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‘Defences of Culmore’ at Culmore Artillery Fort,– a walking tour: Sunday 2nd June, 12 – 2pmExplore <strong>the</strong> history of this important artillery fortby taking a tour with Manus Deery, a principalconservation architect within <strong>NIEA</strong>. Learn about<strong>the</strong> evolution of <strong>the</strong> site and how its militaryfunction influenced <strong>the</strong> surrounding area and<strong>the</strong> importance of <strong>the</strong> fort during <strong>the</strong> 1689 Siegeof <strong>Derry</strong>.The tour is free but booking is essential. The tourwill last for 1 ½ to 2 hours. For more informationor to book a place, contact 028 9054 3188WWII Archaeology Day at Beech Hill CountryHouse Hotel, Sunday 2nd June, 11am,2pm & 3.30pmInvestigate <strong>the</strong> remains of Beech Hill Camp, oneof 10 sites across <strong>Derry</strong>/<strong>Londonderry</strong> that madeup <strong>the</strong> US Navy’s Base One Europe 1942-44. Prizeswill also be given out for <strong>the</strong> best costumes andmost interesting photographs taken on <strong>the</strong> day.Organised by <strong>the</strong> Beech Hill US Navy & MarineCorps Association with support from <strong>the</strong> HolywellTrust, Faughan Valley Landscape Partnership & <strong>the</strong>Heritage Lottery Fund.Free guided tours with an archaeologist andhistorian will depart at 11 am, 2pm, and 3.30 pm,some of which will require woodland walkingfootwear and clothing.For more information contact 028 7134 9279‘The book of Kells, <strong>the</strong> great glories of Westernart’ at <strong>the</strong> Tower Museum, Book launch andlecture, Wednesday, 5th June, 6pmJames Joyce claimed <strong>the</strong> The Book of Kells is “<strong>the</strong>most purely Irish thing we have”, yet <strong>the</strong> book maywell have been created in <strong>the</strong> late 8th century on<strong>the</strong> island of Iona in Western Scotland, where amonastery had been founded by Colmcille. A newacclaimed edition of <strong>the</strong> Book of Kells by BernardMeehan, Keeper of Manuscripts at Trinity CollegeDublin, offers new insights into its history andiconography; join him for a special illustrated talkon one of <strong>the</strong> great glories of Western art.Free admission, for more informationcontact 028 7137 2411‘Colmcille: His Life and Legacy’ at <strong>the</strong> TowerMuseum, Book launch and lecture, Thursday6th June, 7pmBrian Lacey’s new publication looks at what wecan know about <strong>the</strong> real figure of Colmcille, anddistinguish him from <strong>the</strong> wonderful yet fictionalcharacter which was emerged from <strong>the</strong> stories thathave developed over <strong>the</strong> last fourteen centuries.The book also draws on <strong>the</strong> astonishing amountof textual and archaeological scholarship relatingto <strong>the</strong> saint that has appeared in <strong>the</strong> last fifteenyears or so.Free admission, for more informationcontact 028 7137 241124 A25 A

Excavation with living history at Prehen House,Friday 7th, 14th, 21st June, 2 - 4 pm &Saturday 22nd June, 12 – 4pmThis exciting excavation will be open to <strong>the</strong>public every Friday during June so that everyonewill have <strong>the</strong> opportunity to find out what <strong>the</strong>archaeologists are discovering. On Saturday22nd June, from 1 – 4pm, visitors will also have<strong>the</strong> added bonus of meeting one of Prehen’searliest residents from <strong>the</strong> 17th century, whowill tell stories of <strong>the</strong> characters who lived at thisPlantation house over <strong>the</strong> years, and <strong>the</strong> eventsthat took place <strong>the</strong>re.Free admission, for more informationcontact 028 9054 3030The Return of Colmcille to <strong>Derry</strong>~<strong>Londonderry</strong>,Friday 7th & Saturday 8th June, throughout<strong>the</strong> dayTaking place over two days, <strong>the</strong> city of<strong>Derry</strong>~<strong>Londonderry</strong> welcomes Colmcille homewith a series of displays, processions and pageants.Watch as Colmcille meets characters from <strong>the</strong> city’srich history and discovers how this once, smallsettlement has developed into a thriving culturalhub. Plus, see Colmcille do battle with <strong>the</strong> LochNess Monster!For more information contact 028 7131 0560Coastal Churches – a bus tour of medieval andpost-medieval church sites, Saturday 8th June,10am – 5pm.Scattered across <strong>the</strong> northwest region are dozensof historic church ruins ranging in date from <strong>the</strong>early Christian period right through to <strong>the</strong> 19thcentury. This tour will explore a select number of<strong>the</strong>se sites including Downhill, St Aidan’s, Ballykelly,Eglinton and Enagh. While some of <strong>the</strong> churches onour tour were built to serve <strong>the</strong> newly-establishedPlantation villages (as at Ballykelly and Eglinton),o<strong>the</strong>rs may have had a more ancient past. The tourwill depart from St Columb’s Park at 10am.The tour is free but booking is essential,for more information or to book a place,contact 028 9054 3188Meet <strong>the</strong> 1800s Soldier of Martello Tower,Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th June, 1 - 5pmTake <strong>the</strong> opportunity to see inside this, one of<strong>the</strong> few surviving Martello Towers. Find out about<strong>the</strong> soldiers who guarded <strong>the</strong> mouth of <strong>the</strong> Foyleagainst invasion by Napoleon between 1812and 1817. Enjoy <strong>the</strong> view which includes its twinin Greencastle, Co Donegal and it’s setting inMagilligan Point Nature Reserve.Free admission, for more informationcontact 028 7772 2074‘Columba Canticles - Four centuries of song’, atSt Columb’s Ca<strong>the</strong>dral, Sunday 9th June, 7.30pmFeaturing <strong>the</strong> choirs of <strong>the</strong> Universities of Ulsterand Aberdeen combined with <strong>the</strong> LondonSouthbank Sinfonia, this promises to be a joyousand memorable occasion. Using song to tell <strong>the</strong>story of <strong>Derry</strong>~<strong>Londonderry</strong>’s rich history, thisunique experience is not to be missed.For more information contact 028 7126 802726 A27 A

Marks of Time - The Buildings of<strong>Derry</strong>~<strong>Londonderry</strong> at <strong>the</strong> Playhouse Theatre,10th - 18th June 9.30am - 9pm dailyManus Deery from <strong>the</strong> Historic Buildings Unit of <strong>the</strong>Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Ireland Environment Agency, provides apersonal contribution to <strong>the</strong> ‘City of Culture’ withthis exhibition. This unique showing illustrates <strong>the</strong>development of <strong>the</strong> city’s architecture over timethrough 72 watercolour sketches, supplementedby brief explanatory notes. Today’s city is a complexplace, influenced by its site, available materials andlocal traditions, yet displays influences from ideasacross <strong>the</strong> world. It is a city with places of greatbeauty, and a robust character making it a city to beproud of.This exhibition is sponsored by <strong>Derry</strong> City Council’sHeritage and Museum Service, and by The Inner CityTrust and The Honourable Irish Society.Entry to <strong>the</strong> exhibition is open to <strong>the</strong> publicand free admission. for more informationcontact 028 9054 3030‘The Archaeology of <strong>the</strong> City’ NorthwestArchaeological & Historical Society Lecture at<strong>the</strong> White Horse Hotel, Friday, 14th June, 7.30pmRoy Hamilton of <strong>the</strong> Northwest Archaeologicaland Historical Society explores <strong>the</strong> archaeologicalheritage of <strong>the</strong> city of <strong>Derry</strong>~<strong>Londonderry</strong> and itsenvirons.Free admission, for more informationcontact 028 9054 3188An Archeology Day tour of <strong>Derry</strong> City’s Wallswith Ruairi O’Baoill, Saturday 15th June,11am & 2pmTour <strong>the</strong> historic city walls of <strong>Derry</strong> withRuairi O’Baoill, archaeologist with Centre forArchaeological Fieldwork at Queen’s UniversityBelfast, and author of “The Archaeology of <strong>Derry</strong>City and its Environs”.Meet at Tower Museum, Union Hall Place. Tours willlast between 1 1/2 and 2 hours.This tour is free but booking is essential, for moreinformation and to book contact 028 7137 2411The ancient lanes of Prehen – a walking tour of<strong>the</strong> Prehen Estate, Sunday 16th June, 1 – 3pmThe Prehen estate, established in <strong>the</strong> early 17thcentury, has remained one of <strong>Derry</strong>~<strong>Londonderry</strong>’smost enigmatic properties. Led by GeorgeMcLaughlin of <strong>the</strong> Prehen Historical andEnvironmental Society, this tour explores <strong>the</strong>estates ancient lanes and historic buildings.Sneak a peek at <strong>the</strong> community dig and see whatarchaeological secrets are being uncovered.The tour is free but booking is essential. The tourwill last for 1 ½ to 2 hours, for more information orto book a place contact 028 9054 318828 A29 A

Roe Valley Country Park (RVCP), Cultural Leap!Sunday 16th June, 12 – 5pmCome to a cultural celebration at Roe ValleyCountry Park from ancient myths, through recenthistory to <strong>the</strong> present parkland! You will bewelcomed by ‘Sir Thomas Phillips’, transported from<strong>the</strong> 17th century and promenading in <strong>the</strong> Park tosurvey his land, and hear of how he built his house,bawn and <strong>the</strong> village.There will also be an illustrated talk on <strong>the</strong> mythof ‘<strong>the</strong> Leaping Dog’, cultural craft demonstrationssuch as weaving and tanning, and guided walksaround <strong>the</strong> historic sites within <strong>the</strong> park with <strong>the</strong>opportunity to see inside <strong>the</strong> Powerhouse, <strong>the</strong> firstcommercial hydroelectric plant in Ulster. Livelymusic and dance will complete <strong>the</strong> afternoon‘sentertainment.Circular courtesy transport from Limavady – RVCP– Dungiven- RVCP – Limavady.For more information contact 028 7772 2074Roe Valley Country Park (RVCP), Unveiling of<strong>the</strong> new ‘Leaping Dog’! Monday 17th June, 2pmA Leaping Dog sculpture commissioned byLimavady Borough Council and created by MauriceHarron will be unveiled just outside <strong>the</strong> DogleapCentre. After, <strong>the</strong>re will be a talk on <strong>the</strong> historyand legends associated with <strong>the</strong> park by experthistorians Prof Audrey Horning & Terence Reeves-Smith of <strong>the</strong> <strong>NIEA</strong>, in <strong>the</strong> Green Lane Museum.Free admission, for more informationcontact 028 7772 2074Causeway and Mid-Antrim Museum Services,1613 - 2013 Cultural Fusions Project Bus Tour,Saturday 22nd June, 10am - 5pmAs Limavady celebrates <strong>the</strong> 400th anniversaryof its town charter, Causeway and Mid-AntrimMuseum Services are offering a tour, funded byEuropean Union’s PEACE III Programme, exploringarchaeological evidence from <strong>the</strong> 17th century.Led by archaeologist, Nick Brannon, this bus tourpromises a revealing exploration of sites in <strong>the</strong> RoeValley and beyond, where remnants of <strong>the</strong> periodare all around us, but often lie hidden. Tour departsfrom <strong>the</strong> Roe Valley Arts and Cultural Centre/IonadEalaíon agus Cultúir Ghleann na Ró, Main Street,Limavady at 10am.Free admission but booking is essential,For more information or to book a place,contact 028 7776 6050Meet <strong>the</strong> Soldiers of <strong>the</strong> Siege at Siege Windmil,Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd June, 1 – 5pmA unique opportunity to visit this impressivemonument and learn about its important roleduring <strong>the</strong> 1689 Siege of <strong>Derry</strong>. Meet <strong>the</strong> Jacobitesoldiers who supported <strong>the</strong> Catholic King JamesII, who seized <strong>the</strong> windmill in <strong>the</strong> late 1600s. Learnabout <strong>the</strong> types of weapons <strong>the</strong> soldiers wouldhave used, and listen to tales of how <strong>the</strong>y wouldhave survived on meagre food rations during <strong>the</strong>105 days of <strong>the</strong> Siege.This windmill is located in <strong>the</strong> grounds of LumenChristi College.Free admission, for more informationcontact 028 7136 259532 A33 A

Create prosperity and well being throughenvironment and heritage excellence.Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Ireland Environment AgencyKlondyke BuildingCromac AvenueGasworks Business ParkLower Ormeau RoadMalone lowerBelfastBT7 2JAT. 0845 302 0008www.doeni.gov.uk/nieaHistoric Building & MonumentsWaterman House5-33 Hill StTown parksBelfastBT1 2LAT. 028 9054 3095

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