Beyond Greening - Tourism Watch

Beyond Greening - Tourism Watch

Beyond Greening - Tourism Watch


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<strong>Beyond</strong> <strong>Greening</strong>: Reflections on <strong>Tourism</strong> in the Rio-Process | Positioningpaperimplement these guidelines. A Consulting Unit of the World <strong>Tourism</strong> Organization(UNWTO) on Biodiversity and <strong>Tourism</strong> for Tsunami Affected Countries was set up in Bonn.2Commission on Sustainable Development (UN-CSD-7), New York (1999)In 1997, the United Nations Special General Assembly adopted a resolution on "Sustainable<strong>Tourism</strong>"3 as part of its "Programme for the further implementation of Agenda 21", the actionprogramme adopted at the Rio Earth Summit. This resolution acknowledges the need toconsider further the importance of tourism in the context of Agenda 21. Among other things,it states: "For sustainable patterns of consumption and production in the tourism sector, it isessential to strengthen national policy development and enhance capacity in the areas ofphysical planning, impact assessment, and the use of economic and regulatory instruments, aswell as in the areas of information, education and marketing." Furthermore, the resolutionstates that "policy development and implementation should take place in cooperation with allinterested parties, especially the private sector and local and indigenous communities".Following the mandate by the UN Special General Assembly, the United Nations Commissionon Sustainable Development (UNCSD) at its 7th session in April 1999 in New York adopted acomprehensive programme of work on tourism and sustainable development. The UNCSD isthe high-level forum for sustainable development within the United Nations system. In itsdecision of 1999, the UN Commission calls upon governments, the tourism industry, majorgroups and the UN system to take concrete action. It considers economic, environmental,social and cultural aspects of tourism and stresses the involvement and cooperation of allmajor groups (as defined in Agenda 21) and the principle of participation.The International Year of Ecotourism (2002)One of the most contested initiatives at the international level was the International Year ofEcotourism 2002 (IYE), declared by the United Nations. It was led by the World <strong>Tourism</strong>Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The Third WorldNetwork called for an assessment of "eco-tourism" instead of promoting it through a UN year.NGOs feared that under the guise of eco-tourism, new niche markets would be opened up.UNEP confirmed in its evaluation of the IYE that the results were mixed.4 Eco-tourism canhelp protect biological diversity and benefit local communities, but there was also "greenwashing". The conclusion was that the challenge consisted in applying the principles of ecotourismto all forms of tourism.The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)With the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)5 of the United Nations (2001), theinternational community placed poverty alleviation at the top of the agenda. By 2015, thepercentage of people living in extreme poverty should be halved. The World <strong>Tourism</strong>Organization (UNWTO), since 2003 a specialized agency of the United Nations, started topromote tourism as a tool for poverty alleviation.6 However, NGOs question whether tourism2http://biodiv.unwto.org/en/content/about-us-93www.un.org/documents/ga/res/spec/aress19-2.htm4 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP): Outcomes of the IYE 2002 Three main conclusions.5www.un.org/millenniumgoals/6 Vgl. World <strong>Tourism</strong> Organization (WTO) (2002): <strong>Tourism</strong> and Poverty Alleviation. Madrid. Vgl. World <strong>Tourism</strong> Organization (WTO)(2004): <strong>Tourism</strong> and Poverty Alleviation. Recommendations for Action. Madrid.15

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