Beyond Greening - Tourism Watch

Beyond Greening - Tourism Watch

Beyond Greening - Tourism Watch


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<strong>Beyond</strong> <strong>Greening</strong>: Reflections on <strong>Tourism</strong> in the Rio-Process | PositioningpaperCertain types of tourism that are respectful of environmental balance and generate directwelfare for the communities that democratically decide to promote tourism may be decisive insustaining societies that are currently on the verge of poverty and condemned to massemigration.ReferencesBuades, J. (2006): Exportando paraísos. La colonización turística del planeta, Palma: La Lucerna.Buades, J. (2008): Dessalar la Mediterrània? De quimera, negocis i béns comuns, Scripta Nova. Revistaelectronica de geografia y ciencias sociales, XII (270(30)). www.ub.es/geocrit/sn/sn-270/sn-270-30.htmChrist, C., Hillel, O., Matus, S., & Sweeting, J. (2003): <strong>Tourism</strong> and Biodiversity. Mapping <strong>Tourism</strong>'sGlobal Footprint, Washington: Conservation International y United Nations EnvironmentProgramme. www.unep.orgGOB Mallorca. (2000): Camps de golf: "Lobos con piel de cordero". Palma: GOB Mallorca.www.gobmallorca.comMurray, I., Rullan, O., & Blàzquez, M. (2005): «Las huellas territoriales de deterioro ecologico. Eltrasfondo oculto de la explotación turística de Baleares», Scripta Nova. Revista electrónica de geografíay ciencias sociales, IX (199). www.ub.es/geocrit/sn/sn-199.htmRamírez Cover, A. (2008): Turismo como nuevas forma de acumulación y conflictividad socioambientalrelacionada a los recursos hídricos: perspectivas para Guanacaste. San José: Instituto deInvestigaciones Sociales (Universidad de Costa Rica). www.iis.ucr.ac.cr/jornadas/12.phpSimpson, M., Gössling, S., Scott, D., Hall, C., & Gladin, E. (2008): Climate Change Adaptation andMitigation in the <strong>Tourism</strong> Sector: Frameworks, Tools and Practices, Paris: UNEP, University ofOxford, UNWTO, WMO. www.geog.ox.ac.uk/news/events/ccamtsTomkins, R. (2006): Welcome to the age of less, Financial Times. 11/11/2006UNWTO (2007): De Davos a Bali: La contribución del turismo al reto del cambio climático. Madrid:OMT. http://www.unwto.org/climate/index.phpWTTC. (2009): Leading the challenge on climate change, London: WTTC.www.wttc.org/bin/pdf/original_pdf_file/climate_change_final.pdfJoan Buades is a critical researcher in tourism, environment and globalisation and member of the Alba Sudresearch team. He also works with the Research Group on Sustainability and Territory (GIST) at theUniversity of the Balearic Islands (UIB) and with other social organisations.This article is an excerpt from "Turismo y bien común: De la Irresponsabilidad Corporativa a laResponsabilidad Comunitaria", by Joan Buades. Alba Sud, September 2010.English translation: Centro Superior de Idiomas de la Universidad de Alicante, S.A.U.25

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