Bhagavad Gita: A Complete Translation

Bhagavad Gita: A Complete Translation

Bhagavad Gita: A Complete Translation


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मः परतरं नान्यत्, िकिचद् अिस्त धनंजय ।मिय सवर्म् इदं पर्ोतं, सूतर्े मिणगणा इव ।।७.७।।There is nothing higher than Me (the Supreme Being), Dhananjaya. Everything in the universe isstrung on Me (the Supreme Being), like jewels are strung on the thread of a necklace. (7.07)रसोऽहम् अप्सु कौन्तेय, पर्भािस्म शिशसूयर्योः ।पर्णवः सवर्वेदेष, शब्दः खे पौरुषं नृषु ।।७.८।।पुण्यो गन्धः पृिथां च, तेजािस्म िवभावसौ ।जीवनं सवर्भूतेषु, तपश् चािस्म तपिस्वषु ।।७.९।Kaunteya, I am the sapidity in the water, I am the radiance in the sun and the moon, the sacredsyllable Aum in all the Vedas, the word (sound or vibration) in the space-ether, and potency in humanbeings. I am the sweet fragrance of the earth. I am the heat in the fire, the life in all living beings, andthe austerity in the ascetics. (7.08-09)बीजं मां सवर्भूतानां िवि पाथर् सनातनम् ।बुिर् बुिमताम् अिस्म, तेजस् तेजिस्वनाम् अहम् ।।७.१0।।बलं बलवतां चाहं, कामरागिवविजतम् ।धमार्िवरुो भूतेषु, कामोऽिस्म भरतषर्भ ।।७.११।।Parth, know Me to be the eternal seed of all creatures. I am the intelligence of the intelligent, andthe brilliance of the brilliant. I am the strength of the strong who is devoid of selfish attachment. I amthe desire, the lust that is in accord with Dharma (Duty or service), Bharatarshabh, in the humanbeings. (7.10-11)ये चैव साित्त्वका भावा, राजसास् तामसा ये ।म एवेित तान् िवि, न त्व् अहं तेषु ते मिय ।।७.१२।।Know that three modes of material Nature Satvic (goodness), Rajasic) (passion), and Tamasic(ignorance) also emanate from Me. I am not dependent on, or affected by, the modes of materialNature; but the modes of material Nature are dependent on Me. (7.12)ितर्िभर् गुणमयैर् भावैर्, एिभः सवर्म् इदं जगत् ।मोिहतं नािभजानाित, माम् एभ्यः परम् अयम् ।।७.१३।।Whole world, deluded by various aspects of these three modes of material Nature; do not knowMe, who is eternal and above these modes. (7.13)दैवी एषा गुणमयी, मम माया दुरत्यया ।माम् एव ये पर्पन्ते, मायाम् एतां तरिन्त ते ।।७.१४।।This divine power (Maya) of Mine, consisting of three states of matter or mind, is very difficult tosee through (difficult to overcome). Only those who seek Me, who surrender unto Me, swim easilyacross this Maya (the divine illusion). (7.14)42

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