Uranium ore-forming systems of the - Geoscience Australia

Uranium ore-forming systems of the - Geoscience Australia

Uranium ore-forming systems of the - Geoscience Australia


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<strong>Uranium</strong> <strong>ore</strong>-<strong>forming</strong> <strong>systems</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Lake Frome regionAccording to Quasar Resources and Alliance Resources mineralisation at <strong>the</strong> Four Mile deposit ishosted by fluviatile sands <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Upper Eyre Formation within an area defined as <strong>the</strong> Four MileEmbayment (Figs. 5.3, 5.4). The NE trending embayment is confined to a structural zone between<strong>the</strong> Paralana Fault in <strong>the</strong> west and <strong>the</strong> Poontana and Wooltana Fault zone in <strong>the</strong> east. The easternmargin <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> embayment represents a horst-like structure (Poontana Inlier). It is possible that <strong>the</strong>Four Mile Embayment itself represents a Paleogene paleochannel trending NE.The Eyre Formation at <strong>the</strong> Four Mile deposit is generally composed <strong>of</strong> mature sands that are richerin carbonaceous material and pyrite than <strong>the</strong> Beverley Sands. The sands <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Eyre Formationare interlayered with fine grained silt and coarse grained gravels. The sediments were deposited ina braided river environment. Within <strong>the</strong> Eyre Formation mineralisation tends to be localisedtowards <strong>the</strong> lower contact with a diamictite unit (Alliance Resources, 2009). The diamictiteoverlies fractured basement rocks (possibly Proterozoic rocks <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Mt Painter Inlier).The Eyre Formation sands are capped by silcrete (

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