NICU Follow-Up (12 months)

NICU Follow-Up (12 months) NICU Follow-Up (12 months)
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MovementI like to:• try to walk.• climb up and down stairs.• lower myself to a sitting position.I enjoy it when you:• give me lots of opportunitiesto move.• roll a ball or blow bubbles so Ican chase them.• give me a car or truck to push asI crawl.PlayingI like to:• imitate waving, saying bye-bye,clapping hands, closing my eyes,and blowing a kiss.• learn to dress myself by putting myarms out for sleeves.• give affection to familiar peopleand toys.I enjoy it when you:• let me dress myself.• tell me good-bye when you leaveand that you’ll come back.I don’t like:• strange people or places• new foods.• Napping. I may throw a tantrum,so give me a special toy to holdwhile I sleep.ThinkingI like to:• turn pages in a book.• try to build towers and otherbuildings.• make things happen (actionand reaction).I enjoy it when you:• give me things that I can puttogether, take apart, turn, open,close, and switch.• tie a toy on the end of a string tomy high chair so that when I dropmy toy I can pull it back up.CommunicationI like to:• follow simple directions like“give it to mommy” or “clapyour hands.”• recognize my name and turn tosee who called me.• babble with rhythm.I enjoy it when you:• tell me all about places we aregoing and what we are seeing.• ask me, “What does a dog say?”and give me a chance to think,even if I don’t know the answer.• tell me nursery rhymes and singsongs to me.Created by the staff of Children’s Hospitals and Clinics, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minn., to champion the special health needs of children. 500/12-043418

MovementI like to:• try to walk.• climb up and down stairs.• lower myself to a sitting position.I enjoy it when you:• give me lots of opportunitiesto move.• roll a ball or blow bubbles so Ican chase them.• give me a car or truck to push asI crawl.PlayingI like to:• imitate waving, saying bye-bye,clapping hands, closing my eyes,and blowing a kiss.• learn to dress myself by putting myarms out for sleeves.• give affection to familiar peopleand toys.I enjoy it when you:• let me dress myself.• tell me good-bye when you leaveand that you’ll come back.I don’t like:• strange people or places• new foods.• Napping. I may throw a tantrum,so give me a special toy to holdwhile I sleep.ThinkingI like to:• turn pages in a book.• try to build towers and otherbuildings.• make things happen (actionand reaction).I enjoy it when you:• give me things that I can puttogether, take apart, turn, open,close, and switch.• tie a toy on the end of a string tomy high chair so that when I dropmy toy I can pull it back up.CommunicationI like to:• follow simple directions like“give it to mommy” or “clapyour hands.”• recognize my name and turn tosee who called me.• babble with rhythm.I enjoy it when you:• tell me all about places we aregoing and what we are seeing.• ask me, “What does a dog say?”and give me a chance to think,even if I don’t know the answer.• tell me nursery rhymes and singsongs to me.Created by the staff of Children’s Hospitals and Clinics, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minn., to champion the special health needs of children. 500/<strong>12</strong>-043418

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