>MediClear</strong>product in either water, fruit juiceor made as a smoothie ANDcup of lentil soup ANDbaked potato with steamedbroccoli with spinach puree* ANDmixed green salad with your choiceof dressingMID-AFTERNOON SNACKwatermelon chunksDINNER2 scoops prescribed <strong>MediClear</strong>product in either water, fruit juiceor made as a smoothie ANDportabello mushroom grilled andserved on toasted tapioca bunwith avocado slices and arugulaAND1 cup garlic mashed potatoes* ANDrice pudding*LATE-NIGHT SNACK1 small handful pumpkin seedsherbal tea*recipe on pages 17-19†from The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 165/17/12 1:36 PM

Banana Walnut Muffin †In a large bowl combine 2-1/2 cupsbrown rice flour, 1/2 cup tapioca flour,1/2 cup date sugar, 2 tsp xanthangum, 1 tsp baking soda, 2 tsp bakingpowder, and 1/2 tsp sea salt. Mix well.Puree about 4 large ripe bananas in ablender till smooth and measure out 3cups. Place puree in a bowl, add 1/4cup melted virgin coconut oil and 2tsp vanilla and whisk together. Pourwet ingredients over dry and gently mixtogether. Do not over mix. Gently foldin 1 ripe banana chopped and 1 cupof chopped walnuts. Spoon into oiledmuffin tins and bake at 375 degreesfor about 20 to 25 minutes.†from The Whole Life Nutrition CookbookWild Rice Pilaf or SaladFollow the cooking instructions on apackage of “Lundberg Wild Rice Blend”using olive oil instead of butter andvegetable stock instead of water. Ina non-stick pan saute 1 cup of slicedmushrooms, 1 minced shallot, 1/2 cupchopped celery, and 1 clove of mincedgarlic in 3 tbsp olive oil. When the riceis done, combine with the mushroommixture and serve.Turn leftover rice pilaf into a saladby adding 1/2 cup chopped red andyellow bell peppers, 2 chopped greenonions, and half of a peeled, choppedcucumber. Drizzle with BalsamicVinaigrette and mix well.Spicy Black Bean DipIn a blender or food processor put 2cups cooked black beans rinsed anddrained, 2 tbsp fresh lime juice, 2cloves of minced garlic, a handful eachof fresh parsley and cilantro, 3/4 tspcumin, 1/4 tsp sea salt. Blend all untiljust a little chunky. Transfer to a bowland add cayenne and black pepperto taste. Serve with carrot sticks, ricecakes, or gluten-free crackersRice PuddingRinse 1 cup short-grain rice, drain andplace in a saucepan with 3 cups riceor almond milk. Bring to a boil, coverand reduce to a very low heat - simmeruntil rice is tender - about 1-1/2hrs. About 1 hour into cooking add 3to 4 tablespoons pure maple syrup,1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1/2 tspcinnamon, and a small handful ofraisins if desired. Finish cooking andseason with a touch more cinnamonand perhaps a dash of nutmeg. If toosweet add a little fresh lemon juice totaste. Serve at room temperature withfresh fruit or berries on top.Spinach PureeCook 1 lb of fresh spinach that hasbeen cleaned and stemmed withoutadded water in a covered pot forjust a few minutes until tender andbright green. Transfer to a blenderor processor and add 1/4 cup water.Puree until very smooth and place ina small bowl. Season with 1 clove ofminced fresh garlic, sea salt and blackpepper to taste. You can add a littlemore water to get desired consistency.Serve over baked potato, fish, on coldrice pasta, or on steamed vegetables.Balsamic Vinaigrette3/4 cup balsamic vinegar1/4 cup olive oil3 cloves garlic (whole but crushed)1 tbsp Italian spicessalt and pepper to tasteMix and let stand for 1 hour to developflavorBaked ApplesPlace 4 medium apples that havebeen washed and cored in a largeglass oven proof bowl (with lid). Placea strip of lemon rind, 1/4 of a wholevanilla bean, 1 cinnamon stick, andsome currants or raisins inside eachapple. Drizzle apples with 1/4 cuplemon juice and scatter remainder ofcurrants around them. Bake coveredat 350 degrees for 60 to 75 minutes.Serve warm or cold, you can alsodrizzle with almond milk.<strong>MediClear</strong> Patient Guide — Page 17<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 175/17/12 1:36 PM

Cajun Spice Rub2 tablespoons paprika2 tablespoons salt2 tablespoons garlic powder1 tablespoon fine ground pepper1 tablespoon onion powder1 tablespoon cayenne pepper1 tablespoon oregano1 tablespoon thymeCombine together and mix well — useas a rub on chicken, turkey, or any fishwith a small amount of olive oil — pansear or grill.Mashed Potatoes4 Idaho russet potatoes or 8 goodsized red potatoes — boil until forktender, drain and lightly mash. Add 1tbsp olive oil and rice milk and mashto desired consistency. Add salt andpepper to taste.For a zipped up version try addinghorseradish, wasabi, garlic, or onionsto taste.For another look — add 4 oz of cooked,chopped spinach when mashing forthe first time.Pesto Salmon1 salmon fillet per person — place skinside down on a piece of tin foil. Spreada layer of cheese-free pesto about 1/8inch thick on top of each fillet. Closethe tin foil and place on a grill. Cookfor about 8 minutes or until the fish iscooked through.<strong>MediClear</strong> Patient Guide — Page 18Marinated PortabelloMushrooms1 large portabello mushroom perperson — marinate for at least 12hours in balsamic vinegar. Grill for 10minutes on each side or until cooked.Slice and serve warm over a mixedgreen salad with a balsamic vinaigrettedressing, or over a wild rice pilaf.Black Bean SalsaIn a mixing bowl combine 1-1/2 cupsprepared black beans (drained), 1/4cup finely chopped red onion, 2 tbspchopped cilantro, 2 tbls rice winevinegar, 2 tbsp olive oil, and one cloveof crushed or minced garlic. Addcayenne and salt to taste. You mayalso add 1 small minced jalapenopepper without seeds for more zip.Mix and let sit for at least one hourto develop flavors — serve over grilledchicken or fish.Use the Cajun Spice Rub on thechicken or fish before grilling.Garlic Potato Cakes2 Idaho potatoes shredded — boiluntil tender and strain. Season withsalt and pepper or favorite spices. Letcool, then press into desired shape.Put cakes on a non-stick pan. Crusha clove of garlic and mix with a smallamount of olive oil and spread on topof cakes. Broil for 5 minutes and serve.Roasted Turkey RollTake 1 whole (2 breasts) debonedturkey breast and pound it to about2 inches thick or less. Spread roastedgarlic or fresh crushed garlic androasted bell pepper sauce on theinside of the breast. Add rosemary, saltand pepper. Roll up the turkey breastusing the narrowest width and tie withstring. Pan sear in a non-stick pan witha small amount of olive oil. Place in abaking dish with 1/2 cup vegetablebroth and bake at 350 degrees forabout 45 minutes or until done. Sliceand serve with rice, quinoa, or mashedpotatoes. Great served cold with asalad too!Fresh Fruit SalsaChop into small pieces anycombination of fruit such as kiwi,mango, papaya, peaches, strawberries,etc. Add 2 tbsp or more of finelychopped cilantro per cup of fruit. Ifyou wish you can also add red or greenonions. Mix and serve over any type offish for a fresh taste.<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 185/17/12 1:36 PM

Cream of Broccoli SoupSteam 1 head of broccoli in 2-3 cupsvegetable broth until done. Strainbroth into a bowl. Put broccoli and1/4 of the broth (cool first) in blenderand blend. Return blended broccoli tostock pot and bring back up to simmerand add balance of the broth. Add1/4 cup rice milk. Salt and pepper totaste.For asparagus soup — replace broccoliwith a large bunch of asparagusspears.For cream of mushroom soup —replace broccoli with 1 lb of mixed,diced mushrooms.Grilled Italian SaladTake 1 whole romaine head, 1 wholeescarole head, and 3 whole endiveheads and cut all heads lengthwisethrough center leaving stem attached– drizzle with olive oil and grill on lowuntil wilted. Move to a cutting board,remove stem and chop all heads intobite size chunks. Drizzle with balsamicvinegar or Balsamic Vinaigrette. Addsalt and pepper to taste.Fresh Fruitsicle †1 - 2 cups fresh strawberries, trimmed1 ripe banana, cut into chunks1/2 cup coconut milk2 to 4 tbsp agave nectarBlend all in blender until smooth. Pourinto popsicle molds and freeze 6 to 8hours or overnight.†from The Whole Life Nutrition CookbookRoasted GarlicTake 20-30 whole peeled garlic cloves,place in ramekin or small pyrex dishand cover completely with olive oil.Bake at 200 for 45 minutes. Let cooland drain the oil into a container (savefor cooking). Mash garlic cloves anduse to stuff chicken, spread on potatocakes, grilled vegetables, etc.Stuffed Chicken BreastTake 1 boneless, skinless chickenbreast per person. Slice lengthwiseinto the thin side of the breast tomake a pocket. Stuff pocket withroasted garlic, cheese-free pesto orroasted bell pepper sauce and sealwith a few tooth picks. Sprinkle Cajunspice on both sides of the breast andpan fry in a non-stick pan with oliveoil (or the oil from the roasted garlic)for about 15 minutes or until cooked.Remove the chicken to a serving platewith wild rice pilaf or quinoa. Add 1/8cup vegetable stock and 1/8 cup ricemilk to the pan. Over a medium highheat reduce liquid by 1/2 volume.Pour over the chicken and enjoy.A complete nutritional and cooking guide for every stage of life,including over 200 gluten-free, dairy-free, and egg-free recipesTheWhole Life NutritionCookbook second editionWhole Foods Recipes for Personal and Planetary HealthAlissa Segersten and Tom Malterre, MS, CNSpaghetti SquashPrimaveraCook a whole spaghetti squash untildone, cool, and scoop out the interior(spaghetti). Put 2 tbsp olive oil, 1-2cloves crushed garlic, and 1/4 cupdiced red onion in a non-stick panon medium and sweat. Add zucchini,chopped mushrooms, and broccoli andsaute until fork tender. Add spaghettisquash and 1/4 cup roasted bellpepper sauce — toss until warm. Servewith garlic potato cakes.Roasted Bell Pepper Sauce3 medium red bell peppers — cut inhalf and remove seeds. On the toprack of your oven place the peppersskin side up on a cookie sheet andbroil until the skins are totally black.Remove and cool. Then wash the burntskin from the peppers. In a blenderadd the peppers and a splash ofbalsamic vinegar and puree. Add saltand pepper to taste. Can be spread onroasted or grilled zucchini or eggplant,or on grilled or pan seared chickenbreastfor more great recipeswe highly recommend“The Whole LifeNutrition Cookbook”by Alissa Segersten andTom Malterre, MS, CNthis cookbook can be found atwww.wholelifenutrition.net oron Amazon.com or from yourhealth-care practitioner.<strong>MediClear</strong> Patient Guide — Page 19<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 195/17/12 1:36 PM

o Your health-care practitionerhas determined you need nutritionalsupport for the stomach and intestinesbecause of symptoms of occasional gas,bloating, or constipation, and suggestsyou take:GI-Encap at _____ capsules, _____times daily.Perma-Clear at _____ capsules,_____ times daily.Meriva-SR at _____ capsules, _____times daily, ORMeriva-500 at _____ capsules,_____ times daily.L-Glutamine Powder at_____ scoops,_____ times daily added to the<strong>MediClear</strong> beverage.o For nutritional support for tendonsand muscles, your health-carepractitioner suggests you take:Phytoprofen at _____ capsules, _____times daily, ORMeriva-SR at _____ capsules, _____times daily, ORMeriva-500 at _____ capsules,_____ times daily.Super EPA or Omega Plus at _____gelcaps, _____ times daily.o For extra joint support, add:Moducare at _____ capsules, _____times daily between meals.AR-Encap at _____ capsules, _____times daily, ORMeriva-SR at _____ capsules, _____times daily, ORMeriva-500 at _____ capsules,_____ times daily.Glucosamine Sulfate at _____ capsules,_____ times daily, ORGlucosamine & Chondroitin at _____capsules, _____ times daily.o Because you are not having regularbowel movements (at least one wellformed,easy-to-eliminate stool daily),your health-care practitioner suggestsyou take:Medibulk at _____ scoops,_____ times daily in 8-10 oz water ordilute juice.Herbal Laxative at _____ capsules atbedtime.o Because you have occasional runnynose, sneezing, watery eyes, or chroniccough, your health-care practitionersuggests you take:Quercetone at _____ capsules, _____times daily.Moducare at _____ capsules, _____times daily between meals.QC Nasal Spray at 2 sprays in eachnostril, _______ times daily or asneeded.o Your health-care practitionerhas determined you need nutritionalsupport of the intestinal lining andsuggests you take:Perma-Clear at _____ capsules,_____ times daily.Meriva-SR at _____ capsules, _____times daily, ORMeriva-500 at _____ capsules,_____ times daily.L-Glutamine Powder at _____ scoops,_____ times daily added to the<strong>MediClear</strong> beverage.o Your health-care practitionerhas determined you need nutritionalsupport liver function and suggests youtake:T.A.P.S. at _____ capsules, _____times daily, ORSiliphos at _____ capsules, _____times daily.Lipotrepein at _____ capsules, _____times daily.Phosphatidyl Choline at _____ gelcaps,_____ times daily.o Your health-care practitioner hasdetermined you need digestive enzymesupport and suggests you take:Betaine HCl/Pepsin at _____ capsules,_____ times daily.Dipan-9 at _____ capsules, _____times daily, ORBio-Gest at _____ capsules, _____times daily, ORB.P.P. at _____ capsules, _____ timesdaily.Plantizyme at _____ capsules,_____ times daily.<strong>MediClear</strong> Patient Guide — Page 20<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 205/17/12 1:36 PM

o Your health-care practitioner hasdetermined you need nutritionalsupport for the normal bacterial flora ofthe gastrointestinal system andsuggests you take:Medibulk at _____ scoops, _____times daily in 8-10 oz of water or dilutejuice.Formula SF722 at _____ gelcaps,_____ times daily, ORUndecyn at _____ capsules, _____times daily, ORBerbercap at _____ capsules, _____times daily, ORArtecin at _____ capsules, _____times daily, ORFormula SF734 at _____ capsules,_____ times daily.o Other health-care practitioner recommendations:NotesFloraMend Prime Probiotic at _____capsule daily, ORBacillus Coagulans at _____ capsules,_____ times daily, ORSacro B at _____ capsules, _____times daily, between meals.<strong>MediClear</strong> Patient Guide — Page 21<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 215/17/12 1:36 PM

Reintroducing Foods to Your Diet Afterthe Three-Week ProgramOnce the three-week program is finished you will need togradually reintroduce certain foods back into your diet. Inaddition to foods that you know you are allergic to, some of thecommon allergens you have eliminated from your diet over thepast weeks may cause you problems once you begin to eat themagain. Therefore, it is important that you introduce no more thanone food item at a time from the list to the left, and that youallow three days before introducing another food item.reintroductionlistdairycorn wheattomatoeseggscoffeeshellfishsoypeanutsBe especially careful when reintroducing caffeine. Many peopleexperience a strong reaction, including heart palpitations.Each newly introduced food should be eaten during at least twoof the three meals daily for three days. If you begin to reactbefore the three days is up, stop eating the offending food. Ifyou have no reaction after three days, you may introduce anotherfood. However, if you react to an introduced food, it is importantto wait until the reaction subsides before introducing anotherfood.Begin by making note of how you feel before you start theprogram, list your major complaints as well as what youwould like to accomplish with this program by completing thequestionnaire on the inside front cover of this guide.Then follow up by making note of how you feel while completingyour last day of the diet. Have you accomplished your goals?What has happened to the list of complaints you had before youstarted the program?<strong>MediClear</strong> Patient Guide — Page 22<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 225/17/12 1:36 PM

eintroductionlistpeanutsdairycorntomatoesshellfishResponse Chart for Food Reintroductioneggs coffeesoyDay 1 thru 3Food introduced:Day 4 thru 6Food introduced:Day 7 thru 9Food introduced:gutbowel functionheadachecongestionskinenergy leveljoint painmuscle painotherDay 10 thru 12Food introduced:Day 13 thru 15Food introduced:Day 16 thru 18Food introduced:gutbowel functionheadachecongestionskinenergy leveljoint painmuscle painotherDay 19 thru 21Food introduced:Day 22 thru 24Food introduced:Day 25 thru 27Food introduced:gutbowel functionheadachecongestionskinenergy leveljoint painmuscle painother<strong>MediClear</strong> Patient Guide — Page 23<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 235/17/12 1:36 PM

Frequently Asked QuestionsCan I use the <strong>MediClear</strong> products if I ampregnant or nursing a baby?Since they have not been tested in these situations, werecommend that you consult your health-care practitioner beforeusing <strong>MediClear</strong>, <strong>MediClear</strong> Plus, or <strong>MediClear</strong>-<strong>SGS</strong>.Can I continue the program for more than threeweeks?The diet and <strong>MediClear</strong> Program outlined for weeks 1 and 3 iswell-balanced and can be continued if you and your health-carepractitioner determine they are suitable for your needs. But the<strong>MediClear</strong> program is not a meal replacement program.Is it safe for children to use the <strong>MediClear</strong>products?The <strong>MediClear</strong> Program is designed for adults and youth olderthan 12 years under the supervision of a health-care practitioner.Your practitioner may deem it necessary to use this product forsomeone younger than 12, with supervision, although it should notbe the sole source of nutrition.I’d like to lose a few pounds. Will the <strong>MediClear</strong>Program help me do this?Although the <strong>MediClear</strong> Program is not designed as a weight lossprogram many people find they lose a few pounds while doing acleansing regimen. Sometimes with increased water intake, andthe more efficient processing of toxic substances, individuals losea few pounds of water weight. Others find their body’s metabolismworks more efficiently, causing them to burn calories better,resulting in some weight loss.Why do I avoid dairy and beef?During a cleansing program you want to avoid putting any extraburden on the body. Unfortunately, the dairy and beef industriesinject hormones into the animals and add antibiotics to their feed.These substances can end up in the milk and meat of the cattle,and ultimately they end up in you. Also, many individuals can beallergic to dairy products, which include milk, cheese, cottagecheese, yogurt, butter, buttermilk, cream, sour cream, ice cream,and casein.If I am allergic to rice or peas, can I take the<strong>MediClear</strong> products?Since <strong>MediClear</strong>, <strong>MediClear</strong> Plus, and <strong>MediClear</strong>-<strong>SGS</strong> contain riceand pea protein, if you are allergic to either, <strong>MediClear</strong> might notbe the product for you. Talk to your health-care practitioner. He orshe might suggest trying <strong>MediClear</strong> or <strong>MediClear</strong> Plus for a time,or the use of <strong>Thorne</strong> <strong>Research</strong>’s Whey Protein Isolate or HydrolyzedWhey Protein.Can I use the Mediclear Products without theprogram?Yes, <strong>MediClear</strong>, <strong>MediClear</strong> Plus, and <strong>MediClear</strong>-<strong>SGS</strong> are anexcellent source of well-assimilated protein and other nutrientsand can be used indefinitely as a gentle cleanse or as an additionto the daily diet.Can I take the <strong>MediClear</strong> products if I havediabetes?The <strong>MediClear</strong> program is nutritionally well-balanced. Therefore, itcan be used if you have diabetes. However, as with any dietary orsupplement changes you make, careful and frequent monitoring ofblood sugar is a must!<strong>MediClear</strong> Patient Guide — Page 24<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 245/17/12 1:36 PM

Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat if I am constipated?To properly do a cleansing program, you need to be having regular(daily or more often) bowel movements. If you are not eliminatingwell, your health-care practitioner may want you to take a fibersupplement, such as <strong>Thorne</strong> <strong>Research</strong>’s Medibulk, as you usethe <strong>MediClear</strong> Program. Be sure to communicate any eliminationproblems to your health-care practitioner.What if I am gluten or dairy sensitive?No problem, <strong>MediClear</strong>, Mediclear Plus, and <strong>MediClear</strong>-<strong>SGS</strong>contain no dairy or gluten.What if I have soy sensitivities?<strong>MediClear</strong> contains no soy. <strong>MediClear</strong> Plus and <strong>MediClear</strong>-<strong>SGS</strong>contain three plant phytosomes – plant extracts combined withphosphatidylcholine, which is derived from soy. However, sincephosphatidylcholine contains no soy protein, most soy-sensitivepeople tolerate it just fine. Talk to your health-care practitioner.Should I expect my symptoms to get betterwhile on the program?Many patients experience a lessening of symptoms while on theprogram. However, some do experience a temporary increase ofsymptoms while their body is cleansing. If your symptoms getworse and are troublesome, contact your health-care practitioner.Can I exercise while on this program?During this program it is recommended that you do mild exercisedaily and get adequate sleep. If possible, take a vacation fromextra tasks and stresses. At the very least, take an hour per day foryourself to relax: breathe deeply, listen to a meditation CD or themusic you love, relax in a hot bath, take a yoga class, or enjoy awalk in the park. Give your body and mind the break it needs toheal.If you are used to a strenuous exercise routine, such as daily runsor swims, you can continue as usual. However, do not do thisprogram if you are increasing your exercise routine in preparationfor a competitive event. If you have a competition planned, waitat least 10 days after the event to start this program, and listento your body’s guidance. Don’t push it – work with it. If you findyourself overly tired one day, take a break. If you are feelinghigh energy, go for it. Your body will tell you what it needs. Mostathletes find a detoxification program has lasting results andimproves their stamina and endurance. Just don’t overdo it whenyour body is working hard cleansing toxins.What should I do about non-prescriptionand prescription medications while on thisprogram?First of all make sure your health-care practitioner has a completelist of every prescription and non-prescription medication youare taking. This includes any dietary supplements you mayhave started taking on your own. Keep in mind MANY products,including supplements, can contain allergens.<strong>MediClear</strong> Patient Guide — Page 25<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 255/17/12 1:36 PM

<strong>MediClear</strong>®, <strong>MediClear</strong> Plus®, and <strong>MediClear</strong>-<strong>SGS</strong> are availableexclusively from <strong>Thorne</strong> <strong>Research</strong>, Inc.,through licensed health-care practitioners.Manufactured by <strong>Thorne</strong> <strong>Research</strong>, Inc.P.O. Box 25Dover, Idaho 83825(800) 228-1966(208) 263-1337Fax (208) 265-2488www.thorne.comMPG-0112<strong>MediClear</strong> Program Patient Guide June 2012.indd 265/17/12 1:36 PM

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