You are so welcome 2013 Ministry Plan - New Life Community ...

You are so welcome 2013 Ministry Plan - New Life Community ...

You are so welcome 2013 Ministry Plan - New Life Community ...


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<strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong> <strong>Community</strong> Baptist Church1839 Tzouhalem Rd Duncan BC V9L 5L6250.748.6521 * office@newlifechurch.ca * www.newlifechurch.ca<strong>You</strong> <strong>are</strong> <strong>so</strong> <strong>welcome</strong><strong>2013</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

A few years ago, I began to be vexed by a question:What difference <strong>are</strong> we making? Would anyone reallymiss <strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong> if we ceased to exist? Would the spiritualclimate of our community shift if we disappe<strong>are</strong>d?I actually think the jury’s already come in on thatquestion. I believe that <strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong> makes a massivedifference, both to those already here and to thosewho have yet to join. I believe our church touchesthose within and without in ways both deep and wide.I believe that because the people of <strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong>, week in and week out, live thegospel of Jesus Christ, our lives and our community <strong>are</strong> different. Are deeper. Arestronger.There’s a cost to all this. There <strong>are</strong> intangible costs – the stuff we can’t measurebut is very real all the same, like the weight of praying for our neighbours, orchoosing to bless when everything in us wants to curse.And there <strong>are</strong> many hard costs, too: the thousands of hours you commit eachyear to helping with GEMS, Kidzone, or Worship Team, or cutting the lawn andpulling weeds; the thousands of dollars you give each year to cover our manyexpenses, everything from the thousands of cups of coffee we consume, to thehundreds of liters of gas we burn in our Kidzone van, or the $23,000 hydro andgas bill we pay annually just to keep the lights on and the hot water running; andmuch else besides. It’s not cheap operating a church our size.This document you hold tries to give an accurate and realistic picture of thereal costs – both in dollars and in hours - of being <strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong> and doing what we do.The numbers, at least to my eyes, <strong>are</strong> <strong>so</strong>bering and astonishing. The cost, for instance,of offering our various children’s ministries each year total over 6,000hours (paid and volunteer) and $99,112. And that financial figure does not measurewhat it would cost if all those hours were paid!I hope you, too, find these numbers <strong>so</strong>bering and astonishing.But that’s not the main rea<strong>so</strong>n I’m asking you to read this. This is: It’s al<strong>so</strong>inspiring, and perhaps for <strong>so</strong>me of you convicting. As I read this narrative budget,and see what we as a church <strong>are</strong> willing to give in time and money to make adifference, my heart is both humbled and thrilled.May it likewise humble and thrill you.It may be that you give generously to our church. I pray that you, as you readhow your time and money has made a difference, will feel that it has been aninvestment well worth it. I extend to you my deep and heartfelt thanks.Or it may be that, for whatever rea<strong>so</strong>n, you give little. I pray that you, as youread, will feel that you’re genuinely missing out.I extend to you my per<strong>so</strong>nal invitation to join us in making a difference.Please read on…Shalom Pastor MarkPage 1 <strong>2013</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

Dear Church Family,Grace and peace to you. We thank God for you,together with your commitment to <strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Churchand your partnership in the Kingdom work that God iscalling us to fulfill.Again this year we <strong>are</strong> presenting the budget proposalsto you in a format that reflects how your faithful supportof these ministries through your tithes andofferings is having eternal impact in people’s lives throughout this valleycommunity and beyond.These pages contain a story of how God uses His people when they cometogether in common purpose to reflect His love for all His creation. It is astory of what God can achieve in the span of a year with willing hearts,hands and minds. The year has al<strong>so</strong> been a time of preparation for whatGod wants of us in the future. The proposed budget reflects this continuingwork and we look forward with eager anticipation to where God will lead us.We <strong>are</strong> presenting to you a snapshot of ‘<strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong>’ now and an invitation tohelp write the next chapter in <strong>2013</strong>.When we said partnership we truly mean it. <strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong> needs you. Each of usis gifted by God in a unique way. In order to build on the foundationsalready laid and fulfill the ministry call that God has placed on us, we knowwe will need every per<strong>so</strong>n who calls <strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong> home to exercise their gifts. Inthis coming year we ask you join us in boldly advancing what is beingachieved through the Spirit of God. Would you be part of bringing hope tobroken and hurting people, supporting strong God centered families bysharing the love of Jesus through prayer, tithing and becoming involved inserving?In and through thelove of Jesus,Doug PerkinsCongregational Chairof the Elders Board.<strong>2013</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Page 2

Page#<strong>2013</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong> Budget1. Lead Pastor, Mark Buchanan2. Chair of Elders, Doug Perkins3. Table of Contents4. KidZone in the house5. KidZone on the Road6. <strong>You</strong>th7. <strong>Life</strong> Groups8. Gather for worship9. Missions11. Hope Sunday12. Caring for each other13. First Steps14. Loving our Neighbors15. Budget16. Budget Highlights17. Are you doing your part?The ministry investment for each <strong>are</strong>a was calculated by taking the hard cost for theministry, adding in the staffing cost and proportioning the overhead cost related tothat <strong>are</strong>a. For example “Worship Gathering” would include::Payroll and Benefits $ 99,567Re<strong>so</strong>urces and Courses 1,509Honorariums 1,252Auto 800Advertising 1,200Bank charges 550Utilities 5,645Building/Grounds Maintenance 4,140Insurance 1,440Mortgage 7,020Office 6,900Audio/Visual/ Media 18,800Worship team 4,000Funds future projects 4,500Fellowship/Coffee 3,500__________________Total: $160,823Page 3 <strong>2013</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

<strong>Ministry</strong> PurposePartnering with families to help childrendiscover and embrace a growingrelationship with Jesus Christ.<strong>Ministry</strong> Vision and GoalsCreating a fun, safe place of belonging,where children can explore and discover truth from the Bible that’srelevant to their life. Encouraging an environment of engagement withp<strong>are</strong>nts that will generate positive impact on their children’s faith.For the ministry team: encouraging an increase of depth, both relationallyand spiritually through community groupings. Encouraging an increase in thelevel of team ownership and engagement.For p<strong>are</strong>nts and families: Encouraging and communicating the importanceof developing faith at home.In the nursery - We want children to feel safe, loved and we want to start aclose partnership with p<strong>are</strong>nts/c<strong>are</strong>givers.By the time a child is 5 - We want them to know: God Made Me, God LovesMe & Jesus wants to be My Friend Forever.By the time a child reaches grade 6 - We want them to know: They canMake the Wise Choice, They can Trust God no Matter What & They canChoose to Treat Others the Way They Want to be Treated. We <strong>are</strong> al<strong>so</strong> buildingcommunity through small groups on Sunday mornings.CurriculumOur material comes from ORANGE – an organization that seeks to combinethe influences of church and home to fuel faith in the next generation.www.whati<strong>so</strong>range.org<strong>Ministry</strong> in ActionFrom a ministry worker: “The KidZone program is getting better every year.I can see that the actual program is engaging to our children and youth. Theproof is in seeing the excited expressions of the children as they come intoKidZone.”<strong>Ministry</strong> InvestmentEstimated volunteer hoursper week invested in ministry$99,112 65<strong>2013</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Page 4

On the road<strong>Ministry</strong> Vision: To create anenvironment of safe communityand hospitality where faith andfriendship can grow!<strong>Ministry</strong> Goals:Connect: Through times of fun and warmconnection with the children of our communityand their families, we love and supportthem, and we seek to connect them intolife-giving relationships with Creator and one another.Cultivate: In our sharing times and activities, we seek to engagechildren & their families in learning about virtues which <strong>are</strong> biblical andrelevant in their culture.Commission: The ultimate goal in this ministry is to see God’s Kingdom unfolding ineach community we visit!<strong>Ministry</strong> in ActionLast February Cowichan Tribes moved forward with their plan to demolish the rundownpark <strong>are</strong>a we were using for KidZone and build homes there for families. Weweren’t sure where we were going to be able to take KidZone until one Sunday afternoon,a family agreed to allow us to use a large field adjacent to their home, and it isan excellent location. We’ve al<strong>so</strong> been blessed to see families in the community beginto advocate for us which has allowed us to continue doing ministry there. Al<strong>so</strong>, thispast summer our team hosted an amazing week of literacy and learning at our newlocation, working with educational professionals in our church community to helpmake learning fun for kids as they headed back into the school year. Connections andpartnerships with First Nations leaders continue to grow - God is <strong>so</strong> faithful to guideand protect us in this ministry of reconciliation!<strong>Ministry</strong> InvestmentEstimated volunteer hoursper week invested in ministry$72,238 Summer 120 Winter 50Page 5 <strong>2013</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

<strong>Ministry</strong> in ActionA group of 15 teenagers and 3 leaders board a school bus to travel almost1500 km in the heat of summer—no A/C, no ipods, no cell phones. Every fewhours they must switch seats and sit by <strong>so</strong>meone new. It is loud and hot butthere is a buzz of conversation and as the trip progresses many inside jokes.Bonds <strong>are</strong> forming and by the time we arrive in Peace River we <strong>are</strong> ready towork. We <strong>are</strong> stretched in many ways as 12 of us plan and lead a daily VBSand 6 build an observation deck while around town another 200 people workon projects and impact Peace River by the willingness of teenagers to pay tocome to work. This is not glamorous or exotic but it is life-changing as youthexperience what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus and as they feelfree to sh<strong>are</strong> and cry and find support in the community established throughliving and traveling together.<strong>Ministry</strong> Goals:TO CONNECT youth together in a place where they <strong>are</strong> safe, accepted, c<strong>are</strong>dfor, and known by caring leaders.To CULTIVATE a desire to be more like Christ & pursue a deeper relationshipwith God through per<strong>so</strong>nal & corporate prayer, Bible study and apprenticeshipwith leaders as they journey together.To COMMISSION each student to live as a light in the world, to serveothers both individually and as part of the church body, within the churchand through out the world.<strong>Ministry</strong> InvestmentEstimated volunteer hoursper week invested in ministry$131,855 65<strong>2013</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Page 6

As we enter a new year we <strong>are</strong> excited to move toward completing thestructural change as <strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong> becomes a church of <strong>Life</strong> Groups. Within themore intimate atmosphere of a <strong>Life</strong> Group is the opportunity to prep<strong>are</strong> andequip ourselves for the Kingdom work God invites us to sh<strong>are</strong> with Him, andwe each commit ourselves to grow spiritually.The TeamWe have brought together an energetic gifted leadership team to bringdirection, clarity and purpose to the next phase of completing this transition;Renee Clos<strong>so</strong>n, Dan John<strong>so</strong>n, Lori Martens, Phil Williams and Barry LockwoodThe GoalWe now have more people engaged in <strong>Life</strong> groups than ever before in thehistory of <strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong>. We need each per<strong>so</strong>n who calls <strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong> ‘home’ to helpcreate a community where intimacy and community can flourish, building asafe place for all to belong, believe and become all God intended. Within thenext eighteen to twenty four months we intend to engage 70% of our congregationin <strong>so</strong>me form of <strong>Life</strong> Group. We <strong>are</strong> planning to provide re<strong>so</strong>urces,training and equipping for <strong>Life</strong> Group Facilitators/Leaders and members.Here <strong>are</strong> <strong>so</strong>me of the training events being planned Motivational spiritual gifts. Dec. 2 nd <strong>Life</strong> Group facilitators retreat. Jan. 25 th &26 th Interces<strong>so</strong>ry prayer. Feb. 17 th Devolving C<strong>are</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong>. April 14 th Mentor Counselling. June 9 th<strong>Ministry</strong> InvestmentEstimated volunteer hoursper week invested in ministry$56,977 55Page 7 <strong>2013</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

<strong>Ministry</strong> Goal:Sunday mornings here at <strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong> is the time for people who call this churchtheir home to get together as “one body”. We come together in manydifferent frames of mind - from overjoyed, to overwhelmed. We cometogether from many different backgrounds - high church, low church, Baptist,charismatic, even no church. So our goal during this time is to use thecreativity that our creative God has given us to tell a story. Hopefully on anygiven Sunday a per<strong>so</strong>n can come to church in any state of mind, from anybackground and feel drawn into the story we’re telling, a story that alwaysbegins with us coming to the foot of our God just as we <strong>are</strong>, and ultimatelyseeing God in all his glory.<strong>Ministry</strong> in Action:As a worship leader, I don’t know how many times I’ve witnessed on anygiven Sunday, people excited to be there who need no encouragement, whohave come to party, and on that very same day others who <strong>are</strong> obviouslycarrying the weight of the world on their shoulders. So many different people,<strong>so</strong> many different experiences. But over the course of our time together,we all come to the same place. We all end up in the presence of our God inawe, our lives in proper perspective contrasted with the greatness of ourGod. Those <strong>are</strong> good mornings.“I can’t think of a more unifying experience than worshippingtogether with my church. I feel it’s a great privilege tobe a part of such an amazing ministry.” Conor Searl<strong>Ministry</strong> InvestmentEstimated volunteer hoursper week invested in ministry$162,753 100<strong>2013</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Page 8

Canadian Baptists of Western CanadOur denomination serving Western CaBethlehem Aboriginal FellowshipDean and Sharon John<strong>so</strong>nTim and Cindy BowdenEsperanza MinistriesBC Teen ChallengeTal James-North America Indigenous MinistriesWinnipegScott Johnston<strong>You</strong>ng <strong>Life</strong>–CowichanBen YablonskiCop C<strong>are</strong>Cowichan Basket SocietyAlan and Kirsten ShoreChosen People MinistriesCubaFrancois BlouinThe Sword MinistriesCBM Step PartnershipDuane and Carin GuthrieCanadian Baptist MinistriesBolivia<strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong> <strong>You</strong>th MTrip matching funBolivia<strong>Ministry</strong> InvestmentEstimated volunteer hoursper week invested in ministry$141,758 20Mission The IntePage 9 <strong>2013</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

anada2012 Mission teamTom and Grace MeiCanadian Baptist MinistriesElizabeth MyhreYWAMAustraliaissiond toin <strong>2013</strong>Let’s celebrate and at the same time pray into what we can seeaccomplished this year through Missions.Support not shown above:Bible League of Canada - Projects world widernational Justice Mission - Projects world wide<strong>2013</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Page 10

HOPE Sundays (evenings) is a safe and confidential place to worship, learn,sh<strong>are</strong> and pray in both a community and a small group setting. Deepeningour faith journey by examining the ways our families of origin, culture and theworld have taken us off God’s path to our identity in His freedom.Our annual curriculum includes the following series: Boundaries with Henry Cloud & John Townsend. Bondage Breaker with Neil Ander<strong>so</strong>n. Wounded by Shame - Healed by Grace with Dr. Jeff VanVonderen. <strong>Life</strong>’s Healing Choices with Rick Warren.7 Steps to Freedom in Christ is offered as a one-on-one sessions to process adeep and complete inventory dealing with 7 aspects of spiritual life.In 4 1/2 years, over 200 people have participated in the various programs.Some testimony statements from attendees;Men <strong>are</strong> willing to listen and pray for each other. Men don’t discuss theirproblems enough and hold them in for too long.Resentment - it is like a cancer and can eat you alive.I withdrew from people because I held resentments against those whounintentionally hurt me.That all other people suffer with insecurities and doubts just like I do.The words "rationalize" or "ration a lie" stick out very strongly for me.<strong>You</strong> won't get over your problems in life until you face them.<strong>New</strong>comers <strong>are</strong> always <strong>welcome</strong>.<strong>Ministry</strong> InvestmentEstimated volunteer hoursper week invested in ministry$86,133 30Page 11 <strong>2013</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

C<strong>are</strong> Team<strong>Ministry</strong> Goals:The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong> C<strong>are</strong> Team serves to nurture the spiritual, physical, emotionaland <strong>so</strong>cial needs of all people in our church and larger community. Bysharing the love of Christ through acts of service and comfort we hope tohelp people realize the blessing that comes from being disciples of Christ.Pastoral c<strong>are</strong> at <strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong> takes many forms. Most important for you to knowis that there is a large dedicated trained team comprising of Pastors and laypeople who <strong>are</strong> willing to sacrifice themselves to serve others. There is littlepredictability for the C<strong>are</strong> Team as we respond like Fire Fighters toemergencies. Once the crisis is past we try to continue to follow up with theper<strong>so</strong>n to help them become who God intended them to be.The <strong>Ministry</strong> in action:May be delivering beds to children who have been sleeping on the floorIt could be sitting vigil with a per<strong>so</strong>n near end of lifeIt could be helping a couple find a marriage counselor to save a familyfrom divorceIt could be 10 members of the team travelling to Victoria to attend aworkshop for training at 7 am in the morningThe C<strong>are</strong> Team is designed to meet a per<strong>so</strong>n where their <strong>are</strong>a of need is.The members of the C<strong>are</strong> Team may be called upon frequently orinfrequently due to their specific <strong>are</strong>a of gifting. The C<strong>are</strong> Team is alwaysevolving to meet the current needs of the congregation and community.When there <strong>are</strong> troubles, we will be able to give them the same comfort Godhas given us.” 2 Cor. 1:4.<strong>Ministry</strong> InvestmentEstimated volunteer hoursper week invested in ministry$147,030 54<strong>2013</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Page 12

<strong>Ministry</strong> goalsFirst Steps ministry at <strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong> is intended as a warm <strong>welcome</strong> to ourchurch family and a pathway to understanding all that goes on in a largeactive church. We want to help newcomers make meaningful connections,create opportunities for engagement and develop a sense of belonging.Each year we host several Connect Lunches for those new to our churchfamily, we sh<strong>are</strong> a great meal together, outline the range of ministries at<strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong>, answer questions and get to know folks.For those wanting to better understand our Christian Faith we offer theAlpha Course throughout the year. This course is an introduction to thebasics of the Christian Faith and seeks to answer the questions people have,no question is ‘too dumb’.We encourage all people to become part of a <strong>Life</strong> Group. It is difficult todevelop close meaningful relationships in the larger gatherings at <strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong>;through smaller gatherings of <strong>Life</strong> Groups we have the opportunity to builddeeper more intimate relationships through prayer, caring, serving and acommitment to spiritual growth. <strong>Life</strong> Groups <strong>are</strong> the key component ofsharing and caring at <strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong>, a place where we seek to ‘do life together’,to belong.We regularly offer teaching on Baptism and Membership and classes <strong>are</strong>usually presented twice each year. As a church family we want to <strong>welcome</strong>each per<strong>so</strong>n God brings to <strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong>, celebrate the per<strong>so</strong>n God created andsh<strong>are</strong> the journey of spiritual growth together.<strong>Ministry</strong> investment in the <strong>are</strong>aEstimated volunteer hoursper week invested in ministry$20,769 10Page 13 <strong>2013</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

As a Church, we <strong>are</strong> a group of people who c<strong>are</strong> about our neighbors.Many events <strong>are</strong> happening at a church wide level.JumpstartTrunk ‘n’ TreatChristmas LunchLord’s PantryYear round KidZone on Boys RoadSummer KidZone in the <strong>Community</strong>GEMS Girls ClubBoy’s ClubMOPS <strong>You</strong>ng Moms* Cost of these programs <strong>are</strong> included in the other ministry investments.In <strong>2013</strong> as <strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong> becomes a church of life groups, We hope to findnew ways to love our neighbors through life groups.The compassion and involvement in our community in the lives of ourneighbors is inspiring. The stories the we currently hear, encourage usto do more. As <strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong>’s we encourage you to further yourcommitment to being part of “The Church Who C<strong>are</strong>s”Let us celebrate what God has done. Let us sh<strong>are</strong> our stories and let uspray into even more of what can be done.Greater things have yet to comeGreater things still to be done in this City!<strong>2013</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Page 14

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Budget HighlightsThe <strong>2013</strong> proposed ministry investment plan, contains no significant increasein ministry expenses. Giving to <strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong>, over the last 5 years has notsignificantly changed. This leads the budget team to set out a plan for spendingthat was slightly more than 2012 expected expenses. Because giving hasnot increased funds budgeted for maintenance and be set aside for futurerepairs has not occurred. We cannot maintain this.The <strong>2013</strong> budget includes the interim contract position of Director of <strong>Life</strong>Groups and Staff till November and a part time receptionist starting later inthe year, if funds <strong>are</strong> available.Larger one-time investments included in budget which <strong>are</strong> carried forwardfrom this year <strong>are</strong>, repainting and <strong>so</strong>und ab<strong>so</strong>rption covering to lobby,renovation of Big D’s, worship team in-ear monitors and drum enclosure andstage extension project. Funding for future roof and other infrastructurerepairs <strong>are</strong> included in budget.<strong>Ministry</strong> Investment Graph$86133<strong>2013</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Page 16

Annual Family IncomeGod wants you to participate in His plansIn the Cowichan Valley and beyond“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be foodin my house. Test me in this, says the LORD Almighty, and see if Iwill not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out <strong>so</strong> muchblessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”Malachi 3:10Ways to Give: Sunday during the offering Drop your offering at the church office any time On-line by adding <strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Church as a vendor in your billpayments. <strong>You</strong>r account will be: NLCBC(your giving #) Gifts of land, stock and bonds or insurance.Contact church office for a giving # <strong>so</strong> a tax receipt can beissued yearly.Would you consider doing your part to help the ministry of <strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong>?Find your family income on the left and how much you give per month.1% 2% 3% 4% 5%10,000 8 17 25 33 4220,000 17 33 50 67 8330,000 25 50 75 100 12540,000 33 67 100 133 16750,000 42 83 125 167 20860,000 50 100 150 200 25070,000 58 117 175 233 29280,000 67 133 200 267 33390,000 75 150 225 300 375100,000 83 167 250 333 417Page 17 <strong>2013</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>

We need you, to support <strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong> withyour prayers, time and finances20Families11FamiliesThis chart represents the <strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong> familieswho give consistently.30Families32Families51FamiliesTake the next step80Families38Families30Families12Families14FamiliesMonthlyYearlyUp to$20$240Up to$40$480Up to$60$720Up to$80$960Up to$120$1440Up to$160$1920Up to$300$3600Up to$500$6000Up to$700$8400Over$700$8400How close <strong>are</strong> you to a 10% tithe?6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 12%50 58 67 75 83 92 100100 117 133 150 167 183 200150 175 200 225 250 275 300200 233 267 300 333 367 400250 292 333 375 417 458 500300 350 400 450 500 550 600350 408 467 525 583 642 700400 467 533 600 667 733 800450 525 600 675 750 825 900500 583 667 750 833 917 1000<strong>2013</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Page 18

<strong>2013</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>You</strong> <strong>are</strong> <strong>so</strong> <strong>welcome</strong>

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