Uranium ore-forming systems of the - Geoscience Australia

Uranium ore-forming systems of the - Geoscience Australia

Uranium ore-forming systems of the - Geoscience Australia


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<strong>Uranium</strong> <strong>ore</strong>-<strong>forming</strong> <strong>systems</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Lake Frome regionUnion Corporation geologists in <strong>the</strong> 1970s recognised paleochannel stratigraphy in <strong>the</strong> drill holes<strong>of</strong> ELs 5-6 but <strong>the</strong> four-mile grid spacing <strong>of</strong> drilling prevented mapping <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> possible channels(Randell, 1973). Their preferred model invoked a deltaic environment with westward paleo-flowtowards a larger ancestral Lake Frome (in which <strong>the</strong> Namba carbonates and dolomitic ooze in <strong>the</strong>south-western corner <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> tenements were deposited).It is notable that <strong>the</strong> possible eastern paleochannel in <strong>the</strong> upper parts <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Namba Formationcorrelates well with <strong>the</strong> position and orientation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Yarramba Paleochannel in <strong>the</strong> underlyingEyre Formation to <strong>the</strong> south. One interpretation is that a general northwards direction <strong>of</strong> sedimenttransport was via paleochannels was extant during both <strong>the</strong> deposition <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Eyre Formation andNamba Formation. Similar nor<strong>the</strong>rly transport <strong>of</strong> sediment in <strong>the</strong> Beverley paleochannel seemsprobable, based on branching geometry <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> channel (see Chapter 5). However, it cannot beassumed that groundwater flow during uranium mineralising events followed <strong>the</strong> same directionsas <strong>the</strong> channels because <strong>of</strong> possible neotectonic modifications to paleodips in <strong>the</strong> region.Page 56 <strong>of</strong> 151

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