Student Handbook 2011-2012 - Public Schools of Robeson County

Student Handbook 2011-2012 - Public Schools of Robeson County Student Handbook 2011-2012 - Public Schools of Robeson County
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WelcomeI am looking forward to working at Fairmont Middle School and foresee a great school year. I hope tocontinue improving the education of the students of Fairmont Middle School. It is my belief that highexpectations are a must in order for children to succeed.I have an open door policy at FMS and will be happy to discuss any concerns you might have. I believeschool safety is the first key ingredient to having a successful school and this handbook will help relaythe school’s expectations. Consequently, the rules and regulations contained within this handbook havebeen carefully developed and will help to insure school safety and order. You will discover that it wasnecessary to include additional rules governing student behavior. Please take the time to review thishandbook with your child and don’t hesitate to contact me with any concerns.Thank you for your support this school year.Mr. John Avery BrooksPrincipal4

General Information of School DayThe school day begins at 7:50 a.m. and ends at 2:40 p.m. (unless otherwise stated). Schoolbuses begin to depart at approximately 2:50 p.m. Students must ride their assigned bus at all times andwill not be allowed to change buses unless it is an emergency. In the case of an emergency, contactthe principal or assistant principal and we will make a decision as to whether or not it is an emergency.Please follow this policy, as we want to insure absolute safety for your child. The tardy bell rings at8:00. All students who arrive after 8:00 are considered tardy. The parent must come in and sign in theirchild. Please be informed that consistent tardiness could result in a child being sent to ISS until thatperiod is over.Bringing Students EarlyWe realize that some parents have early work schedules and feel it is necessary to bring their childrento school early. However, there is no one at school before 7:15 a.m. to supervise your child. Students leftat school unsupervised before school hours can present serious problems for you and your child.Cafeteria and custodial workers are not responsible for student supervision.We are asking for your help and support to see that this situation does not apply to you and yourchild, as our only concern is for the safety and protection of your child. Please do not bring your child toschool before 7:15 a.m. The building will be locked and your child will be left unsupervised outside thebuilding.After School ReleaseSchool is dismissed at 2:40 p.m. daily. Students are expected to leave campus immediately unlessthey are participating in an extracurricular activity. Recreational ball is not a responsibility of the school.School personnel are not responsible for supervision of those students after school hours. The personassigned through the recreational department is the person responsible for supervision. Unless the schoolis notified we are not aware of schedules or cancellations of games or practices.Early ReleaseAll parents or legal guardians requesting early release of a child prior to the dismissal time must signtheir child out in the front office. At this time, the student will be called to the office. Parents are notallowed to pick up a child at the classroom. All visitors must report to the office upon arrival on campus.Students are released only to parents or legal guardians unless previous arrangements have been madeby the parent with the principal or assistant principal. With our new checkout system, you will have touse ID to check out a student. Parent pick- up ends at 2:30 pm. Parents arriving on campus after 2:30pm must pick up their child in the designated area for student pick- up (circle drive) unless it is anemergency.School ClosingIn the event of inclement weather or mechanical breakdown, the school may be closed, starting timedelayed, or dismissed early. Any such circumstances will be announced over all local radio stations:WEWO-Laurinburg, (1460 AM) and TV channels 3, 6, and 13. If no report is heard, it may be assumedthat school will be opening on time. Please use all available resources before calling the school. Pleasediscuss with your child, in advance, what procedures to follow should school dismiss early.VisitorsParents are always welcome in our school. When you do visit, we ask that you stop by the office immediatelyupon arrival. You will be issued a Visitor’s Pass, which must be worn during your visit. Parents or guardians areallowed to visit the classrooms. However, we ask for 24 hour prior notice for safety reasons. Siblings, cousins, orfriends are not allowed to visit the classrooms.5

WelcomeI am looking forward to working at Fairmont Middle School and foresee a great school year. I hope tocontinue improving the education <strong>of</strong> the students <strong>of</strong> Fairmont Middle School. It is my belief that highexpectations are a must in order for children to succeed.I have an open door policy at FMS and will be happy to discuss any concerns you might have. I believeschool safety is the first key ingredient to having a successful school and this handbook will help relaythe school’s expectations. Consequently, the rules and regulations contained within this handbook havebeen carefully developed and will help to insure school safety and order. You will discover that it wasnecessary to include additional rules governing student behavior. Please take the time to review thishandbook with your child and don’t hesitate to contact me with any concerns.Thank you for your support this school year.Mr. John Avery BrooksPrincipal4

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