Beyond Greening - Tourism Watch

Beyond Greening - Tourism Watch

Beyond Greening - Tourism Watch


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<strong>Beyond</strong> <strong>Greening</strong>: Reflections on <strong>Tourism</strong> in the Rio-Process | PositioningpaperPracticing Mediterranean citizenship based on the idea of a new global citizenship, whichwould enable our presence to be felt through a unified voice at global forums where the futureclimate of the planet is decided (Buades, 2010).ReferencesBuades, J. (2010): El llegat de Copenhaguen: l’emergència d’una nova ciutadania planetària. Managua:Albasud.Gao, X., & Giorgi, F. (2008): Increased aridity in the Mediterranean region under greenhouse gasforcing estimated from high resolution simulations with a regional climate model. Global andPlanetary Change, 62 (3-4), 195-209.Hallegatet, S., Somot, S., & Nassopoulos, H. (2009): Région mediterranéenne & changementclimatique. Une nécessaire anticipation. París: Institut de prospective Économique du MondeMediterranéen.IOM. (2009). Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Assessing the Evidence. Ginebra: IOM.Klein, N. (2007). La doctrina del xoc. L’ascens del capitalisme del desastre. Barcelona: Empúries.Simpson, M. C., Gössling, S., Scott, D., Hall, C. M., & Gladin, E. (2008): Climate Change Adaptationand Mitigation in the <strong>Tourism</strong> Sector: Frameworks, Tools and Practices. París: UNEP, University ofOxford, UNWTO, WMO.UNEP/MAP/BLUE PLAN. (2008): Promoting sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean: Proceedingsof the regional workshop: Sophia-Antipolis, France: UNEP/MAP/BLUE PLAN.Joan Buades is a critical researcher in tourism, environment and globalisation and member of the ALBASUD research team. He also works with the Research Group on Sustainability and Territory (GIST) at theUniversity of the Balearic Islands (UIB) and with other social organisations.Adapted from "The Mediterranean: Caught in the Carbon Microwave: Severe Climate Threat, MoreInequality and the end of Coastal <strong>Tourism</strong>. An overview of global risks in the Mediterranean in the 21stcentury. By Joan Buades. AlbaSud, January 2012.English translation: Centro Superior de Idiomas de la Universidad de Alicante, S.A.U.56

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