Bhagavad Gita: A Complete Translation

Bhagavad Gita: A Complete Translation

Bhagavad Gita: A Complete Translation


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ज्ञानिवज्ञानतृात्मा, कू टस्थो िविजतेिन्दर्यः।युक्त इत्युच्यते योगी, समलोाश्मकानः ।।६.८।।A person is called yogi who has both Self-knowledge and Self-realization, who is equanimous,who has control over the mind and senses, and to whom a clod, a stone, and gold are the same. (6.08)सुहृिन्मतर्ायुर्दासीन-मध्यस्थेष्यबन्धुषु ।साधुष्व् अिप च पापेषु, समबुिर् िविशष्यते ।।६.९।।A person is considered superior who is impartial towards companions, friends, enemies, neutrals,arbiters, haters, relatives, saints, and sinners. (6.09)योगी युीत सततम्, आत्मानं रहिस िस्थतः ।एकाकी यतिचात्मा, िनराशीय् अपिरगर्हः ।।६.१०।।A yogi, seated in solitude and alone, should constantly try to contemplate on a mental picture orjust the majesty of the Supreme Being after bringing the mind and senses under control, and becomingfree from desires and proprietorship. (6.10)शुचौ देशे पर्िताय, िस्थरम् आसनम् आत्मनः ।नात्युिच्छर्तं नाितनीचं, चैलािजनकु शोरम् ।।६.११।।ततर्ैकागर्ं मनः कृ त्वा,यतिचेिन्दर्यिकर्यः ।उपिवश्यासने युञ्ज्याद्, योगमात्मिवशुये ।।६.१२।।One should sit on his or her own firm seat that is neither too high nor too low, covered with grass,a deerskin, and a cloth, one over the other, in a clean spot. Sitting there in a comfortable position andconcentrating the mind on God, controlling the thoughts and the activities of the senses, one shouldpractice meditation for self-purification. (6.11-12)समं कायिशरोगर्ीवं धारय् अचलं िस्थरः ।संपर्ेय नािसकागर्ं स्वं, िदशानवलोकयन् ।।६.१३।।पर्शान्तात्मा िवगतभीर्, बर्चािरवर्ते िस्थतः ।मनः संयम्य मच्चो, युक्त आसीत मत्परः ।।६.१४।।One should sit by holding the waist, spine, chest, neck, and head erect, motionless and steady; fixthe eyes and the mind steadily on the front of the nose, without looking around; make your mindserene and fearless, practice celibacy; have the mind under control, think of Me, and have Me as theSupreme goal. (6.13-14)युज् एवं सदात्मानं, योगी िनयतमानसः ।शािन्त िनवार्णपरमां, मत्संस्थाम् अिधगच्छित ।।६.१५।।Thus, by always practising to keep the mind fixed on Me, the yogi whose mind is subdued attainspeace of Nirvan (Moksha, Liberation) and comes to Me. (6.15)नात्यतस् तु योगोऽिस्त, न चैकान्तम् अनतः ।न चाित स्वशीलस्य, जागर्तो नैव चाजुर्न ।।६.१६।।This yog is not possible, Arjun, for the one who eats too much, or who does not eat at all; whosleeps too much or too little. (6.16)36

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