Bhagavad Gita: A Complete Translation

Bhagavad Gita: A Complete Translation

Bhagavad Gita: A Complete Translation


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सवर्भूतािन कौन्तेय, यािन्त मािमकाम् ।कल्पक्षये पुनस् तािन, कल्पादौ िवसृजाम्य् अहम् ॥९.७॥All beings merge into My primary material Nature (Prakriti) at the end of ‘Maha-Kalp’, Kaunteya,and I create them again at the beginning of the next cycle. (9.07)पर्कृ ित स्वाम् अवभ्य, िवसृजािम पुनः पुनः ।भूतगर्ामम् इमं कृ त्म्, अवशं पर्कृ तेर् वशात् ॥९.८॥I create the entire multitude of beings, which are under the influence of their own natures, again andagain with the help of My material Nature (Prakriti). (9.08)न च मां तािन कमार्िण, िनबिन्त धनंजय।उदासीनवाद् आसीनम्, असक्तं तेषु कमर्सु ॥९.९॥These acts of creation do not bind Me, Dhananjay, because I remain indifferent and unattached tothose acts. (9.09)मयाध्यक्षेण पर्कृ ितः, सूयते सचारचरम् ।हेतुनानेन कौन्तेय, जगद् िवपिरवतर्ते ॥९.१०॥Kaunteya, under My supervision, the material Nature (Prakriti) creates all animate and inanimateobjects and thus the creation keeps on going. (9.10)अवजानिन्त मां मूढा, मानुष तनुम् आिशर्तम् ।परं भावम् अजानन्तो, मम भूतमहेरम् ॥९.११॥मोघाशा मोघकमार्णो, मोघज्ञाना वेचेतसः ।राक्षसीम् आसुर चैव, पर्कृ ित मोिहन िशर्ताः ॥९.१२॥The ignorant persons despise Me when I appear in human form, because they do not know Mytranscendental nature as the great Lord of all beings, and take Me for an ordinary human being. Theyare unable to recognize Me, because they have false hopes, false actions, and false knowledge; andpossess delusive qualities of fiends and demons. (9.11-12)महात्मानस् तु मां पाथर्, दैव पर्कृ ितम् आिशर्ताः ।भजन्त्य् अनन्यमनसो, ज्ञात्वा भूतािदम् अयम् ॥९.१३॥But great souls, Parth, who possess divine qualities, know Me as immutable; as the material andefficient cause of creation, and worship Me single-mindedly with loving devotion. (9.13)सततं कीतर्यन्तो मां, यतन्त दृढवर्ताः ।नमस्यन्त मां भक्त्या, िनत्ययुक्ता उपासते ॥९.१४॥Persons of firm resolve seek (worship) Me with ever-steadfast devotion by always reciting Myglories, striving to attain Me, and prostrating before Me with love and devotion. (9.14)ज्ञानयज्ञेन चाप्य् अन्ये, यजन्तो माम् उपासते ।एकत्वेन पृथक्त्वेन, बहुधा िवतोमुखम् ॥९.१५॥Some seek (worship) Me by acquiring the knowledge of God. Others worship the infinite as theOne in all (or non-dual), as the master of all (or dual), and in various other ways. (9.15)50

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